Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 254: :emegency notice

   Seven o'clock in the evening.

   Su Qingyue greeted everyone to go to the canteen of the language university.

   Although there is no convenient cafeteria for minus one, you can exercise your body in the evening and everyone is very happy.

The boulevards on both sides of    are beautiful, and some college students pass by from time to time.

   See they are talking and laughing.

   Tianzhong said enviously: "University life is better, carefree."

   "If you let me live again, it doesn't matter if I learn or not, I have to find someone. After saving it, there is only work and no life." Gao Shixian interrupted with a smile.

   Su Qingyue listened to the side, secretly sighing that it is not easy for developers.

   Their character is inherently introverted.

   Coupled with the nature of the job, it is really difficult.

   I feel that in the future, I will be a programmer’s blind date.

   is also a benefit for everyone.

   was thinking, Ning Cheng suddenly interjected next to him: "Is your problem because of work?"

   She said so, and everyone looked at her instantly.

   She continued: "Even if there is no job, the gorilla cannot find a girlfriend in the human world."

  In a short time, everyone burst into laughter.

   Gao Shixian was blushing when she said that.

   In order to comfort the victim, Su Qing laughed, patted Gao Shixian on the shoulder and said, "I will introduce you to you later."

   Everyone said, Ning Cheng's teeth were sharp in the discussion.

  Language University has many foreign students, and there are many foreigners in the boulevards of the campus.

   Su Qingyue asked Qingqing in advance, so he knew that the third and fourth floors of the second canteen were delicious.

   took everyone upstairs.

   Everyone discusses food.

   Some people say that they like Chinese food.

   Some people say they like Japanese food.

   I also like western food.

  Only Ouyang said, "It's delicious, I don't know how many kinds are."

   Liu Yuming smiled and said, "You will be clear by eating slowly."

   Because it was already 7:20 when they arrived, there were already a lot fewer people in the cafeteria.

   Everyone went shopping. Su Qingyue told Ouyang to eat more meat, especially fish.

   Wang Xinjie bought some sushi, omelet rice chosen by Liu Yuming.

   Ouyang chose a braised grass carp.

   Everyone was talking and laughing. As soon as I sat down, I saw another group of people coming in at the entrance.

   Several of them discuss things from time to time, and it seems that there is something wrong.

   Another person is calling and walking at the back.

   "The engine research and development department, look at the engine research and development department...Xu Ge...Xu Ge..."

   Su Qingyue just realized that the person calling was the department manager of the engine R&D department: Xu Ge.

   I heard Ning Cheng say excitedly.

   Seeing her pulling Lian Xiaoxue's sleeves, it seemed that there was something secret.

   Xu Ge keeps calling.

   didn't notice it.

   just talked, his shirt was a plaid shirt.

   wears black-rimmed glasses.

   is a little bit fat, baby-faced, if it weren't for a slight flattening, it would be like a child.

   They went to the window to buy groceries.

   Ning Cheng said angrily: "Xiao Xue, he dare to be so big, can you bear it?"

   "Stop making trouble." Ning Cheng said so, even Xiaoxue's face blushed instantly.

   Su Qingyue listened and felt that there was a story in it.

   Liu Yuming, Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie all around looked at each other.

   At this time, Xu Ge finally put down the phone and started buying food.

   Their people are not far from Su Qing.

   is only a few tables away, so everyone greeted each other.

   Xu Ge has a big shelf, just nodding lightly.

   did not say a word.

   Liu Yuming half-jokingly said: "He dare to treat his goddess like this."

   Ning Cheng said: "Xiao Xue, you go and bring his plate of sushi!"

   "Oh, stop making trouble." Everyone said, even Xiao Xue's face turned red.

   Everyone was joking and started eating.

   I have to talk about the canteen of the language university, not to mention the company's ground floor, even the general small shops can't match their taste.

   is delicious and not expensive.

   Wang Xinjie praised: "This sushi is really good."

   Ning Cheng said: "This braised pork rice is also good."

   Seeing that everyone is very satisfied and full of praise, Su Qingyue is very pleased.

   Tanaka toasted at this time, and said: "We will fix it here in the future..."

   After another word, everyone picked up the cups and replaced the wine with drinks.

  The topic soon returned to Lian Xiaoxue and Xu Ge.

   From Ning Cheng’s mouth, Su Qingyue knew that the goddess Xu Ge was Lian Xiaoxue.

   And the other party often creates topics in the forum, discussing the entire game circle, no one is better than Lian Xiaoxue.

   Although it is a trumpet.

   But because of a discussion in the engine R&D department.

   The account is still exposed, letting many people know that this account is Xu Ge.

   Su Qingyue listened, and actually felt that even Xiaoxue was indeed qualified as a goddess in terms of temperament.

   She is not that kind of beautiful woman.

   But the temperament exuded by the developers is not comparable to the beautiful women outside.

   At least Xu Ge's taste is much stronger than that of Gao Yanhai.

   Su Qingyue thought, and felt that the developer’s love was also strange.

   is so shy.

   also pretends to be cold, like a child.

   He couldn't help but shook his head. Looking at Lian Xiaoxue, he didn't seem to dislike Xu Ge too much.

   Hearing her sentence: "He is a good person."

   Su Qing laughed, half-jokingly, and Tian Zhong said: "Teacher Tian, ​​connect with the engine R&D department, do you know whom to call?"

   After another word, Tanaka nodded with a smile.

  Su Qingyue originally wanted to call Xu Ge and the others.

   But Lian Xiaoxue's face kept flushing.

   He thought that even if there is any connection, it should be the matter of both of them.

   So he said nothing in the end.

   Everyone continued to eat and chatted as they ate.

   was talking, Su Qingyue's cell phone rang.

   He looked at the number and found that it was Jiao Kejun, so he picked it up.

   "Qingyue, where are you."

   "Leading the brothers of the project team, we are eating nearby." Su Qingyue explained.

   "Okay, then you come back and we have an office meeting."

   "No problem." Su Qingyue said ~www.ltnovel.com~How long? "Jiao Kejun's tone can be heard very worried.

   Su Qingyue wondered what could make the former anxious.

   looked at the watch, looked at everyone's situation, and said, "Twenty-five minutes."

   "Come directly to my office."

   The two hung up after speaking.

   Su Qingyue pondered a little bit, but couldn't think of what went wrong.

   finally waited for Qin Shaofeng to finish eating.

   Everyone returned to the company.

   It's already 8:20 by this time.

   It took an hour to eat, and everyone's spirits improved.

  Su Qingyue is very satisfied with this decision.

   Then he went back to the office, took the pen and notebook, and went to Jiao Kejun's office.

   As soon as he walked in, he found that Chen Ting, Gao Yanhai, and Li Lin were all there.

   Each of them looked solemn.

   Jiao Kejun, who never smokes, even ordered one.

   Gao Yanhai’s headphones were also taken off.

   Su Qingyue was surprised.

   Then Jiao Kejun went directly to the topic and said, "Let's start..."

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