Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 255: : It's time to come

   "Qicai strategic transformation, instead of independent research and development, the main agent is boutique..."

   Jiao Kejun deliberately stated the deep-seated reason first, as if he was avoiding blurting out the terrible result.

  Su Qingyue felt that his expression was not only helpless, but also a touch of despair.

   My eyes freeze.

   Li Lin and Gao Yanhai beside them should have known all the information, and they have lost their previous pride.

   was replaced by bewildered.

   What can do with Qicai? It was almost unnecessary to think about it, Su Qingyue understood immediately.

   Then, Jiao Kejun sighed and said: "They are going to divest..."

   finally heard the result from him.

   Su Qingyue was startled.

   Although the performance of the Three Kingdoms has continued to decline before, he has a hunch that Qi Cai will not sit idly by.

   Such a decisive action still made him startled for a moment.

   then subconsciously asked: "How long does the process take?"

   "It's the end of the year, now it's considered to inform us in advance." Jiao Kejun returned to him.

  Su Qingyue nodded and asked in surprise: "Did you have no agreement at the time?"

   "There is a bet on the agreement, but look at the current situation..." He spread his hand and looked at Li Lin. The latter did not have the same pride as before, and said nothing. Jiao Kejun continued: "There is still half a year, and it is impossible to complete at present. People also exercise their power routinely and say hello in advance..."

   "Then what do you think now?" Su Qingyue asked.

   Want to know, what does he think of this difficult start plan?

   Is it going to die? He thought of the worst ending.

At this time, Jiao Kejun sighed and said, “Even if we don’t withdraw funds, we will find it hard to stick to it, let alone the plan for new products...” He said, “Plus the repayment of the initial capital, this is for the company. It’s even worse."

   "What are your plans?" Su Qingyue asked, forcing himself to calm down.

   "We need to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and cut some projects and teams." He said, and pointed out: "Including Mr. Gao and..."

   "And mine?" Su Qingyue asked, speaking out his own judgment.

   "Qingyue, it is not that your project is not good, but that we must be prepared for the winter." Jiao Kejun explained.

"General Manager Gao’s project has been prepared for so long, hasn’t it been cut off?" Li Lin followed, his expression inertially disdainful: "You can rely on the experimental projects of your few big cats and kittens to save. The whole company? Not to mention just the beginning." He said, shook his head. The obvious meaning is that Gao Yanhai's projects have all been stopped, and you are the oldest.

   I really want to reply to him: garbage items shouldn't exist in the first place.

   can still hold back.

   The most important thing now is not to take advantage of the mouth, but not to lose, not to let this project come to an abrupt end.

   This is not selfish, it is also selfish.

The reason why    is not selfish is because the free model is an innovation in the industry, and it is also the spark that focuses on survival.

   is selfish because this is also his personal ideal of Su Qingyue.

   Anyway, you can't let it die suddenly.

At the next moment, he finally said: "I can't guarantee salvation, but I believe this must be the mainstream model in the future," he said: "In this case, if we didn't even try, why did we start? "

   Jiao Kejun did not speak, obviously hesitated.

   Gao Yanhai’s fighting spirit disappeared long ago because the project was cut down.

   Li Lin's face is gloomy, probably because of the failure of the Three Kingdoms project, his momentum has become less obvious than before.

   Anyway, when he said that, all three of them were silent.

   Only Chen Ting beside her listened, and she couldn't help but nod her head.

Su Qingyue then added: “Of course it’s easy to die on your knees, but if you want a turnaround, this project should definitely be retained now...” He said, “What’s more, my project is not a new start, but on the original foundation. In this case, the capital occupation and time cost are both controllable."

   "Don't you understand? It's not the question of kneeling to death, but the winter!" Li Lin finally spoke again.

   Gao Yanhai finally followed: "What can you change with this small project?"

"This project is revolutionary. We talked about it before. If it succeeds, it will be limitless for the company. Even if there are temporary difficulties, it will change the future because of the revolutionary model." Su Qingyue said, looking towards Jiao Kejun: "Moreover, Internet companies are inherently asset-light. If people are gone, then there is really nothing."

   other words.

   The disappointment and consternation just now disappeared slowly.

   He realized that if he gave up, it would become a joke in the industry.

   At the same time, he couldn't explain to these brothers, to himself for such a long time.

   The next moment, he just wanted to continue talking, but Jiao Kejun suddenly stopped him.

"Qingyue, I understand the truth, but what I want to tell you is," he said: "The company must cut expenditures and increase revenue. In this case, even your research and development costs and future marketing expenses may be counted as possible. There is only two or three million space. You are a marketer and you know what this means."

   "I understand." Su Qingyue nodded.

   Only then did I understand that Jiao Kejun didn't talk about the divestment just now, but about the underlying reasons for Colorful.

   is not because it is scary.

   but because he knew in his heart the importance of this project to him and the focus.

  The marketing expenses of a single project of Kehualuo start at tens of millions a year.

   The marketing expenses of any company in the market are in the tens of millions.

   And what they have, including research and development expenses, is only two to three million.

  How to compete, how to compete?

   This is a dead move.

   looked at Jiao Kejun's hesitant expression.

   I think of Chen Feng's words: This is a road of no return, extremely dark, painful, without dignity, and without life, but once it succeeds, it is a joy that cannot be expressed in any words.

  Su Qingyue thought he would be extremely desperate.

   Unexpectedly, the next moment, the fighting spirit took over.

   continued to ask: "Well...how much can I give, and how long?"

   "It's less than three hundred..." Jiao Kejun sighed, "And it needs to be paid in batches, which also includes the team's research and development costs." He said, rubbing his eyebrows behind his desk and looking at him.

   I can’t tell but I hope he agrees.

   I still don’t want it.

   In short, his gaze is contradictory and complicated, with a hint of help.

  Think about the promise between them.

   Do you still have a way out?

   Giving up is not retreat, but destruction.

   The next moment, Su Qingyue finally gritted his teeth and said, "I'll do it!"

   other words~www.ltnovel.com~Li Lin and Gao Yanhai were stunned.

   looked at him.

   The former said: "Can you do it? Two months, with a bunch of recruits, and an old fritters!"

   The latter said: "Are you kidding me?"

"First, Tian Zhong is not an old fried dough stick. He is conservative, steady, loyal and responsible. Second, they are recruits, but they are not fools. I just need people with no old ideas for this project. I believe them! "Su Qingyue retorted Li Lin word by word.

   also emphasized to Gao Yanhai: "Third, it is to use a small scale, if the model is really good, then I have confidence. And I am a professional marketing background, the solution is more difficult than it is."

  Other words, Li Lin and Gao Yanhai were stunned.

   Chen Ting showed appreciative eyes.

   Jiao Kejun finally showed some hope at this time.

   said seriously: "Qingyue, then please!"

   "Hmm." Su Qingyue nodded seriously.

   In fact, he can't tell whether his decision is correct.

   He just thinks this must be done.

   Regardless of whether it is facing a knife mountain or a pan.

   Go! Be the first to rush!


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