Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 256: : Bear alone

   He thought about trying a new model and doing something that no one else has done before. Of course it is not easy.

   I am also prepared for the hurdles I may encounter.

   The possibility of divestment is still somewhat beyond expectation.

   After coming out of the office, he was a little confused and didn't know if he was right.

   When seeing the brothers in the corner of death, they are still busy.

   but immediately made up his mind.

   Even for them, nothing was wrong.

   How do you tell them that the time is shortened and the budget is not enough? Su Qingyue hesitated.

  Go to the office.

   Chen Ting asked casually: "Aren't you going home?"

   Su Qing laughed more and replied: "I'll be with my brothers."

   After speaking, he went back to the office.

   I have already figured out that I can't tell everyone about it so late.

   First, this matter is very sensitive. Once it is said, it will greatly affect the team's forward momentum.

  Secondly, everyone is working overtime, and it is very damaging to enthusiasm to rashly attack the existing progress. .

   Based on the above two considerations, Su Qingyue thinks it will be opened tomorrow.

   And to adjust the release of information.

   can't tell with each other.

   made a cup of tea and looked at the scenery outside the window.

   Pingjing’s night is beautiful.

   The moon rarely came out of the clouds, and his attention returned to the screen.

   He typed a question on the computer: How to make a brand famous without advertising investment?

   began to list known conditions.

   Reasoning step by step like doing a math problem, trying to find the optimal solution.

   Su Qingyue found it very difficult anyway.

   This is different from the imperfections he has encountered in Hualuo before.

   What he encountered this time was completely unformable.

   All the known conditions are not true, but now it is necessary to get the result that must be successful.

   This is equivalent to doing a math problem.

   In all cases that meet the title, no conclusion can be drawn for the true proposition.

   But now I want to make it stand.

   It's no wonder that Li Lin and Gao Yanhai both had distrustful eyes after finishing talking.

   called Zhou Ziyou into the office.

   When the latter came in, he took the initiative to bring him a cup of tea.

   "Ziyou, you think about this issue like this." Su Qingyue said: "It is possible that our market budget is less than 500,000 yuan, what do you do?"

   "No... less than? Five hundred thousand?"

   Zhou Ziyou's eyes widened instantly, probably thinking that he had heard it wrong.

   repeatedly said several shortcomings, until he saw Su Qingyue's very sure gaze.

   Then I realized that the boss was not joking.

  Think for a moment.

   Zhou Ziyou adjusted his emotions, and then said: "I think the forum is hot first, and a small amount of news aids."

   "There must be something else, you find a way to deal with it."


  Zhou Ziyou nodded without saying a word, how to do it, and even why it happened.

   This is what Su Qingyue admires most about him.

   was thinking about him getting up and leaving. When he walked to the door, he suddenly looked back at him.

   As if there is something to say, Su Qingyue asked: "What's wrong?"

   "Boss, it is not easy to do things, you have worked hard." Zhou Ziyou sighed and comforted him.

   knows his kindness.

   Su Qing laughed more and more: "What are you talking about, I have nothing to do, do it now."


   Zhou Ziyou nodded and then left.

   After another twelve o'clock, the whole day of work was finally over.

   Su Qingyue discovered that today is one hour later than yesterday.

When    went out, Wadazhong said, "We will have a meeting tomorrow morning."

   "Okay," Tanaka nodded and said, "It just so happens that the plan will come out immediately, and the basic time has been confirmed."

   Hearing what he said, Su Qingyue raised his breath a little and asked, "How long?"

   "Three months, it must come out."

   Tanaka said, everyone walked out of the hall.

   There are a lot fewer people on the street.

   Su Qingyue specially asked Lian Xiaoxue and Ning Cheng to speak in the group when they got home.

   then thought for a moment, then followed: "Also write down the car number and send it to the group."

   Other words, let's watch everyone get in the car one by one.

   In the end, he was the only one left in Hotan, and he sent the latter to the car.

   With the car door open, Su Qingyue finally said, "Tian teacher, maybe the time has to go further."

   "Want to go further?" Tanaka was stunned, and explained: "My speed is already very fast."

   "I know..." Su Qingyue originally wanted to talk.

   But the door was open, and the driver looked back at them.

   Think about it too early.

   Su Qingyue said: "Let’s talk about it tomorrow."

   "OK." Tanaka nodded.

   Watching him leave, Su Qingyue sighed helplessly. He suddenly realized that he could not tell the difficulty.

   He has to carry everything himself.

   felt very tired for an instant, and wanted to walk around.

   But Amou was still at home, so she had to take a taxi back.

   The car is fast at night, so I open the windows and let the cool breeze blow.

   tried my best to focus on solving the problem.

   When passing by the barbecue stall.

   suddenly felt that I wanted to drink two bottles.

   He got out of the car early.

   ordered dozens of skewers of meat and a pack of beer.

   walked back carrying it, and when I entered the door, I saw Brother Guang drinking too.

   The two laughed at each other.

   Brother Guang has a festive meaning on his face, obviously happy.

   Su Qingyue asked: "Do you have a happy event?"

"Well, Xiaoxuan has posted two pictures of the children and a video." He said, taking out his phone and pointing to the unclear screen: "I have used it as a wallpaper, and I can see it all the time. "At this point, he laughed and said: "Moreover, I and Kongkongwang have almost talked about it, basically the conditions you mentioned."

"they can?"

"no problem."

   "It's great." Su Qing laughed.

   pointed to the room, and Brother Guang nodded.

   I went back to the room first, it was one thirty-five, and Amo was still reading a novel.

   Seeing him come back, he turned his hand off.

   said lightly: "Sleep?"

   "Brother Guang and I were in the outhouse to eat something and talk something." Su Qingyue said.

   "You come back so late and you still have to drink, what time do you drink?"

   "I will sleep in a while, and I won't go out." Su Qingyue said.

   He wanted to talk to Amou about today.

   I think this is like a heavy burden.

   But her thin shoulders.

   Su Qingyue suddenly realized that she should not bear such a heavy burden.

   shouldn't worry her so much.

   After thinking about it, I had to hold back and coax her.

   Then I went out and sat down with Brother Guang.

   "This thing is almost done, let's go." Su Qingyue said.

   "Hey, it's not necessarily true," Brother Guang shook his head: "As long as things don't settle for a day, they don't count."

   "Did you two chat?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "No, she still refuses." Talking about sister Xiaoxuan, Brother Guang sighed.

   Su Qingyue had to diverge from this topic.

   After a while ~www.ltnovel.com~ talked about capital injection.

   Su Qingyue reminded him: "But remember, no matter how attractive their conditions are, never sign a bet."

   "Right to bet?" Brother Guang was taken aback for a moment, and he immediately recalled, and said: "A player website, where is such a great economic value, it certainly won't, don't worry."

"This kind of agreement violates the principle of fairness," Su Qingyue said: "How can any investment be made without losing money? If you want to invest, you must accept the risk, otherwise it will simply exist in the bank." Thinking of the focus, Su Qing drank more and more. He sighed and sighed.

   See that he has something on his mind.

   Brother Guang asked: "What's wrong?"

   Su Qingyue wanted to talk about his situation.

   I could talk to my lips, but I suddenly realized that I was different now.

  The level of exposure to trade secrets is also different.

   Talking nonsense will affect the company's operations.

   Even if it is facing Brother Guang, it is the same.

   Finally, he had to rub his eyebrows, sighed, and said, "It's just too tired."

   Stop talking, take a cup.

   The two of them drank their drinks.

  Su Qingyue understands what Chen Feng said better: Everything must be borne by yourself, no one can help you, and the mental pressure is huge.

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