Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 257: : Make a dojo in the shell

   I drank with Brother Guang until 3:30 that night.

   From Song Xiaoxuan’s chat to the company, it’s the end.

   Su Qingyue discovered that in the end he forgot to work.

   Although it did not solve any practical problems.

   is still very decompressed.

During the    period, they didn't even know what joke they had, and they both laughed wildly.

   Until I wake Amu, walk out and stare at them.

   Su Qingyue just sobered up suddenly, and hurried back to the house to sleep.

   can't remember what dreams I had at night.

   Anyway, I woke up the next morning, although the pressure was still there, but I was able to treat it calmly.

   Look at the watch, it is already 7:25 in the morning.

   only slept for four hours, but he was very energetic.

   washed a lot, put on the clothes and was about to leave, looking back, Ah Mou had opened his eyes.

   "Would you like to buy breakfast for you?" Su Qingyue asked.

"Su Qingyue, you can come back late because of work. But if you drink until after three o'clock, is it also for work? When can you and Brother Guang not drink, I don't care how you drink on weekends..." A Mou lay on his back Then, vent the emotions that I had held back last night: "Have you ever thought about how others feel? After waiting for you all night, you will go drinking when you come back."


   Hearing what she said, Su Qingyue suddenly froze.

   I wanted to say that yesterday I was really stressed and wanted to drink.

   I thought for a while, but I couldn't say this to Amu.

   Suddenly there was a feeling like a knuckle in his throat.

   In the end, he had to apologize: "I was wrong, not as an example."

   "You can figure it out by yourself, just wait until this time every day, don't you want your own body?"

   "Take a rest early in the future, don't wait for me. I'm fine, things have just started to be busy, and it will be fine after a while..."

   "Huh..." Ah Shu exhaled.

   Seeing that he was about to catch up with the traffic jam, Su Qingyue still sat down, patiently coaxed her for a while.

   Finally, he promised never to break his promise.

When    left, it was already seven forty-five.

   I thought I would miss Dongshan's car.

   A champion cake came, but Dongshan actually honked his horn behind his back.

   got in the car quickly.

   "Are you coming out late today?" Su Qingyue said with a smile.

   "I drank too much yesterday." He said, smiling, as if he didn't care.

   "How much did you drink?"

"Hey, it's more than a catty, I'm covered up in the back." He cheerfully said again: "My last memory is that this lady gave me a bit as soon as I got home, and I forgot all about it later." He said Then, he laughed out loud: "You made trouble with me this morning, I said I don't remember anything, what are you making with me! This girl!"

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   It was the first time I saw someone could say this word very kindly.

   Su Qingyue listened with interest.

Dongshan said: "They don't understand how difficult it is for men to be out there. Don't let the alcohol drink, and let people live!" He sighed, and said to Su Qingyue: "You said, I can say it. Right? Some sufferings don’t need to be borne by two people, they have to be borne by themselves. If you’re tired, drinking some wine is also a kind of release..."

   Listening to him, Su Qing became more relaxed.

   I feel that all the burdens are removed.

   Including coaxing Ah Mou in the morning, the helplessness in my heart also disappeared.

   "Yes! Drink!" He laughed.

   The car started again at this time.

   Dongshan thrust from left to right, interspersed in the crowded traffic.

   Fortunately, the green light on Xueyuan Road today seems to be a time to save face, they only took less than thirty minutes to arrive.

   Before leaving, Su Qingyue said to Dongshan: "You are right, you have to take care of some things yourself!"

   entered the unit and found that Zhou Ziyou was talking to the front desk named He Lili.

   In the corner of death, almost everyone has arrived.

   walked over to Hotan and said something, and held a meeting later.

   suddenly noticed that Lian Xiaoxue and Ning Cheng still didn't change their clothes.

   Look at them sluggish.

  Su Qingyue was a little surprised, but didn't think much about it, and went back to the office.

   I quickly sorted out the content of the meeting immediately.

   made a cup of tea, instead of looking out the window, he stared at the computer screen.

   Su Qingyue felt that the time could not be shortened too much.

   In the original three months, encourage everyone as much as possible and just rush forward.

   As for Jiao Kejun and the company's pressure, I must bear it myself.

   He thought, at ten o'clock in the morning, all the staff came to the large conference room again.

   This includes various departments under his banner.

   Seeing everyone talking and laughing, I am full of confidence in the future.

   Tanaka began to talk about the project plan, from the specific implementation plan to the division of labor among the project team members, basically following the direction of Su Qingyue.

   He doesn't think the problem is big. It's just that some details need to be adjusted according to the actual situation of the project.

Just thinking about it, Tanaka continued: "With our existing personnel, full load without weekends, 13-14 hours of research and development a day, about 2 months to produce the first version. Plus QA, BUG repair , Supplementing some details of activities, sorting out the values, etc., can reach the online standard in 3 months. But there is a premise at this time: the cooperation of the art and engine platform departments must not make mistakes...

   I heard him emphasize the full load of time and the problem of cooperating with everyone.

   Su Qing became more aware that he might be worried about moving forward yesterday.

   is the first to propose rationality.

   The next moment, Su Qingyue nodded slightly and said: "Teacher Tian is right, this speed is already very fast. And I have seen everyone's efforts during this period, and I know it is not easy."

   He said, looking around everyone.

   watch them staring at themselves.

   knowing that they are also waiting to continue charging forward.

Su Qing thought for a moment, and then continued: "But we are also lucky. Because the performance of "Three Kingdoms Heroes" has recently declined very sharply, the company is facing a great crisis both at the capital level and the market level." He said: "From this From a perspective, we are actually saving the focus."

   Su Qingyue chose a strange angle.

   not only makes everyone feel crisis, but also makes them feel honor.

  The meeting room became quieter in an instant.

   Although these fresh graduates from the university, they still haven't heard the crisis.

   Tanaka clearly understood.

The next moment, without using Su Qingyue to speak, he preemptively said: "Brothers, see what this means, we have to rush forward." He said, the conversation turned again, and said, "I know, according to the current plan. , It’s already several times the efficiency of previous research and development, but the problem is that external crises won’t wait for us.”

   other words.

   Su Qingyue was startled.

   can't help but thank him, because Tanaka and him undoubtedly know the best of the state and efficiency of this team.

   He took the initiative to speak.

The effect of    is far beyond what I want to say.

   was thinking, this time Gao Shixian from the planning team spoke.

   "I have been very nervous for three months, boss, time is an objective fact."

"Time is of course an objective fact," Wang Xinjie suddenly said at this moment: "But reality is also an objective fact. If we work hard for a long time and finally fail to catch up with the key points, won't the previous work be done in vain?" He said , Spread his hands: "If this is the case, then why start? I can give up now."

   The words behind him made him angry.

   Gao Shixian's face changed instantly.

But before he could respond, Tanaka said again: "All the miracles in this world, none of them can be accomplished step by step." He said, "Brothers, three months is the bottom line. We can move forward a little bit. Just one point, after all, this is also our own future."

   He was talking.

  Su Qingyue noticed that Lian Xiaoxue and Ning Cheng were silent.

  Looking more closely, they looked tired, so their attitude towards Teacher Tian's words was also superficial.

   understand that they are too tired.

   Ouyang spoke at this time, and he said: "I agree with Xinjie, anyway I don't want to eat steamed buns anymore..." He said to Su Qingyue: "Boss, I am at your disposal for twenty-four hours a day!"

After he said something, Wang Xinjie immediately followed his statement: "Ouyang is right! I can also take twenty-four hours! Anyway, I don't want to be transferred back! I was exhausted on that project, and finally went out to look for a job, with a failed project hanging around my neck. Brand!"

   Wang Xinjie said exactly what they were facing.

   The more Su Qing thought, everyone's understanding of hunger is really different.

  Some people's hunger comes from poverty.

  Some people come from honor.

   But no matter what, the next moment, the spirit of the whole team is unified.

   Lian Xiaoxue said, "What did Mr. Tian say, we will do whatever we want! Never hypocritical!"

   Ning Cheng interrupted: "Who do you look down on? Men can do it~www.ltnovel.com~We can do it!"

   Chen Han followed: "I can too. It's not annoying enough to go back to accompany my wife anyway."

   Other words, everyone laughed.

   Su Qingyue felt that his emotions were almost over.

He got up and made a final summary: "Brothers, I know this is difficult." He said, looking around everyone: "But think about it, when we remember the past one day, we will miss the beauty of this moment. Although tired and suffering, what we face is the light of hope."

   He said, everyone is listening.

   "I hope that at some point in the future, you will feel happy when you think back to today. Rather than envy others in life, it is better to create a better tomorrow by yourself."

   He said, feeling the fire in everyone's eyes.

   went on to say: "In the days to come, what time do you come and what time I will come! What time do you leave, what time do I leave! Advance and retreat with you!"

   After another word, the meeting room burst into applause again.

   Ouyang stood up and vowed: "Boss, we will always be by your side!"

   Su Qingyue nodded gratefully.

   He Tianzhong looked at each other for a moment, and both knew that they could go faster.

   Then, the day's work began again.

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