Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 258: :To make friends

time flies.

  The project finally started to progress at a high speed.

day after day……

   In addition to routine work, Su Qingyue often attends planning meetings every day.

   Through meeting after meeting, he has a deeper understanding of the product.

   also understands the thinking angle of R&D personnel better.

   can grow in battle, this is something Su Qingyue is very pleased.

   So I am full of energy every day.

   Even if I leave at two or three at night every day, I get up at 7 in the morning.

   But still very excited.

   Ah Mou laughed at him and said: Brother Su was beaten with blood.

  The same goes for the people involved in this project.

   It's just that Pingjing's temperature is getting higher and higher, and the location of the death corner is weak, which has recently become prominent.

   If you walk a little bit past, you will feel the heat on you.

   Even if Chen Ting installed air conditioning outside, it still couldn't be completely relieved.

   Especially at night, it is really uncomfortable...

   When the weather is very dull, Gao Shixian is shirtless.

   This makes Su Qingyue say it is not, nor is it not.

   There are still two girls in the group after all.

   can be hot, too.

   When eating, Su Qingyue said very tactfully that everyone can wear a hurdle vest.

   As a result, the men have no opinion.

Next to    Ning Cheng followed: "That's so boring!"

   The people present were shocked instantly.

   Only Lian Xiaoxue tugged Ning Cheng's sleeve and blushed.

   But the latter was still indifferent, and said again: "It's that Gao Shixian looks too sorry for the audience. He slapped his stomach and looked at our eyes a little bit."

   Gao Shixian was said, completely dumb.

  The brothers of the project team started to joke about Gao Shixian's appearance.

   Unexpectedly, Ning Cheng quit, and commented: "Ouyang, let alone, malnourished. If we fight, we will take him down in minutes. Just like a bamboo pole, the wind blows and somersaults."

   There was another burst of laughter.

   Ouyang's face blushed instantly.

   Finally, Ning Cheng said, curling his lips and saying: "What I said is the truth, don't take it to your heart. If you take it to your heart, I don't care..."

   All the men laughed.

   They are used to every word Ning Dutong says, and they don't take it seriously.

   and seemingly teasing, but with sincerity and a sense of laughter.

  Su Qingyue feels that Ning Cheng and Lian Xiaoxue have been working hard recently.

   Still often malaise.

   can't relax yet.

   Because they don’t have much time.

   Jiao Kejun will often ask him where he has been.

   Su Qingyue often thinks that when this matter is done, he must lead everyone to the beach for a vacation.

   I came back from a meal at a language university.

   He Lili at the front desk called Su Qingyue to stop and said he had his package.

   "Package?" Su Qingyue was startled.

   immediately remembered, it should be a limited edition figure of Beidou Shenquan.

   Then he saw He Lili bending over and taking out a small wooden box from the front desk.

  The packaging is not exquisite for teahouses.

   is written in Japanese.

   He asked for a paper cutter, went back to the office, and took it apart a little bit.

   Then Kenjiro appeared on the box little by little.

  He is muscular.

   was wearing a black t-shirt, and the edges of his clothes were worn out.

   The first three of Kenjiro's seven-star scars were exposed on his chest.

  Because he has seen the Big Dipper Fist, Su Qingyue knows that in the story, Kenjiro's scar was left by the southern star King.

   Even with this quality, it is no wonder that Wang Daxing likes it, Su Qing thinks more.

   I feel that the whole day manga and daily tour have created a virtual river and lake.

   This is the same as what I am doing.

   got up and left the office, and didn't pick up the hands.

   went around from the corner of death. Although the king was in one corner, there were still many people around.

  Su Qingyue thought, the important thing about giving gifts and making friends is nature.

   Don't cause discomfort to others.

   was thinking, and saw Wang Daxing in his seat, working with headphones.

   He has half-length hair and a military green shirt. With sharp eyes, leaning on the back of the chair, he was drawing with one hand.

There are several figures on the    workstation.

   has the feeling of an artist.

   There was a way in an instant, and Su Qing went over.

   tapped on the work partition and smiled, "Majesty," he said.

   Wang Daxing didn't hear him for a while, his sight was still on the screen.

   Su Qingyue had to yell again: "Great King."

  Wang Daxing just reacted, looked up at him, took off his earphones: "Mr. Su, what's the matter?"

   "You have a good hand." Su Qing laughed.

   heard him say so.

Wang Daxing smiled awkwardly: "President Su, I and Teacher Tian have already talked about the project, and I will definitely try my best. But you also see that I am very busy here. All the plans are on this side. I don’t have three heads and six arms. We still have to come in order of priority."

   "I didn't tell you about the project." Su Qingyue smiled and waved his hand: "I also just bought a figure, brought back from Tokyo, Kenjiro, a limited edition."

   "Kenjirou? Limited edition?" Wang Daxing was startled.

   When it comes to figures, he obviously has some interest, but he is still lazy.

   looked at Su Qingyue and asked, "Which limit?"

   Su Qingyue then told him the version.

  Wang Daxing listened, waved his hand without hesitation, his tone was decisive: "Impossible. I haven't bought it for so many years."

  "Do you like Kenjiro too?" Su Qingyue looked shocked.

   "I just like it," Wang Daxing said.

   Su Qingyue thought for a moment and asked: "Then you go to my office to see?"

   When he said so, Wang Daxing was startled.

   thought for a moment and looked at Su Qingyue.

   Obviously he didn't believe it, but in the end he couldn't help it and said, "Go! I'll go and see!"

   After speaking, walk to Su Qingyue's office.

   entered the house.

  I saw the hand-made packaging on the table for the first time.

   Wang Daxing was visibly startled, and asked: "Can I check it?"

  'S tone became like a child, asking an adult to go out to play, making people laugh.

   Su Qing laughed more and replied: "Whatever you want, you can unpack it."

   heard Su Qingyue's permission.

   Wang Daxing widened his eyes and looked at Su Qingyue in shock.

   It took a long time to say: "Thank you."

   Then began to unpack.

   is light-handed, like facing a work of art worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

   Take out Kenjiro's figure little by little.

   Check carefully.

   kept muttering: how is this possible.

   finally raised his head and looked at Su Qingyue.

   "I have been looking for this for many years." He emphasized.

   "If you like it, take it away." Su Qing thought, now there is no one else.

   "Take it?" Wang Daxing was stunned for an instant, obviously not believing what he heard.

   "Yes." Su Qingyue had to emphasize again, and added: "But it's not for nothing, you have to pay."

   He said that he actually didn't want Wang Daxing to be too nervous and hesitated.

   Moreover, Su Qingyue wants to make true friends~www.ltnovel.com~ rather than greedy people succumbing to gifts.

   was thinking, Wang Daxing nodded excitedly.

   "I'll give it, I'll give it!" He said, thinking of something again, and exclaimed: "Actually, you really misunderstood me. I've been really busy lately here. It's not that I won't do it for you." He tried to explain.

   Su Qing laughed and said, "Brother, you have misunderstood."

"Let's do it," Wang Daxing thought for a moment, and then said: "You ask the project team to make a request first, I will arrange an extra shift, and give you a draft first. Later, I will definitely follow up." He assured Su Qingyue .


   Su Qingyue said with a smile.

   shook hands with Wang Daxing.

   Seeing him take away the figure contentedly.

   sat in the chair and let out a long sigh of relief, to see that it was almost noon, it was time to eat.

   At this time, Amu suddenly sent a message, saying: "Come out! Come out!"

   "What's the matter?" Su Qing asked in more surprise.

   "Don't you know that there is a major event in the industry?" Ah Mou sent a bunch of shocked expressions.

   Su Qingyue was completely taken aback, and asked: "What's the matter?"

   "One of our female editors was killed!" Amu said.

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