Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 259: : Behind the malaise


   Seeing Ah Mou's message on the screen, Su Qingyue issued such a text, followed by a series of question marks.

   Then, the ins and outs described by A Mou made Su Qingyue instantly alert.

   Amo said: The female colleague worked overtime that day and only left the company after 12 o'clock.

   Her home is in a remote Beijiao community.

   Su Qingyue knew that this location no longer belongs to Pingjing City. It is about 18 kilometers from Xiguan Village. Since it has just been developed, it is cheaper to buy and rent a house, so many people in the IT circle jokingly call it the "back garden" of Xiguancun.

   "After getting off the car, I was caught under the bridge of the farm..." behind Ah Mo made a terrible word.

   There are two meanings in a word, one is about gender and the other is about life!

   Su Qingyue felt annoyed.

   A girl who came to Pingjing to work alone, no matter if she was due to ideals or just wanted to finish the work, she would be killed if she worked overtime once.

   It makes people unable to calm down anyway...

Looking at the screen, Amou sent another message: "It was discovered by the sanitation worker this morning." She made a crying expression and said, "Now think about how everyone was chatting in the group before going home last night. Today she..."

   Su Qingyue understands Ah Mo. The colleagues who get along day and night are all women.

   That kind of tingling and fear must be confusing.

   simply called her and comforted her for a while.

   asked her: "I will go home every day and send me a message as soon as possible."

   When I hung up, Su Qingyue suddenly thought of Lian Xiaoxue and Ning Cheng.

   I remembered that they often suffer from intermittent malaise and do not change their clothes.

   always feel that it is against common sense.

   I should find some time to get to know...

   Then he went to work again.

   The morning work is not too much.

   is basically finished, the rest is crazy rush.

   On the way to eat at noon.

   Even Xiaoxue and Ning Cheng did not come.

   Tanaka explained: "They are too tired. They are squinting in the office."

   "Pack them back later." Su Qingyue thought for a while and asked Tian Zhong: "Do you know that?"

   "What's the matter?" Tanaka shook his head.

   understands that he is devoted to research and development, it is impossible to stare at forums and news all day long.

   Su Qingyue said about the female editor.

   This is not just Tian Zhong, all the male colleagues who went to eat were stunned for a moment.

After that, Wang Xinjie said: "This place in the northern suburbs is too remote, there is a mixture of fish and dragons, and it is not safe after twelve o'clock. I had a classmate before, who was still a man, and was robbed of 500 when he went home in the middle of the night. : "Not to mention a girl. If Jinghe knows she lives in the northern suburbs, she shouldn't let her work overtime."

   "It's not the problem!"

   Su Qingyue does not want to discuss the responsibility of competing and cooperating.

   waved his hand and asked Tian Zhong: "Where do Xiao Xue and Ning Cheng live?"

   He said so, and everyone immediately understood what Su Qingyue meant.

   Gao Shixian and Chen Han shook their heads.

   Liu Yuming and Qin Shaofeng even said they didn’t know.

   Tianzhong said at this time: "How do I faintly feel that they seem to be in the northern suburbs."

"It seems to be!" Wang Xinjie interjected abruptly, obviously remembering something: "Before our team was built, when we returned, they got off the car in Beijiao. At that time Gao Bin..." He said, and then explained: "It's just with The person who always made trouble with Li Lin also persuaded the two of them to let them move to the city."

   "It's too late to work overtime, and they never go home?"

   Hearing what Wang Xinjie said, Su Qing realized more suddenly.

   "What?" Tian Zhong was taken aback.

Su Qingyue said his doubts in the past few days: "How can girls often not change clothes? There are often no signs, intermittent malaise?" He said, and then concluded that: "It must be that sometimes they get off work too late. It’s not easy to take a taxi. Or I’m afraid of danger, so we will wait until we are gone before returning to the company.”

   "Boss! What you said makes sense!" Ouyang immediately interjected, "I arrive at the work unit at 7:20 every day. But Xiao Xue and Ning Cheng are always in front of me, and they are basically lying on the table."

   "It is really difficult to take a taxi in the northern suburbs, especially when it comes to night, regular taxis are reluctant to go there." Wang Xinjie said: "Every time our classmate meets, he leaves early."

   Listening to everyone, Su Qingyue understood thoroughly.

   walked into the campus.

   I ordered food, and when everyone sat down.

After eating two bites of rice, Su Qingyue said: "Brothers, our team is the only two girls. They can't always go home, and they can't fail to pay attention to safety. We must not protect the people around us, so we can talk about ideals. !"

   He said, Tian Zhong followed up and asked: "Who is close to the northern suburbs, can't deliver it every day."

   "After ten o'clock, it will be difficult to take a taxi." Wang Xinjie said the core key: "It is best to drive."

   A group of men looked at each other.

   The boys and girls who are in love are feeding each other.

   is so sweet that it makes people greasy.

   Su Qingyue was thinking, and Liu Yuming spoke, "I have a car, although it was a bit detour, but it didn’t matter much."

   He spoke out.

   Everyone laughed.

   "A local tyrant! It is a local tyrant!" Wang Xinjie said, "Is your marketing department so rich?"

   "They are natives of Pingjing, can you compare to it?" Chen Han said.

   Tanaka laughed at this time: "Why did we forget about your car."

  Listen to everyone's discussion.

   Su Qingyue did not expect Liu Yuming to stand up.

   Because of what he knew, Liu Yuming had to send his girlfriend to work on Financial Street at 5:20 every morning.

   If you go around to the northern suburbs to give people off every night, you will probably get no more than four hours of sleep in a day.

   "You are sleepy at noon, you can come to my room to sleep for a while," Su Qingyue said: "In addition, all gas bills are reimbursed. In short, ensure the safety of Xiao Xue and Ning Cheng every day."

   Stop talking and continue eating.

   Gao Shixian said: "Boss, one person is not enough? I suggest bringing another person, which is safer."

   "Boss, let me follow!" Ouyang said, "Don't look at me being skinny, I won't die when I fight."

   When he spoke, everyone laughed.

   Gao Shixian followed: "You are like a little chicken! Will the two girls protect you at that time, or will you protect them?"


   Seeing everyone talking and laughing, everyone is very caring.

   Su Qing is more relieved.

He added: "We will have a meeting in the afternoon, and it will initially be Yuming's delivery." He added to Tian Zhong: "As for the **** candidate, I think Shaofeng is more suitable. He is big, with long hair, and doesn't look like a man. Good people."

   "Why don't I look like a good person?" Qin Shaofeng shouted suddenly.

   Then everyone laughed again~www.ltnovel.com~ teasing Qin Shaofeng.

   After returning to the unit in the afternoon, Su Qingyue specially called Lian Xiaoxue and Ning Cheng to the meeting room.

   There are other men who went with me.

   Su Qingyue made his guess and the whole thing clear with a few words.

   Ning Cheng's mouth was still very hard at first, and he did not admit that it was dangerous.

   did not admit that he had never returned home.

   Her final summary turned out to be: "Mr. Su, we have never lost any work!"

   "Who said you missed work!" Tanaka was helpless.

   Su Qingyue followed: "I am worried about your safety! Don't let the coincidence happen again by my side!"

  Other words, Lian Xiaoxue probably couldn't help it, and said, "Then trouble Manager Liu."

   When she said a word, Ning Cheng, who was stiff-mouthed, didn't even speak.

   So everything was resolved smoothly.

   Su Qingyue decided that Qin Shaofeng and Liu Yuming would send them home every night.

   Then he was completely relieved.

   In the end, Tanaka half jokingly asked: "I can tell you two that Mr. Liu is a famous flower." He said, everyone laughed again...

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