Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 261: :The little lotus shows sharp corners

   One day at the end of July.

   Pingjing finally ushered in a heavy rain.

   In this city before, it has not rained for many days.

   The air surging with heat waves hit everyone in the corner of death.

   makes people crumble.

   In an instant, a gust of wind suddenly started, and the black cloud turned over the ink, making people feel extremely depressed and depressed.

   followed by sporadic rain on the window, faster and faster, more and more urgent.

   makes a crackling noise.

   Lightning split the sky covered by clouds, flashing pale colors.

   The sound of thunder followed, making people think it could split the earth.

   Wang Xinjie, the window closest to the corner of death, pushed a window open.

   The cool breeze came in, occasionally raindrops.

   Everyone rushed over, breathing in the fresh air.

   From May to now, they have been stuck in the corner of death every day for more than ten hours.

   Su Qingyue goes home after two o'clock every day.

   Lian Xiaoxue and Ning Cheng only go home two or three times a week because of Liu Yuming's hard work.

   During the rest of the rest time, I basically work overtime. When I get tired, I go to Langtaosha to have a rest.

   It almost became the base of the project team.

   carrying KFC, it was already 18:30 by now.

   He Lili and Zhou Ziyou rushed back to the company at the last moment of the heavy rain and put these in front of everyone.

   "Lily, you have worked hard!"

   "My son, you have worked hard!"

   Everyone smiled and said, opening the burgers one by one, as well as French fries, chicken wings, and mashed potatoes.

   finally relax and chat.

   "When the rain starts, it can't stop. It is said that it will last three days. Then we can only eat in the company every day, and we can't go to the language university..."

   "It's boring to go every day, just to change the environment. And the latest version, just to work overtime."

   Watching everyone eating and chatting.

Tanaka opened the Coke and started to eat the ice cubes in it, and asked everyone: "Brothers, eat a little faster. I will accelerate tonight and take it down in one effort. Our external version has been released for three days. The company will start tomorrow. Closed beta, can't delay any longer..." He said, looking at Su Qingyue, "Are you confident? Boss!"

   "Nonsense!" Su Qing laughed more and more, "I am full of confidence! The version was packaged three days ago, why has it been postponed to the present? It is because we don't want to let go of any problems, we must send a perfect version..."

   Talking and laughing with him.

   Su Qingyue looked at the brothers and sisters in the corner of death.

   Thanks to them these days, the final progress of this project was made.

  Wang Xinjie is a genius. While finishing the client slimming, he also solved the problem of national warfare that has been criticized for "Three Kingdoms".

   At that time, most of the national war games on the market were mainly 2D, and the problem of 3D national war on the same screen has always been the main problem that plagued the project. Although the previous research and development cooperated with art and used methods such as LOD, the symptoms did not cure the root cause.

   Because this problem is not that simple.

  The characteristic of online games is that all data processing is done on the server. One is to be able to synchronize to other players, but also for data security. The whole process is that the player generates a request command through the keyboard and mouse and sends it to the server.

   After receiving the command, the server processes the relevant data, and generates a return message to the player and surrounding players. After receiving the command, the player client sets the relevant data through the 3D engine and displays it on the screen.

   So to solve the problem of the same screen, the first is whether the graphics card can display a sufficient number of objects according to the quality required by the game. Can the second server support enough players online?

   Through client optimization, network layer adjustment, and automatic matching of the quality and quality of the model according to different computer configurations, Wang Xinjie can basically achieve a frame rate of 30 without changing the original scale of participation in the national war. This is essential to the playability of "Three Kingdoms Heroes".

   After the robot test data came out, Teacher Tian yelled happily, making the next department wonder what happened.

   all whispered: inexperience is really scary, I feel excited when I see everything.

   But Su Qing knows how important this improvement is.

   Such an improvement is undoubtedly life-saving for "The Heroes of Three Kingdoms".

  Su Qingyue doesn't care about those people's comments.

  Because of all of this, the focus starts from the self.

   What people fear most is being enclosed in their own cocoon room.

   is totally unaware of external progress.

   They are still talking about a customer service from Ouyang, can they do planning? Just this one is not optimistic about them.

   I don't know at all, now Ouyang is no longer a small customer service who ate buns every day.

   Although it is an operation stationed R&D. But because he comes from the front line, he has many ideas and creativity. Sometimes people like Gao Shixian and Chen Han can't understand things, but Ouyang can solve the problem very well.

   He is like a mobile hard drive, not only can retell customer service briefings, but also retell what everyone said in the meeting.

   Now he has become the main planning force of the project team.

   And those who secretly speak ill of him may not be as capable as him.

   Su Qingyue feels that when a person experiences the product for more than 16 hours a day. Every gameplay, every activity, every detail, every value is tested and polished over and over again, so his design and products cannot be bad.

   He firmly believes that Ouyang will surely get ahead.

  Because when you dream of something with all your heart, the whole universe will work together to help you realize your wish.

   Of course there is a premise, he wants to get his body well.

   Don't go to the hospital every time you drink.

   Su Qing Yue thought, Ouyang had already rushed to clean up all the garbage after the meal.

   Ning Cheng ate two burgers in one go.

Gao Shixian next to    smiled and said, "Your appetite is getting better every day!"

   Ning Cheng rolled his eyes and hurt him: "What's the matter? Have you eaten your meal?"

   Gao Shixian was choked for a moment.

   There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

   Lian Xiaoxue handed the garbage to Ouyang and said thank you.

   Su Qingyue looked at them two.

   Despite those people talking about what two women can do.

   Can even Xiaoxue and Ning Cheng, but with their strength proved why women are called "half the sky".

   Seeing everyone finished eating and started working again, Su Qingyue and Tianzhong looked at each other.

   After more than two months, the cooperation between the two of them has become more and more tacit.


   is mainly to solve technical problems.

   Su Qingyue is desperate to solve the pressure on the company level.

   and coordinate the cooperation of some departments.

   such as Wang Daxing.

   At the same time, he is also thinking about market plans.

   Teacher Tian often said to everyone that with Mr. Su, he felt that his energy was finally released.

   In the last two weeks, Su Qingyue and them have conducted a small-scale internal test of the project, including some customer service personnel who have not been in contact before.

   From the point of view of the program: Although the bottom layer is not moved, the stability of the program is further consolidated.

   Some of the remaining issues have also been comprehensively sorted out, and of course Wang Xinjie’s breakthrough in core technology.

   The planning is mainly to increase a large number of activities, sort out the entire numerical system, and increase a large number of interactive content. Of course, the change of charging mode is the most important part.

   In art, Wang Daxing cooperated with the engine team to realize the multi-layer texture of the map, and the overall effect of the game scene was significantly improved.

   and Su Qingyue personally wrote the game's logo: "Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition".

   can say "everything is ready, only the east wind is owed". Even if there are some minor problems, the overall playability is very attractive.

   Su Qingyue has a faint power in his heart.

   went back to the office and made a cup of tea.

   Amu called and asked, "How is it? Today?"

   "At twelve o'clock in the morning, the company's internal testing started, and a small number of players were invited to participate." Su Qingyue said. With a long sigh, it was not that he doubted the project, but rather tired.

   "Hey, it's really not easy, Brother Su has worked hard, I wish you success." Amu said.

   Amo accompanies Su Qingyue to work overtime because of Saturday and Sunday.

   know how hard he is.

   is not like before~www.ltnovel.com~ occasionally has a small temper.

   Now, she only cares about Su Qingyue's health.

   chatted with Amou for a while and put the phone on.

   After a while, Jiao Kejun sent a message and asked: "Confirmation starts at twelve o'clock?" This is already his third confirmation.

   "Twelve o'clock exactly." Su Qingyue returned.

  He understands Jiao Kejun.

  Because this is more than ten days later than the two months he said before.

  Every day, for Jiao Kejun, it is suffering.

   For Su Qingyue, it's all pressure.

   Li Lin said behind their backs: "Drag and drag, isn't the product doing this?"

   Gao Yanhai said: "Isn't it, laymen do research and development, it is the easiest to look at the best..."

   Some words led by them, Su Qingyue heard from time to time.

   But Su Qingyue did not respond.

   For him, these words are pressure and motivation.

   At eleven thirty-five minutes, Tian Zhong sent a message and said, "Boss, it's okay."

   "Good!" Su Qingyue said.

   In the temporary test group, he sent out a message expectantly: "The test started early."

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