Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 262: : Seeing you have a share

   The test has started...

   Looking at the various people gradually appearing on the screen.

   Although it is only an internal company test, there are not many people.

   Can watch the characters come alive, walking in familiar scenes, Su Qingyue is still very excited.

   is like a child who has finally completed a certain game task.

   I remembered what Chen Feng said: It's this kind of pleasure, it's an unspeakable experience.

   He took a sip of tea.

   Tianzhong knocked on his door and came in.

   "It's raining, do you want to go downstairs, wait a while." He said, "Cool."


   The two left the company talking.

  The more Su Qing knows that he only talks about what he has confidence in the product and the belief that the model will win.

   Only you know your own pressure.

  A brand-new model must face the market and players to prove whether it is really feasible.

   Although everyone has done their best.

   But who knows the result...

   In the elevator car, neither of them spoke, and they knew each other's concerns.

   went out of the building door and stood under the glass steel canopy, when a cool breeze hit.

   The rain was torrential, and the refreshing summer suddenly dispelled the tension.

   Tian Zhong handed him a cigarette, and Su Qingyue noticed that the cigarette case was black.

   is written in traditional characters: Lanzhou.

"My friend just came back from there and brought me one." He said, ordering Su Qingyue. "This cigarette is good. Anyway, I prefer flue-cured cigarettes and I'm not used to mixing them." He said, giving it to himself. Click on it, take a deep breath, look suddenly in a trance, and say: "How do I think this is like an exam."

   "That's a bottom line at best, I haven't reached the college entrance examination yet." Su Qing smiled.

   Su Qingyue said, taking a breath.

   Before the smoke entered his throat, he coughed violently.

   Tanaka laughed and said, "Why haven't you learned it for so long."

   "I always feel that there is something, just relax, addiction is too hurtful." He said.

   "Does drinking hurt your body?"

   "It's not every day." Su Qing laughed.

   looked up and found that not only the focus was on, but also on the 11th, 12th, and 14th floors.

   He knew that it was the map company where Jiang Li worked.

   is hard enough, Su Qing thought.

   Tanaka also looked up at this time: "Have you noticed that they often work overtime."

   "It seems a bit special today, there used to be no one at 11 or 12," Su Qingyue said.

   "I heard that their salary here is not very high." Tanaka said.

"The technology is not strong, the creativity is not, and the salary will definitely not be high." Su Qingyue said, adding: "Any rigid and mechanical work may be replaced by a computer in the future..." These are all what he heard from Jiang Li ,Thought-of.

   Tanaka could not help but nod as he listened to him.

   The two took another cigarette.

   Su Qingyue pinched out the cigarette, and then ordered another one in the field.

   There was nothing to say for a long time, they just stood so silently.

   That is the lingering fear after the battle, each other does not want to disturb each other's rare relaxation and peace...

   listening to the rain.

   When it was almost two o'clock, they walked back.

  As soon as I got out of the elevator, I heard a few developers in the corridor talking.

"I really didn't expect that this was made by Wang Xinjie? We haven't solved it after so long. What's more, he is a student who has just graduated from university..." He said, "I don't believe it very much, but my computer did play before. No, it’s like a slide after entering the game."

   "The entire task, activity, system opening rhythm and time distribution are quite reasonable! Do you really think that the customer service did it?" Another person said.

   "It's not someone, is it you?" The tall developer said.

   Su Qingyue listened, and He Tianzhong smiled.

   When they saw them, they all showed rare smiles.

   is completely different from the previous attitude.

   One of them exclaimed very politely: "Manager Su, Teacher Tian!"

   Su Qingyue nodded.

   Tanaka laughed, "Why don't you play?"

   "Come out and experience the national war later!" Shouzi explained.

   The other two people look at the watch.

   Their expressions are very sincere, without any perfunctory meaning.

   Su Qingyue never thought of an event so attractive.

   He remembers speaking to this person, who is a team leader of the First R&D Center.

   seems to be called: Wang Chen.

  , I have always looked down on their projects on various occasions.

   Today's enthusiasm makes him a little uncomfortable.

   But they still gave each other a face, and exchanged a few moments.

   Everyone walks back together.

   Su Qingyue returned to the office and sat down.

   I found various suggestions for the test, and I am constantly feeding back.

   Many details and bugs were not discovered before. These developers are indeed very powerful.

   Su Qingyue admitted this.

   But there is no major technical problem.

   There is still considerable controversy regarding the specific charging model.

  Some people have suggested that such a charging model is destroying the fairness of the game.

   Some people think that this mode is very good, but it improves the gameplay.

   Anyway, I have everything.

   Although the polarization is serious, everyone actually enjoys it.

   What makes Su Qingyue most strange is that Li Lin and Gao Yanhai's evaluations are also relatively positive.

   The former made a little suggestion.

  The latter asked in the group: "That one country is too powerful, and the other two countries have a good idea of ​​automatically forming an alliance." He said, and then sent a text: "I want to meet this person. This setting is too smart."

   "Ouyang!" Su Qingyue replied, and introduced: "It's the little customer service who passed out before, I guess you don't know."

   "How could I not know." Gao Yanhai sent a smile: "Am I so indifferent to the life and death of others?"

   The portrait of Wang Daxing flickered on the screen. When he clicked on it, the other party first came and gave a thumbs-up expression.

   sent another message: "Su, I will give the highest priority to your needs in the future. In addition, you have some UI, which is still not good enough. Before going online, I will adjust it again for you."

   Su Qing made a more thankful expression.

   Jiao Kejun was talking in the group at this time.

   "The executive orders a supper, and everyone sees the whole company today!"

   Seeing this, Su Qingyue finally let out a long sigh of relief. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   But not all problems have been solved. Su Qing understands that the promotion has not yet started.

   The next step is the college entrance examination.

   The executive sent a supper tonight. Su Qing went out of the office to eat with the brothers in the "Death Corner".

   At this time, they found that the place was already full of people.

   Gao Yanhai asked: "Who is Ouyang?"

   "Here!" Wang Xinjie said, reaching out his hand.

   Gao Yanhai was stunned for an instant and touched the earphones involuntarily.

   patted Ouyang and said, "Brother, great!"

"That is necessary, Mr. Gao. Ouyang is the elite of our customer service department, can it be the same?" Someone interrupted, it was the department manager of the customer service department, with a big smile, as if to say that Ouyang was trained by him: "Ouyang , You can be regarded as using all the "Customer Service Briefing" I asked you to do..."

   Listening to them, Ouyang blushed.

  Su Qingyue noticed that Li Lin hadn't come out yet.

   The administration gave a portion to everyone.

   That death corner is full of vigor.

   Tianzhong also became a big hit.

   Su Qingyue laughed upon seeing this, took a supper, and went back to the office.

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