Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 263: : Hope and pressure

   In the early morning, the test came to an end temporarily.

  Some young people are unwilling to go, and still sit in front of the computer, immersed in the game.

  Internal temporary test feedback group, with suggestions and information coming in constantly.

   Ouyang hastened to take notes.

   Stop from time to time, think for a moment, and write a summary.

   Wang Xinjie has also been staring at the information and making judgments.

   What makes everyone different is the division of labor.

   The same is the state of input.

   Everyone didn't mean to be fatigued. The more Su Qing knew that this was like an exam, and finally got a stage result.

  While excited, I want to stay in this moment.

   It is a pity that life is a constant test, and the product launch is a big test.

  Internal testing is far from the real product launch.

  In ChinaNet, in other companies, this is so normal that it can no longer work normally.

   But the focus is different at this moment.

   Just this gleam of light can warm the whole focus.

   It is a kind of rejoicing after the disaster, too late to care whether there are other dangers in the future...

   Su Qingyue understands and understands mentally. Walked to the middle of the corner of death and clapped his hands.

   looked around at the crowd and nodded seriously.

   Thanks for their hard work, and then said: "Everyone, there is still a lot of work to be done. If you have something to do today, you don't need to go to work, and you don't have to come too early if you have nothing to do. Take a good rest, brothers have worked hard."

   With his words, everyone stopped their work.

   It's almost five o'clock after looking at the watch.

   Watching them shut down one after another, pack their things, and walk out.

   The more Su Qing thought, this test gave me confidence that the more difficult promotion work must be put on the agenda.

   During these days, he has been discussing plans with Zhou Ziyou.

   can come and go, because of funds, all the plans have no meaning.

   In the absence of funds, in fact any plan is a cloud.

   This is completely different from when he was in ChinaNet.

   Su Qingyue has never had this experience. I am not afraid of strategizing, nor are I afraid of charging into battle. The key problem now is that I can't go to the battlefield...

   He thought, watching them get into the car one by one.

   It was five o'clock, and the distant horizon was already glowing with a cool blue color.

  The street lights have also dimmed.

   The air is humid and cool.

   Zhou Ziyou was the last one to go to the rental and said: "Boss, you go back and rest early."

"Yeah." Su Qingyue nodded, thought for a moment, and then said: "We will have a meeting tomorrow afternoon. Let's talk about the direction and feelings. Also, if we have encountered any difficulties recently, we can all solve the problem. ."

   "Don't worry, boss!" Zhou Ziyou nodded.

   Seeing him leave, Su Qingyue sent the same message to Liu Yuming.

  Go home.

  He enjoys the feeling of the fresh air on his face.

   Finally he got off at the intersection of the college, he decided to walk home.

   There are no people on the roadside yet.

  Walking on the road, Su Qing thought that this battle must be successful.

  To surrender with a gun is the greatest shame...

   Su Qingyue clenched his fists.

   Seeing that the roadside sanitation workers are busy.

   The rain that rained last night has slowly dried out.

   He bought breakfast for Amou at Chenghuang Temple.

   went out and turned at the intersection. The roadside pink lights have long been turned off, and two people came out of "Paris Spring".

  , dressed in glamorous clothes, drove away in a pink sports car...

   There is no smell of barbecue on the road, only the freshness of rain.

The champion cake at the door of    just opened.

   entered the house and found that he was not sleepy at all.

   Hearing the sound, Amou immediately sat up, and asked in the first sentence: "How is it?"

   "The following is the market." Su Qingyue said.

   "That means there is no big problem?" Amu asked worriedly.

   did not respond to her words, Su Qingyue felt that she was very energetic, and asked: "I haven't slept all night?"

"If you don't come back, I always have trouble sleeping. I wake up several times in one night." Amu sat up and said, "It's not easy. It's finally your home court." She said, "I will give you first. How about an interview?"

   "Yes!" Su Qingyue said, looking back at Amou, "Are you going to sleep for a while?"

   "I think you don't mean to be a little happy?" Ah Mou asked in surprise.

   Su Qingyue did not respond. Although I have been encouraging myself, my thinking is completely unclear and I don't know where to start.

   He washes up first, then goes to bed.

   As soon as he lay down, Ah Mu asked concerned: "What problem did you encounter?"

   "No, what can be the problem?" Su Qingyue's words suddenly became weak after the sleepiness of the day and night hit.

   "I'm not feeling well, or what's wrong?"

   "It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, that's all." Su Qingyue said, and he couldn't tell whether he was in a dream or waking up. In the next moment, he lost consciousness, there was no darkness, there were only dreams, and the cycle was endless.

   is all about promotion.

   In his dream, he would look for He Cunxi for a while, Ye Luo for a while, or he would look for someone else.

   But the effect is the same as reality, neither is good.

   The influence of focus is small, and it is impossible to rely solely on these.

  We rely on the doctor for minor illnesses, and on our own for serious illnesses. If you want others to help you, you must have firm confidence and direction.

   faintly heard Amou say: "I have gone to work."

   he seemed to respond, and it was already nine thirty when he opened his eyes.

   could mean sleepiness, but it still entangled him, so he continued to sleep.

   I didn't expect to receive the last dream.

   But the content is the same.

   The sounds of birds and roars have been heard outside, and the sun has penetrated through the windows.

  Slowly, he felt that he was going to remove all the fatigue of this period.

   When it was almost noon, he finally woke up.

   I still want to sleep, but I have to get up.

   took a hot bath and activated himself.

   put on his clothes again, and when he went out, he met Brother Guang and walked out.

   Two people walked and talked.

   He asked Su Qingyue: "How is it with you?"

   "Enjoyed!" Su Qing laughed.

   "The product is ok?" he asked.

   "The problem is not big." Su Qingyue said, locking the door.

   As soon as I went out, the sun was shining and the heat hit.

the sun is always behind the storm.

   There is no rent in the yard, they walk outside and talk.

   Brother Guang went to the small shop and bought a box of Soft Zhonghua.

   Su Qing laughed and said, "You have changed your shotgun."

   "Round A is no problem now, even rounds B and C are waiting for us." He smiled and said: "Yan Sheng upgrades, isn't it proud?" He said, and handed Su Qingyue one.

   The latter did not answer, and said: "I still don't smoke, my throat is uncomfortable..."

Brother Guang said: "I have a small matter to tell you. I want Amu to come and help me. As the chief content officer of the website, I haven't dared to mention it before. And you and Amu are also shareholders. If you don't help me, who help me……"

   "Ok~www.ltnovel.com~ I have no objection. As long as Amu agrees..."

   They separated at the intersection.

   Simply bought something to eat on the road, and Su Qingyue took the rental.

   When I arrived at the unit, it was not a point.

   just happened to run into some developers, come back after dinner, everyone ran into.

   "General Su."

   "Did you rest well?"

   The warm greetings made Su Qingyue a little uncomfortable.

   chatted cordially with everyone and got out of the elevator.

   He Lili got up from the front desk, smiled and said, "Manager Su, everyone is waiting for you."

   "Wait for me?" Su Qingyue was startled.

   He Lili nodded and replied, "Well, President Chen specially ordered a cake and bought some snacks."

   Listening to him, Su Qingyue walked towards the corner of death.

   I saw not only Chen Ting, but also Jiao Kejun, Li Lin and Gao Yanhai.

  The people in the project team are also there.

   Tanaka is talking to Wang Xinjie.

   Li Lin is also pulling parents with Ouyang.

   Seeing him coming, Jiao Kejun took the lead and applauded...

   The office area was instantly applauded.

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