Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 264: : 3 big mountains

  The ceremony is very simple.

   is just a few fruit plates, a cake, and it says: Three Kingdoms will win!

   There are also some Coke and Sprite, and some orange juice.

   Many people from the two R&D centers also came.

   They had to let Su Qingyue speak.

In particular, Li Lin and Gao Yanhai are even more vigorous: "Everyone should thank President Su. As the vice president of the main market operation, help us R&D personnel, make great progress." He said: "At the same time, the operation of the three countries has been improved. This is very important to us for the foreseeable future."

   I always feel that what he said has some subtext.

   is like an oath, explaining to everyone: he is in charge of operations, only assisting in research and development.

   But there is no argument about it.

   Su Qingyue still stood up.

   Look at the brothers and sisters in front of you.

   They gave their time, body, and feelings for this project.

He thanked them from the bottom of his heart, so he said, "Thank you, don't say much." He held the teacup: "The most important work below, we must hurry up. The other is to do our best to do a good job in the market. In return for you Thank you for your hard work."

After   , there was applause again.

   Tanaka said: "Boss, we absolutely believe in your strength in this regard."

   "Yes! President Su is good at the market." Li Lin said with a smile.

   and Jiao Kejun looked at each other for a moment.

   Everyone uses tea instead of wine, and drinks instead of wine.

   Finally, Su Qingyue cut the cake.

   Jiao Kejun announced the end of the small ceremony.

   "Death corner" is back in tension again.

   Only at this time, no one is going around here.

   Those who didn't participate in it were very envious of them.

   Su Qing understood why Jiao Kejun was so excited.

   After all, the status quo of Focus is really bad, they desperately need a victory to boost morale.

   is not for Qicai.

   is for myself and for more investors.

   The first phase of the project team's work, Jiao Kejun should be hopeless.

   at least because of doubts.

   Looking forward to Su Qingyue's full market potential, then this project is inevitable. And this is one of Jiao Kejun's original promises.

   Now, when he reached this version, the change really happened.

   Exceeding expectations is a surprise, exceeding expectations is a word of mouth.

   Chen Ting noticed it and organized this small celebration party for him.

   is a celebration and a vent...

   The ceremony was over, Su Qingyue walked back and said thank you to Chen Ting.

The latter invited him to dinner at his own house in the evening, "My husband cooks, he is very good at craftsmanship, and he can cook your hometown food..." She smiled brightly and introduced: "There are also Mr. Jiao, Mr. Li and Yanhai. . My husband has a good drink, and he drew it for us to celebrate."

   I wanted to say it, but let's wait until the matter is done.

   And I have to accompany my brothers, the market plan has not yet been discussed.

   But when the words are about to be exported, but realize that the focus is urgent now, then the funds will be even more urgent.

   Striving for the company's resources is certainly within the scope of work.

   The next moment, he promised Chen Ting and said, "Then it's better to be respectful."

   After speaking, I went back to the office.

   After a while, Zhou Ziyou knocked on the door and came in.

   Seeing that his eye circles are still dark, Su Qingyue asked: "When did you sleep?"

   "I woke up after ten o'clock and couldn't fall asleep."

   "You relax a little bit, it is not conducive to work if you are too nervous," Su Qingyue said.

"Yes." Zhou Ziyou sat down with a smile, "I went to Xiguancun in the morning, ate something and adjusted it a bit." He said, and then said: "I got together with my sister and Xiao Yu some time ago. Yes. Some new situations, I want to talk with you, because this involves our future plans."

   "You said." Su Qingyue nodded.

Zhou Ziyou continued: "Now manufacturers have basically no advertising in print media. Now 90% of the advertising is on the Internet. This has led to a sharp increase in the price of online media advertising, which is higher than that of "Feng Shen World". It is twice as high. This is very different from the market plan we had to do before."


   Su Qingyue nodded.

   He believes that price increases are normal, and the resulting increase in individual user costs is the biggest stumbling block for project promotion.

   What's more, "The Three Kingdoms Heroes" did not sign an advertising framework with any agency or media at the beginning of the year because of poor results. Without such an agreement, there would be no priority to choose a location, and the media's coordination would be greatly reduced.

  This is the rule...

  Su Qingyue realized that there were three big mountains on their bodies now.

   The first one is the version, which has already started, and there are no big problems.

   The second is market announcement and promotion.

   The third is the online effect, player recognition and product revenue.

   Among the three, marketing was originally what I was best at, but now because of funding problems, it has become the most insurmountable peak.

   Su Qing fell into deep thought, always feeling that something was wrong.

   Zhou Ziyou said hello, got up and left.

   Where is the idea? Where to break through.

   There is a faint thought, which recurs in his mind.

   He suddenly said to himself: "No, this is not a peak, and I am not a mountaineer..." He said, and suddenly understood what was going on: In the Internet age, traditional marketing thinking and theories have been greatly impacted.

  Users go from offline to online, from one-way information transmission to information interaction.

   In addition to traditional advertising and other means in this era, the value and role of marketing creativity has become more and more prominent.

   This is not mountain climbing.

   This is a war, and only military theory can solve everything.

   But now I can’t even go to the battlefield by myself, so why are you heading for it?

   Su Qing thought about it, and suddenly realized that since he could not go to the battlefield, he would encircle the city from the countryside. Start with creativity, from areas that others don’t value. From the user to the user... The next question is to find the idea, find the area and soil suitable for these ideas, and penetrate into the core resonance space of the user

   At six in the evening, Chen Ting came and knocked on his door.

   Su Qing knew it was time to go, so he got up and left.

   The two walked to the door of the elevator~www.ltnovel.com~Jiao Kejun and Li Lin were waiting for them there.

   Chen Ting asked curiously: "Where is Mr. Gao?"

"He's going down first." Li Lin explained with a smile: "You have to tell me to start up ahead of time and warm up the engine so that you don't destroy the car. I said, if it breaks, just buy a new one. If the old one doesn't go, the new one won't come. In the end, guess what he said?" Li Lin looked at Su Qingyue and Jiao Kejun in the car.

   "What?" Jiao Kejun asked curiously.

   Su Qingyue also listened with great interest.

"He said that the project was chopped down. In the future, he must learn to be a man with his tail clipped. This car is likely to drive for a long time." When Li Lin was speaking, Jiao Kejun and Chen Ting couldn't help laughing. The former looked at Su Qingyue and said: "President Gao also said that he wants to learn more with you, and he will apprentice tonight."

   knows that there is something in this polite remark.

   Su Qing smiled more and said, “I don’t have this project if I don’t have Mr. Li set up in advance. These people are also given to me by Mr. Li. If you want to learn, you have to follow you.”

   Jiao Kejun smiled and interjected: "Then let Mr. Gao pick up girls for you, and you teach Mr. Gao to do business."

   After another word, several people laughed at the same time.

   went outside and saw Gao Yanhai's car had started.

   Su Qingyue and Chen Ting got into Jiao Kejun's car.

   Three cars drove out of the parking lot quickly.

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