Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 265: : Business women do not know the hatred of subjugation

   Chen Ting's house is in Wangheqiao.

   from the Northeast Fourth Ring Road, head towards the Northeast Fifth Ring Road.

   is different from Gao Yanhai's.

   Although it is also prosperous, it has a more exotic feeling here.

  From tall buildings to colorful billboards on the street.

   There are pedestrians on the road.

   Some roaring motorcycles, and some Koreans wearing fat-leg pants.

   drove forward, and after a while, the road was blocked again.

   Jiao Kejun sighed, they have been stuck for almost two hours.

   rolled down the window and complained: "We are all out of Beijing at this time."

   "It will be fine if the subway is repaired."

"Once repaired, the house price can go up again." Jiao Kejun said. Looking back at Su Qingyue, he introduced: "Qingyue, you can consider the house here. It is the largest living area in Pingjing, and the supporting facilities are already very complete. Now, housing prices also have a lot of room for appreciation."

   "Yes, Qingyue, you can think about it." Chen Ting responded and turned to look at him: "You have to see when the time comes, and I can help you find new real estate. Some buildings are still being built nearby. Some of the layouts are good."

   Seeing her brilliant and enthusiastic smile, Su Qingyue has mixed feelings.

   With her high EQ, she stopped many possible conflicts for Jiao Kejun.

   Regardless of whether the focus is on the previous development, or for the current precarious status quo, it is crucial.

   However, Su Qingyue had a different idea about the house.

   Although during the Chinese New Year, Amu’s parents also mentioned it.

   But he thinks that although the house is good, there is no doubt about the room for appreciation.

   But for the current self, it is not suitable.

   He does not want to bear the burden of mortgages too early, because too strong utilitarianism will affect his judgment of the future.

   Although he wants to give Amu a stable life.

   But this kind of thing has to be done within one's ability. Do the right things at the right time.

   The most important thing is that there is no money.

   A little savings of myself and Amou, in order to support Guang Ge's business, all invested in...

   Now his main mind is still: battlefield, creativity, area...

   was thinking, Chen Ting's phone rang.

I could not hear what was said on the other end of the phone, but Chen Ting then said: "Did you see a square? Turn left, turn right at the traffic lights. We will wait for you two there." She said, and said: "Don't talk about the north, south, east and west, you listen to me, otherwise you will faint in a while."

   hung up the phone, she suddenly laughed.

   Explain to Su Qingyue and Jiao Kejun that it turned out that Li Lin turned around and was lost.

   don't know how to leave.

Jiao Kejun heard this and laughed: "This is the way your house is here. I don't blame Li Lin. I have been here many times, and I haven't figured it out yet." He said, "It's not the kind of horizontal and vertical. The road to the north."

   There was a urging horn behind them, and Li Lin and Gao Yanhai followed.

   They continued to start the car again.

   After a while, I finally arrived at Chen Ting's house.

   I heard the sound of cooking as soon as I walked in.

   Su Qingyue noticed that although her family's hall was quite large, it was transparent from the north to the south.

   can be compared with Gao Yanhai’s compound type, still far behind.

   There is no palace style chandelier, just an ordinary ceiling lamp.

   The entrance is a simple shoe cabinet, but it is neatly packed.

   ordinary but very warm.

   is different from Gao Yanhai’s nightclub, it feels like home.

   Everyone is talking and laughing.

   Chen Ting said, everyone doesn't need to change shoes.

   walked in, and found that cold dishes were already on the table.

  Pat cucumber, salt and pepper peanuts, beef with sauce, cold jellyfish, grilled bran in four seasons.

   Chen Ting introduced: "This beef with sauce is made by Liu Qiang himself, it is very delicious."

   Jiao Kejun opened the kitchen door, and Liu Qiang was cooking with his back.

   The area around the stove was cleaned up.

   There should be a steamed dish, and he has already made the rest of the side dishes.

   Everyone praised him and said that Chen Ting was very happy.

   Back in the house, Jiao Kejun asked Su Qingyue: "Can you cook?"

   "According to the prescription..." He said: "But it was a long time ago."

   "President Su is busy every day, how can I take care of this?" Li Lin smiled and said: "When this model matures in the future, Mr. Su must have a good rest. We will definitely have no problem developing here."

   "We will try Mr. Su's cooking then." Gao Yanhai followed.

   Listening to them sing together, there is something in the words.

   is nothing more than emphasizing the dominance of research and development, the current arrangement is just a stopgap measure, it still belongs to them after all.

   Smiling indifferently, Su Qingyue replied: "When this project is completed, I invite everyone."

"This project will definitely succeed." Li Lin smiled and followed: "I have played so many games, and there are not a few that I haven't scolded, but this project is really thoughtful, and Mr. Su's market sensitivity is impressive. "He said, his tone was sincere, but he had other meanings.

Su Qingyue felt very abnormal, and Gao Yanhai also kept up at this time: "However, this has to be said that we have a lot of technical reserves. Any college graduate is better than other companies. The next step is to prepare to go online. That is the area that President Su is best at. I believe President Su will never let us down..."

   He said so, obviously there is something in it.

  Su Qingyue wanted to say: Don’t you know the company’s situation better than anyone else? At this time, if you don't work together and watch the fire from the other side?

   But in the end he just smiled and asked: "General Manager Gao, what car are you going to change next year?"

   "Next year, who knows..."

   was shocked by Su Qingyue's words, Gao Yanhai was dumbfounded.

   Li Lin's eyes widened next to him.

   Su Qingyue wanted to say: Does this wake you up? Then you deserve to be cut!

Jiao Kejun's face was slightly embarrassed, and he said, "President Su has been really hard during this period. From morning to night, he is always three or four in the night, and it is basically eight or nine in the morning..." He said, patted Su Qingyue. Shoulder: "Drink something later and relax. I will be responsible for sending you back."

   "Yes! Drink more!" Chen Ting said, looking at Li Lin and Gao Yanhai: "You two stay with me."

   "Can't stay with me!"

   I didn't expect Gao Yanhai to admit defeat for the first time.

   Li Lin also immediately followed: "I can't, I have to work tomorrow."

   Hearing what they said, Jiao Kejun looked at Su Qingyue, and they laughed tacitly.

   Plates of hot dishes are served this time.

   Chen Ting greeted everyone to the table.

Looking at the braised pork, steamed sea bass, boiled pork slices, as well as pickled pork with pickled vegetables, canola and mushrooms, and stir-fried loofah with green onions, no one does not envy Chen Ting. Jiao Kejun said: "We used to go out to build a picnic, and they were all other people Liu Qiang prepares."

   Li Lin sat down and went to the kitchen to look at Liu Qiang who was serving food: "Old Liu! Mr. Chen said there is good wine?!"

   "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Liu Qiang said it three times~www.ltnovel.com~ first brought the last plate of cashew nuts and shrimps.

With a smile on his face, he took out two bottles of Wuliangye from the wine cabinet: "This is a case of 86 that my friend gave me two days ago." He said, putting it on the table: "Six bottles, I heard that Su always Massive." He looked at Su Qingyue, "Not enough, I still have foreign wine at home."

   It looks like Chen Ting told him the whole thing after drinking the last time.

   Several people moved their chopsticks.

   Su Qingyue sandwiched a piece of crispy fish and immediately tasted the taste of his hometown.

   even praise Liu Qiang.

The latter said to Jiao Kejun at this time: "Mr. Jiao, the company must have the final say. You come to mention the first cup, and I will do my best to be a landlord, can you?" He said, putting his hand on the cup and waiting. .

At the next moment, Jiao Kejun said: "First of all, thank you President Su." He said: "We have been under a lot of mental pressure since these days. But President Su's attempt this time made me feel like a spring breeze. So I take the lead, let us Everyone respects Mr. Su together, okay?"

   Stop talking in other words, serve a cup.

   Everyone followed, toasting and smiling.

   Su Qingyue wanted to say: We have just taken a step, and the marketing fee has not yet been determined.

   But in the end, he still didn't say that.

   smiled with everyone and drank all Chinese wine.

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