Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 266: : Old 3 cups

   "I'll bring the second cup." Liu Qiang smiled.

  Already raised the cup while speaking, but still turned his gaze to Li Lin and Gao Yanhai, with a little courtesy request.

   The latter two were also busy serving cups, saying: "The second cup must be Lao Liu Ti. This is the friendship of the landlord."

   After they spoke, Su Qingyue also picked up the cup.

   swallowed a mouthful of cold dishes in his mouth, and had to admit that Liu Qiang's craftsmanship was as perfect as Chen Ting said.

He squinted his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "I always listen to Tingting coming back to talk about Mr. Su's abilities and how much Mr. Jiao attaches importance to this project. I was worried at the beginning, after all, Mr. Su is not a technical one." He said: " But I never expected that President Su would actually top the project..."

   When he reached this point, Su Qingyue was startled.

   smiled and said, "Thank you brother, it's still far from going online, let alone success."

"President Su is humble." Li Lin said rare at this time: "As long as your product is okay, based on Mr. Su's market ability, "Three Kingdoms Heroes" is certain to reverse defeat." He said, "This is Guandu Zhizhi. Fight, win more with less!"

   As he said, Li Lin and Gao Yanhai roared.

   know what they mean.

   They are endless on the way.

   They knew that there was no market cost, and they were desperate to save the situation.

   repeatedly emphasized that he just wanted to put himself on the fire.

   And now the progress of the project has exceeded their imagination, stimulating their fragile and cheap self-esteem.

   In the context of the market, with their status, status, and technology, they don’t need to break into a boat. The worst result is to change the platform, and they will also be regarded as gods.

   This is a long-term habit of people with vested interests.

   They don’t have the suffering and pressure of Jiao Kejun, let alone their struggling desires and ideals...

   Why fight with them, Su Qingyue smiled, and said nothing.

   Liu Qiang finally concluded: "Su, I admire your ability first; second, I wish the project a success! I hope the focus will be successful, and the focus will be successful! The defeat is the victory!"

   Other words, a few people clink glasses.

   Gao Yanhai only had a drink, and his face turned red.

   Several people drank all the wine.

   Pick up dishes and talk about Liu Qiang's craftsmanship.

  Su Qingyue learned that they often come to Chen Ting's house for dinner.

  I like to play mahjong after dinner.

   But in this respect, Chen Ting and Liu Qiang cannot be compared with the three programmers.

   Liu Qiang and Su Qingyue said: "You have to be careful when you play cards with them, and you are very clear one by one." He smiled and said, "Especially President Li, who is simply a cunning and cunning. It is too difficult to beat him..."

   Li Lin laughed and said: "Looking at the home, guarding against the next home, staring at the opponent, and taking care of yourself, this is the true meaning of mahjong." He said, "You just lose too much and you are jealous of me."

   Other words, everyone laughed.

   Su Qingyue felt that Liu Qiang meant something.

   You can see his smiling face, but he is so sincere and kind, without any overtones.

   didn't think much about it.

Then Li Lin picked up the cup: "Then I will raise the third cup on behalf of the R&D department?" He said, "This cup is mainly to thank President Su for his contribution. I can do this project so well." He said Then, I looked at everyone, and said: "I don't know what others think about the next thing, anyway, I am full of confidence!"

   "I am confident too!" Gao Yanhai also interjected.

   Su Qingyue did not respond again.

   Several people raised their necks and cheers.

   After three cups, I started eating vegetables again.

   Gao Yanhai talked about the car again, eloquently.

   Li Lin interjected from time to time.

   Jiao Kejun listened to the side, not interrupting.

   seems to have some thoughts.

   Liu Qiang and Su Qingyue said: "Mr. Su, if you have anything you need later, you can tell me that I will do my best." He said, and Jiao Kejun smiled.

   The latter immediately served the cup: "That's really thanks to Mr. Liu."

   The three of them spoke, and served their cups.

   Li Lin also served the cup at this time, and interrupted: "Su, you have something behind, and Liu has a lot of energy."

   This is a typical shameless face.

   A group of big men are holding guns and sticks here, which is really annoying.

   The next moment, he just wanted to talk.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qiang was the first to speak: "Mr. Li, I am not helping Mr. Su, I am helping you with the "Three Kingdoms Heroes" project." He said with a smile on his face and looked at Jiao Kejun: "I also help the focus, help myself. Wife, the last one is to help President Su. President Li, did you say I was right?"

   Li Lin was taken aback by him, and he let out a cry.

   did not return him.

  At this time, Liu Qiang said again: "Mr. Jiao, I heard that our focus has a rule, called the new three cups, right?"

   "Huh?" Jiao Kejun was startled by what he said and reacted.

   Li Lin and Gao Yanhai's faces instantly froze.

   It seems that Sister Ting said something to him that night.

   Su Qingyue didn't understand what Liu Qiang meant.

Just watching him smile, he continued: "Since there are three new cups for newcomers, I think we might as well have three cups for the elderly?" He said, "As the representatives of the elderly, Mr. Li and Mr. Gao should represent the company. Thank you very much. President Su, the third oldest old man!"

   other words.

   Before Li Lin and Gao Yanhai could reply, the wine was already poured.

   Without waiting for the two to speak, Jiao Kejun also followed up at this time: "Mr. Liu's suggestion is good. The newcomers have three new cups, and the old people get three to three." He said, smiling, and he felt like a sigh.

   There was deathly silence in the air.

   Li Lin and Gao Yanhai are completely stupid.

   hurriedly said: "After drinking these nine cups, I won't be able to go home tonight."

   "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Gao Yanhai also responded.

   Chen Ting still has a smile on her face.

   did not speak, but quietly watched a few men fighting for wine.

   In the end, Su Qingyue finished making up the knife: "This is not a cup or two. Mr. Li, we are all brothers. I will take a drink with you." He said, without hesitation, he drank his cup of wine with his neck back.

   Now Li Lin's arrogance disappeared.

   Gao Yanhai didn't speak at all.

   The two looked at each other, and in the end Li Lin was still clearer than Gao Yan.

   Three cups of wine in a row, Jiao Kejun applauded.

   Then Gao Yanhai had the first drink.

When Jiao Kejun saw this, he laughed and said to Su Qingyue: "President Su, I think it's OK, just three cups, right? They are not you, not a huge amount." He smiled and pointed at Gao Yanhai: "You are still two. Cup~www.ltnovel.com~ is like the elders in the family, after all, he loves his brothers.

   I didn't expect Liu Qiang to suddenly cut out such a section.

   Now Su Qing understands that what Liu Qiang said about playing mahjong before is also meaningful.

   Some thanks to him.

   Of course I am very grateful to Chen Ting.

   At this time, Gao Yanhai finally had his second drink.

   Li Lin looked down on his face and said, "Gao, hurry up."

   Su Qingyue looked at them and thought it was really playing mahjong.

   just what good is this? He doesn't like this state, doesn't like this kind of wine bureau.

   I still had a good drink with Boss Chen, Sheng Tiancheng, and Yue Lindao.

  I don’t want these.

   had to drink another cup after another.

   At the end he felt a little drunk.

   I feel the anxiety buried in my heart, I can't hold it anymore.

   The next moment, he finally picked up the wine glass, and said with earnest speech, Jiao Kejun: "Jiao, the one who really wants to ask you behind is you."

   After a word, I drank all the wine.

   Everyone was stunned for an instant.

   Then, Jiao Kejun spoke.

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