Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 267: : Drop in the bucket

   "It's not you who ask me, it's me who ask everyone." Jiao Kejun said.

   looked around everyone, his eyes stopped on Li Lin and Gao Yanhai, and they moved away for a long time.

He said: "This project is very important to our focus. It can also be said to be a battle of life and death." He said, always putting his hand on the wine glass: "I did not do enough before, which led to the focus becoming like this. Responsibility." He said, looking at Li Lin and Gao Yanhai again: "I hope I can do a good job this time, and I hope you can change."

   Su Qingyue felt that there was something in his words.

   The so-called changes mainly fall on Gao Yanhai and Li Lin.

   But it may be guessed by yourself.

   Su Qingyue forced herself to let go of this fantasy.

Then Jiao Kejun said: "Mr. Li, you should know that when I was in school, I took the course of North American War History, right?" He asked, the latter nodded, and Jiao Kejun continued: "At that time I was the most The battle to admire is the Alamo..."

   What he said, of course Su Qingyue also knew.

   This is a famous battle that wins more with less. It is considered by the Americans as a symbol of courage and sacrifice under free will.

   Two hundred Texas militiamen faced more than 3,000 Mexican troops, and they fought bravely to the last minute.

Jiao Kejun said: "I was very touched when I was studying at the time, as Williams said, "VictoryorDeath"." He said a sentence in English and added: "This sentence translates to triumph or death, which is what we mean. "If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent"!"

After that, he looked at Su Qingyue, and said: "As Qingyue said,'surrendering with a gun' is an act of shame..." He said, looking at Gao Yanhai and Li Lin again: "Come on! We troika , Drink one."

   He said, toast.

   The latter two were taken aback for a while, and they were busy serving their cups.

   Su Qingyue sighed secretly in his heart, feeling that these words were of no use to these two people.

   can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep.

  Watch them drink up their glass of wine.

   Li Lin said, "President Su, I don’t speak well, but my heart is absolutely enthusiastic. If you have any needs, I will definitely cooperate."

   "Yes! Me too!" Gao Yanhai blushed and followed with a smile on his face: "If you ask someone for someone, you ask for money! It's really not good, and you can do it with your body..."

   Hearing untimely teasing, his laughter was harsh.

   Not only Jiao Kejun and Su Qing frowned, but even Li Lin was unhappy.

   But no one said anything.

   Still smiling, Su Qingyue felt that Gao Yanhai was either nervous or had ulterior motives.

At the next moment, Jiao Kejun said again: "Since everyone has said it, let me say one more thing." Jiao Kejun turned to Su Qingyue: "Su, you have any difficulties now, even if you bring them up. We were brothers back then, and we are the same now. , Must go all out."

   He finished with a smile on his face.

   Li Lin and Gao Yanhai were stunned for an instant.

   I don’t know if it’s all calculated.

   Since Chen Ting asked them to eat, until now...

  Step by step, Jiao Kejun finally said what he thought.

   Su Qingyue suddenly wanted to laugh, and wanted to ask: These two hadn't set themselves up yet, but they were put on the fire first.

   In that case, don’t be polite.

The next moment, he continued: "Zong Jiao, Guandu Cao Cao can win, and at any rate there are three days of food and grass." He said: "Our focus is the same now. To win, three days of food and grass will always be available." After that, I looked at Li Lin and Gao Yanhai, and said, "I still have to trouble everyone."

   At the mention of money, Li Lin fell silent for an instant.

   Gao Yanhai blushed, ah, and mumbled not knowing what he was talking about.

At this moment, Jiao Kejun saw this, and while digging out his pockets, he said, "Qingyue, although we are currently in difficulty, we can only get more than two million yuan." He said, "But I've already prepared this car. For some of the previous deposits, it is no problem to make up more than 1 million..." He said, putting a used car business card on the table.

   weird! Still weird!

   Su Qingyue instantly felt that the scene was only weird to describe.

   Li Lin did not speak, pretending to drink too much, and lowered his head.

   Gao Yanhai hesitated, took the business card and looked at it carefully.

   blushing and asked: "They said, how many million are you in this car?"

   "It can sell for five hundred and fifty thousand."

   Jiao Kejun said, Gao Yanhai stopped talking.

Liu Qiang just said: "Dominant is still worth keeping, what money you buy and sell!" He smiled and looked at Gao Yanhai: "Gao, your Mazda 6 is incomparable. I checked it that day. Ninety percent of new cars will sell for 200,000 high-end models."

"Two hundred thousand are okay. A drop in the bucket is better than no water." Su Qingyue made up in an instant, picked up the cup, and said: "It would be great if we could make up two million yuan." He said, in fact. Understand, it's useless.

   is just beating these two.

   He thought, Jiao Kejun looked at Li Lin.

  The latter quickly explained: "I have been driving this car for a long time, and now it's sold for RMB 180,000. No one may buy it yet." He said, his face flushed.

   The more Su Qing looked at it, he wanted to laugh.

   knows that his face is red, not only because of alcohol, but also because of embarrassment.

   It's funny thinking about the way they were so proud just now.

   The falling water dog is going to be beaten.

   It hurts, I will be honest next time.

   But that's it.

   One million more and one million less, in today's market environment, life and death cannot be determined at all.

   ultimately depends on creativity, depending on the area where the force is applied, and how to grasp the core resonance of the user.

   was thinking, just about to say: Forget it, I'm joking with you, and I will discuss it after I think it through.

   Liu Qiang spoke at this moment.

   "Everyone wants to be like this, there is a big bowl from the Republic of China in my family, should I donate it too?" He said with a smile on his face.

   Everyone was startled at first.

   burst into laughter.

   Su Qingyue yelled well, thinking Chen Ting’s husband ~www.ltnovel.com~EQ is really high.

   Seeing the embarrassing scene, he teased him.

   instantly became relaxed.

  Everyone continues to drink.

   No one mentions selling cars anymore, and Gao Yanhai and Li Lin dare not talk about Su Qingyue anymore.

   doesn't mean anything targeted.

   They took the initiative to clink glasses with Su Qingyue.

   Compared with before, at least on the surface it seems a lot more polite.

   Su Qingyue smiled and said: "Sister Ting, a husband like my brother-in-law really can go to the hall and the kitchen." He sighed, and said, "I respect you two and wish you happiness forever!"

   Stop serving the cup in other words.

   Liu Qiang and Chen Ting also served their cups. Looking at each other, Chen Ting was full of admiration.

   haven't clinked glasses yet.

   The next moment, Liu Qiang joked half-truth: "Don't call me brother-in-law, call me brother. You don't recognize me, hahahaha!" He laughed, a little drunk.

   "Yes! Call me!" Gao Yanhai drank too much, and said.


   Su Qingyue changed his mouth and saw that Chen Ting was still smiling.


   Without thinking, they drank all the wine.

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