Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 268: : The celebrities in the forum

   They didn't drink much that night.

   According to the N-1 standard, five people drank four bottles.

   Li Lin and Gao Yanhai had their heads drooping down half an hour ago because they were not in good condition.

   The last two were divided by Su Qingyue and Liu Qiang.

   Jiao Kejun doesn't drink much, it looks okay.

Chen Ting went to the kitchen to serve them soup, Liu Qiang flushed, and introduced: "Miso seafood soup and soybean paste are bought at an imported mall. Their sauce comes from us, but the process has been improved and the taste is different. I used to drink more. I like to order this at a Japanese food store."

   other words.

   Su Qingyue picked up the spoon and was stunned with just one mouthful.

  Although I have seen Liu Qiang’s cooking skills, I was shocked when I drank the soup.

   The miso soup has a rich sauce and delicious seafood.

   raised his head and praised: "Great!"

   Gao Yanhai then ordered another bowl.

   Then, they drank a pot of soup.

  When he came out of Chen Ting's house, Gao Yanhai Jiujin was relieved a lot, and he looked sober.

   His face is not too red.

   Chen Ting had to clean up, so she sent it to the elevator and went back.

   Liu Qiang followed them to the roadside.

   Gao Yanhai and Li Lin wanted to drive home, but Jiao Kejun tried his best to stop them.

"We can't do anything right now. We will all take a taxi home. Don't have any fluke..." He said, seeing Li Lin and Gao Yanhai still indifferent, and emphasized: "What happened then, what should I do? It’s not a question of irresponsibility..."

   no more contention.

   The two of them went to the rental house, and Liu Qiang took Gao Yanhai's hand and said enthusiastically, "Brother, go play together another day."

   "No problem!" Gao Yanhai smiled.

   The door ran into, watch them leave.

   Jiao Kejun was relieved and said to Liu Qiang: "Brother, you go back first."

"I'm fine." Liu Qiang said, holding Jiao Kejun's hand while helping him stop the car, and then said: "Mr Jiao, it is not easy to be the boss. When your affairs are done, let's go play together and relax." He smiled and said the joke again.

   Su Qingyue felt that he was completely different from home just now.

   completely changed.

   Maybe I think Chen Ting is not here, or I think this is the way to make friends.

As he was thinking, Liu Qiang stopped the car for him: "Brother, we must do it well! I am optimistic about you! When you get it done, I ask you to go to Golden Diamond, where the red card will ensure you are satisfied." He was full of alcohol, Su Qingyue I think his wine is coming up. I wanted to send him back, but Liu Qiang insisted on pressing him into the car.

   then left.

   Sitting in the car, the driver turned on the air conditioner to its maximum.

   He looked in the rearview mirror.

   Liu Qiang had already crossed the road and walked back, so he was relieved.

   He took a deep breath. Suddenly I felt that dealing with the relationship with Gao Yanhai and Li Lin was far more difficult than applying for this project. Because these cannot be bought with money, he will definitely face them in the days to come.

   now understand Chen Feng's words more and more.

   Jiao Kejun must think so too.

   But what can he do? Still need to solve step by step.

   suddenly no longer angry, Su Qing realized that what he should do most now is to find the right way.

  Find the idea, and resonate the core of users.

  But what is the core resonance? He asked himself.

   The car exited from the North Fourth Ring Road at this time and turned left towards Xueyuan Road, very close to home.

   He didn't eat much when he was drinking. Fortunately, he drank some miso soup after the meal, which made him lose his drunkenness.

   When he reached the intersection, Su Qingyue asked the driver to put himself down and walk home alone.

   The thought is always in my heart.

   I saw the billboard in the dynamic zone on the bus: I am in charge of my site.

   Every day he is bombarded by such advertisements.

   But I have to admit that this theme is very good.

   Su Qingyue thought, this core resonance is the entry point for the entire market activity.

   Such an area of ​​exertion must be related to this.

   Passing by the little pink lamp, a man walked out happily.

   I remembered that a long time ago, Brother Guang often went in and out with this mysterious happiness.

   Now he has really changed a lot, and he is more concerned about his career.

  Some pain is growth, some pain is happiness.

  Some pain is good medicine, some pain is the end of pain...

   walk in the direction of home.

   It's summer, and the barbecue stall is getting hot every day.

   Su Qingyue found that there were two more at the entrance. Even so, there is not enough space.

   This is the market.

  The environment, fragrance, good quality and low price of the barbecue just meet the rigid needs of users to yell, yell, and make noise.

   This is the resonance of the core users.

   Because it was too late, Su Qingyue went home directly.

   found it was almost eleven.

   Amou was looking at the phone in front of the computer, and did not look back, as if he was checking something.

   He asked casually.

Ah Mou replied: "The guide recording file, the content of today's interview." She said, watching Su Qing frown, "Drinking again..." Pursed her small mouth: "What's the reason for today?" She snorted. Asked hummingly.

   "You want money, you want food!" Su Qingyue said: "Otherwise, the subsequent market promotion cannot be carried out."

   "What about the result?" Amu asked.

   "The result hasn't changed, it's still the original number, more than two million."

   "What?" Ah Mou thought he had heard it wrong.

   Looking at Ah Mou's wide-open eyes, Su Qing thought for a while, and suddenly laughed.

   "Yes, you heard me right."

   Su Qingyue said, he laughed.

   He really felt that what he was experiencing was just a joke, but he nodded to Ah Mu.

"that is all!"

   "What do you do then?" Amu was worried.

"This is the time to highlight my abilities." Su Qingyue looked at Amu: "Isn't it controversial before, saying that I rely on Hualuo's platform. This time I have nothing, I will give them Look, let them have a long view."

   "You are not a **** either!"

While    spoke, Amo’s recording was imported.

   Watching her unplug her phone and look at the computer again.

  Su Qingyue lay down on the bed, and heard Amou say: "This person is a bit interesting."


   "Sister Lotus, she is participating in the audition of "My Youth I Call the Master"." Amu said.

   "Sister Lotus?"

"Yeah, don't you know?" Ah Mou's eyes widened, as if Su Qingyue should know: "It started from the forum~www.ltnovel.com~ and is now the biggest star of Goupu.com, Bi Qingqing It was still red at the time!" she said.

   Su Qing is very angry, what will be the celebrities coming out of here.

   sat up and asked, "What did she do?"

   "I just put my photos on the Internet, and there are some ‘unexplainable words, endless’ remarks." Ah Mou smiled back.

   Then she showed the screen to Su Qingyue.

   The woman who appeared on the screen shocked Su Qingyue.

   a few enchanting postures, wearing out-of-date clothes.

   is doing untimely movements.

   looks too ugly, but it's really not pretty.

   didn't understand how it got hot. Su Qingyue frowned slightly, and then warned herself not to think about it this way.

   looked at it for a while.

   wondering if she and Qingqing have something in common.

  The drink came up, and he simply lay down on the bed again.

   Amou asked: "Do you think she can be chosen?"

   "Her goal is not to be elected at all. Her fundamental goal is to'select' itself." Su Qingyue said at last.

   closed his eyes in a daze and fell asleep.


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