Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 269: : Unexpected weekend

   When I woke up in the morning, the first thing I heard was the sound of rain.

   Then he opened his eyes and saw a gloomy sky with raindrops hitting the window.

   makes a crackling noise.

   Sleeping on rainy days is the most comfortable.

He closed his eyes again, and the thought was repeated in his heart. It is comfortable to sleep when it rains, because in ancient times when it rained, wild beasts would not attack humans, so at this time, primitive people would sleep in the cave especially Fragrant……

   Therefore, human beings also resonate with rain.

   Because everyone needs to relax and rest completely.

   Entangled by this thought, he fell asleep again.

When    woke up again, he saw the clock on the wall. It was already past nine o'clock.

   He sat up instantly.

   Even though he is tired these days, he has never got up so late.

   Hurry up to wash. When he returned, Amu was awakened by him.

   asked, "Today is the weekend!"

   "Aren't you ignorant of these days, there is no weekend, everyone is desperate." Su Qingyue said, drank saliva, and prepared to go out.

   Seeing Ah Mou stretched out and reached for herself.

   with a pitiful expression on his face.

   Thinking about these days, not spending even a weekend with her is indeed a bit excessive.

   Su Qingyue was full of apologies, so he stopped, lightly grasped Amu's hand, and sat down.

   Amu said angrily: "Do you know how long we haven't been out shopping?"

   "I promise you, this matter is over, I will accompany you to stroll around."

   "You always say that..." Amu sighed.

   "I know." Su Qingyue gently shook her hand again.

   "You and I fell asleep without saying a few words yesterday, and left so early today." Amu complained.

   "I will try to come back early to accompany you today, okay?" he said.


   chatted with Amou again.

   It's almost ten o'clock, usually this time, everyone basically arrives.

   At such a critical moment, we must not relax, we must stand with everyone.

   The next moment, he said to Amou: "I will compensate you when I come back tonight!"

   "Huh! What do you think! Who do you think you are?" Amu let go and turned his back to him.

  Look at her angrily.

   Su Qingyue is full of apologies.

   When he went out, Amu said: "Come back early in the evening..."

   Su Qing responded loudly and went out with his bags.

   The rain is not small.

   Because it is the weekend, there are not many people on the street.

   Seeing that the champion cake was out of the market, I immediately bought one.

   didn't run into Dongshan's car, and only got a formal taxi at the intersection.

   Su Qingyue was thinking about his plan again in the car.

   Although it is the weekend, the road is still very blocked.

   It took more than 20 minutes for the car to pass the North Fourth Ring Road.

   continues to block.

Seeing that there was a car accident in the front, the driver stepped on the brake and complained: "You shouldn't let these'road killers' get on the road. In the future, there will be a rule that in the morning and evening newcomers are not allowed to go on the road in the morning and evening. They will be caught and go to jail!" he said. Anxious and frightened.

   Su Qingyue almost laughed, thinking that this is the typical symptom of road rage.

   The car rubbed forward a little bit.

   He said again: "This must be a female driver. They are the only ones in the accident!" Then he kept complaining.

   Su Qingyue did not speak, and his thoughts returned to the core resonance.

   After ten minutes, they finally found the most congested road in the past.

   Seeing what the two men were arguing about in the middle of the road, the car didn't seem to have a big collision.

   The driver began to scold again.

   When I arrived at the unit, everyone came.

   found that everyone is very energetic.

   said hello, made a cup of tea, and went back to the office.

   The rain is still falling, hitting the window.

   The vision became not so good, but one could still see concrete mixer trucks entering the distant construction site.

   It will be different here probably next year.

   Tall buildings stand tall, and the original wilderness will soon be overcrowded.

   looked back on the screen, and then thought of the sister lotus that Amou said yesterday, and clicked on her post.

   From the perspective of expression, this is an ugly review.

   has attracted numerous criticisms. But Su Qingyue felt that ugliness was not the root of her popularity.

   There must be something else in it.

Is    the same as Qingqing?

   He then called up the previous document and the current content.

   Regardless of beauty or ugliness, just talk about effects.

The spread effect of    Sister Lotus is even far beyond Qingqing.

   This makes Su Qingyue a little confused.

   I always feel that something is connected, but I just don't understand it.

   Unknowingly, it was already ten thirty.

   got up to get the water, just as Li Lin came out of the elevator.

The two said hello. The latter changed into a casual floral shirt today, and when he saw Su Qingyue he said: "I drank too much yesterday. This morning I was still confused when I went to get the car." He complained. Look at Su Qingyue again: "You can drink enough. If you say our company is ranked second, no one dares to be ranked first."

   "Are you really drinking too much?" Su Qing asked, his eyes widening, feeling incredible.

"It really doesn't work." He said, turning the subject off: "I said I just picked up the car and came to the company to have a look..." He pointed to the dead corner: "Everyone is here?" The tone of his speech, Like a leader caring for his subordinates.

   "Come early."

  Su Qingyue didn't care much about this, just smiled and nodded.

   too lazy to bother him.

   The two chatted for a while, and he went back to the office.

   continue to think about the problem.

   At 10:50, the QQ rang suddenly. After a glance, it was Xiao Yu.

  Because they have been busy recently, they haven't been in touch for a while.

   Double-clicked her profile picture and saw Xiao Yu asking herself: "Brother Yue, are you in your work unit at noon?"

   "Yes, what's the matter?" Su Qing sent more messages.

   "I'll find you, can you?" Xiao Yu said, sending another message: "Because this matter cannot be discussed with others, I can only find you."

   "Okay, then come on. We happen to have a restaurant downstairs, which is not bad." Su Qingyue responded.

   I don’t know exactly what Xiao Yu is about~www.ltnovel.com~ Su Qingyue sat in a chair, vaguely feeling that it might be related to Jiang Zhengshang.

   But what will it be?

   They haven't seen each other for a long time since May Day.

   Hope there is nothing between them.

   was thinking, Tanaka sent a document.

After    is opened, all the questions and suggestions in the recent period of time sorted out by them.

   list them one by one.

   made a new plan accordingly.

   Tanaka concludes at the end: With these, the final version will be out in about ten days.

   Su Qingyue replied: Okay, waiting for your good news.

   psychologically, the plan for product promotion is imminent.

   must be finalized before the product version is released, so that it can be further improved and arranged in the preparation process of product packaging, operation and maintenance, and operation, so as to finalize the final schedule.

   At twelve o'clock exactly, the phone rang, and Xiao Yu said she had arrived.

   Su Qingyue went downstairs.

  As soon as I entered the hall, before I saw Xiao Yu, I saw Ouyang and Li Lin sitting by the window eating.

   Seeing him coming in, Ouyang immediately got up and waved at him, and shouted timidly: "Boss!"

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