Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 270: : Xiao Yu's mind

Su Qingyue nodded to Ouyang.

Looking over them, he saw Xiao Yu sitting a little behind alone.

In front of the French window, look out the window.

The hair and clothes were wet by the rain.

It's like just escaping from an inadvertent chaos.

At this moment, Li Lin stood up beside him.

"Just now I just ran into Ouyang." He explained, a little self-confidently: "I also told you to come together."

Su Qingyue smiled naturally.

Ouyang then stammered to follow: "Boss, let's eat together."

Li Lin also made a look to keep him.

Su Qingyue just said, "I have a friend, you can eat it." After speaking, he left.

He didn't pay attention to Ouyang for a long time before sitting down, his face was not good, and he looked embarrassed.

Su Qingyue didn't care too much about Ouyang and Li Lin's meal, and didn't think there would be any serious consequences.

Walking forward, Xiao Yu stood up and said softly: "Brother Yue, here."

Smile lightly, the same as before.

Still beautiful, with a hint of strength in the weakness.

She was wearing the diamond ring Jiang Zhengshang gave her.

On the chair was a Burberry handbag.

A knee-length white dress looked a little thin on this rainy day, "I found you working overtime every day." She said, and sat down with Su Qingyue.

"Normally, I have just been here for a few months, and there are many things to readjust and adapt." Su Qingyue said: "How are you doing?" The waiter walked over and handed him the menu.

"It's okay..." Xiao Yu said.

I was hesitant to look at the waiter and the surroundings, but didn't continue.

Su Qingyue felt something, but didn't ask.

Continue to lower your head and order. In order to take care of her, I ordered three spicy dishes and two glasses of orange juice.

Then he looked up at her and asked, "Is there anything you want to eat?"

"No, it's up to you." Xiao Yu nodded slightly.

Not at all like the director of the market center, but like a little girl.

After the waiter left, Xiao Yu took a sip and put down the cup.

Sighed: "Brother Yue, I still think you are the happiest when you are here." She said: "I especially miss the feeling of doing things with my friends and sisters." As he said, the waiter brought orange juice. She said thank you, and continued: "It's better then."

Su Qingyue didn't answer it because she felt there was still something behind her.

When the waiter left, Xiao Yu continued: "At that time, I, a girl, didn't take me seriously. You dragged me back, who was about to go astray with Shen Qing." She said, "A little bit of it. , Starting from small things makes me change."

I think she has something on my mind.

Su Qingyue smiled and replied: "Don't say that." He said, "There is nothing wrong with your abilities. It's not me, and others will find you." After he said, he couldn't help but asked: "You and Is it okay?"

"Do you know what happened to him?" Xiao Yu asked suddenly without answering him.


"Going to tour the falcon." Xiao Yu said.

"Many people know this." Su Qingyue said.

Recalling that I told Jiang Zhengshang, I had to stick to the focus.

Within a few days, his trip to Falcon spread throughout the industry.

It seems that Jiang Zheng is still ready.

I must have been in contact with the Falcon early, and I was just waiting for a word.

This could be regarded as a means of insurance, and I suddenly wanted to understand why Xiao Yu sought out himself.

Ask casually: "Zheng Shang is digging you?"

"Actually, it has nothing to do with him. You must have heard about the results of "Fengshen World" and the company's situation. The projects reserved by the company will not go online until the next year..." She said: "Long year In addition to the unpredictable market situation, I am very worried. I am not only worried about the company, but also about myself."

Listening to her, Su Qing understood her meaning better.

Cold dishes are here at this time.

"Eat first..." Su Qingyue said, Xiao Yu nodded with a smile, and put a chopstick in his mouth.

The phone rang.

The more Su Qing looked down, it was actually a message from Ouyang.

"Boss, I happened to take an elevator with Mr. Li just now, and he dragged him to eat together..." He said, there was a sense of tension and caution between the lines, followed by another message: "Boss, I'm going to work first..."

I want to go back and say to him: I am not a devil, so there is no need to explain it so deliberately.

But immediately understood him.

After all, he had experienced too many ups and downs, hardships and setbacks before.

I would definitely cherish this opportunity.

It is also because of cherishment and attention that they are so sensitive and careful.

In order to take care of his emotions, he had to give him a reply: "When you are full, come back, what anxious." Then use a colon and parentheses to form a smiling face:), and send the message back.

I looked up and listened to Xiao Yu continuing: "The most important thing is that you are gone, and your son and friends are not there. Good sister went to the brand marketing department again." Hot dishes came, and she continued: "Brother Yue, what are your recent plans? Do you still want to follow you."

"There are plans, but in the short term, I will do it in advance." Su Qingyue said: "And I don't think this is suitable for you. Hualuo is about to go public, the resources that a listed company executive can master , Which is far different from ordinary companies."

He said his own reflection during this period.

But Xiao Yu said: "But I think no matter what platform, as long as you are here, you will achieve success."

When he said so, Su Qing smiled awkwardly.

Both painful and gratifying.

The painful thing is that he understands that what he has experienced is something Xiao Yu cannot feel.

Fortunately, the brothers also recognized their abilities.

So he said: "If you have to change, I think Zhengshang is indeed worth considering." He said: "One is that the Falcon is working hard, they need people; the other is the same martial arts product, you are familiar with it; I was also an executive in the past, and it will be a boost to your personal performance."

Xiao Yu could not help nodding as he listened.

Said a sentence: "I understand."

Another dish came.

It is the signature dish of this restaurant: roast goose.

Su Qingyue said: "This is their signature, it's delicious." After finishing speaking, he signaled Xiao Yu to taste it first.

Xiao Yu picked it up immediately, but the chopsticks hung in the air for a moment.

"Brother Yue, you go first."

"Your own person, don't be polite and eat fast."

I always feel that Xiao Yu didn't come for work today or because of confusion in life.

It seems just to come.

The whole conversation is not focused on whether to change ~www.ltnovel.com~ to go to Falcon.

It may indeed be lost, and I don't know why I am lost...

Secretly sighed, thinking about it, the phone rang suddenly.

It's Amu's number.

He pressed the answer button, and Amu's voice immediately came: "Brother Su, where are you?"

"Eat." Su Qingyue said.

"With whom?" Ah Mu's voice had a sense of detective.

Faintly felt that she was nearby, and looked back at the entrance.

Su Qingyue said: "He Xiao Yu, on the second floor of the building, are you coming?"

"Well, I'll be there soon." Amu said, then hung up the phone.

Then, Su Qingyue saw Amou walk into the restaurant.

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