Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 271: : Calm as ever

"Sister-in-law, I am looking for Brother Yue for advice." Xiao Yu said.

There was a smile on his face, but the voice was a little unnatural, with a clarification.

Before Amu sat down, he explained: "The main reason is to move, but I am not sure where to go."

"It's okay..." Ami laughed, took Su Qingyue's arm lightly, and said intimately, "What about now?"

"Brother Yue said that Falcon is good," she said: "In fact, Jiang told me earlier that they bought the copyright of the old man as their strategic product."

"That's great!" Amu said, "Although the project has just been established, the industry is not very optimistic about them."

Watch the two women get warm.

Su Qingyue let out a sigh of relief in secret.

The waiter brought the menu.

Ah Mou couldn't help but said, hand directly over him: "Let me order it."

Faintly felt that she was a bit rushing to order.

Not quite like her usual.

"One celery lily, one soup cabbage..." she said, looking up at Su Qingyue: "You have a cold, and you dare to eat chili? That's not good." She handed the menu back to the waiter and Xiao Yu Said: "Then how are you and Lao Jiang? When are you going to do business?"

"It depends on old ginger, I don't count it." Xiao Yu laughed.

"Girls sometimes have to take the initiative." Amu said with a smile, and looked at Su Qingyue again: "You said so? President Su."

"Yes, I also think you and Jiang should hurry up." Su Qingyue followed.

His thoughts returned to Amu and said he had a cold.

Realized that her calm meant a demonstration.

At this time, Amu said: "I think you two will go, cooperate and take care of each other, and you will definitely be able to do things well."

"Well, my sister-in-law is right, that's what he meant."

"Then why are you still hesitating?" A Mou's face was full of curiosity that knew it.

Xiao Yu was startled.

There was more embarrassment on the stiff face.

She reacted for a moment, and then said: "After all, Hualuo is going to go public. The platform and resources that listed companies can provide are incomparable to ordinary enterprises, and will have an impact on my future." She said that it was equivalent to Su Qingyue. After repeating what she said, she finally regained her confidence: "So I want to ask Brother Yue if there are any other suggestions. As for the Falcon, Jiang also just went there, and there may be some places he can't see. ."

"Brother Su, what do you think?" Ami turned her small face to him at this time.

Now Su Qing understood more.

Xiao Yu just came to sit down, and she had already decided on this matter.

Yes, she has grown up a long time ago, with her own judgment and independent thinking.

She just...some stubborn minds, some memories, and hopes about whether the future can return to the past...

Secretly sighing, Su Qingyue said: "It's okay to go to the Falcon. It's okay for people to change and challenge a little, and you can't keep standing still."

While he was talking, the waiter brought the dishes.

A Mou asked him to eat first, and then said to Xiao Yu: "The most important thing is that old **** is there."

"He is him, I am me, it has nothing to do with this..." Xiao Yu shook his head, decisively.

Su Qingyue looked up.

Seeing that Amu was taken aback, Xiao Yu went on to say: "Old Jiang also said, let me judge for myself, I can have my own choice. The reason I want to go to Falcon must be for development, not for development. Who."

"There must be." Su Qingyue said.

He put down his chopsticks, always feeling that Xiao Yu had no feelings when he said Jiang Zhengshang.

He said: "As a senior executive, Zhengshang has the dominant power. This is very important for your future work. In addition, you bought the copyright of the old man. I think you can try it." He said so, feeling this It is also the direction of integration of research and transportation, which is good for Xiao Yu and Jiang Zhengshang.

Following Xiao Yu nodded earnestly.

He added: "Sailing Falcon bought several works of the old man at once."

"Huh? Several books?"


"Then you should go even more." Su Qingyue said, realizing that Falcon’s ambition is by no means to buy a few copyrights, so he said: "This shows that their products for a period of time will be martial arts, and will focus on 'Martial Arts' makes a big article. In this way, you are familiar with it without any problems, and at the same time you can have new cognition and breakthroughs."

He said, looking at Amou again and listening carefully.

It seems to have his own thoughts.

So he continued: "And what you did before was based on me, and you have never tried to trade your own system from the early stage of the product." He said, "This time is a good opportunity for you."

He said, thinking of the ambition and purpose behind the Falcon.

Think about what you want in the future.

Finally, add: "Moreover, the old man's works are well-known and have many fans, which will greatly reduce the cost of communication and enhance the effect of communication. The market pursues the result of "familiar and familiar", and the product is born. Once the product quality is guaranteed, Then the payment, sharing, and fission in the later period will be a matter of course..."

"Well, I understand, Brother Yue." Xiao Yu nodded, and looked at Ah Mou: "It was a fruitful harvest today, thank you." She picked up the orange juice and respected Su Qingyue and Ah Mou: "If you are not there, I Maybe it's going astray again. Come, I salute you."

"Good." Su Qingyue said.

Looking back at Amu.

The latter also picked up the cup at this time.

The three took a sip and then put down the cups.

At this time, Li Lin and Ouyang had finished eating and got up and walked towards them.

"President Su, let's go first." He said, shaking hands with Su Qingyue.

Nodded again with Xiao Yu and Ah Mou.

It looks very kind.

Ouyang looked nervous and cowardly beside him.

Su Qingyue actually understands his feelings.

After all, there are many people struggling, and very few people encounter opportunities.

So he is not cowardly, but afraid of going back in time.

So I cherish the present very much.

After greeting, Ouyang and Li Lin left.

The three of them sat for a while again, and Xiao Yu and Amu suddenly chatted that the times had changed.

Talk to Sister Lotus.

I don't understand why she is red, but at this time Su Qingyue has been trying to find the commonality.

As the three said, the rain had stopped outside.

But the sky was still cloudy.

Su Qingyue said to invite them to have a cup of coffee downstairs, but Xiao Yu said that she had something to do and she had to leave first.

Then he checked out, and together with Amou, sent her to the car~www.ltnovel.com~ Isn't it reluctant to leave? "Watching her leave, Amu's small face finally pulled down.

"Huh?" Su Qingyue was startled and immediately explained: "The message she sent me is temporary."

"In the morning, I asked you to stay with me at home for a while, but you refused." Ah Mu pouted.

"you listen to me……"

"I don't want to listen." Amu suddenly looked up at him, thought for a moment, and said: "I have something to do, so please give me an idea." She said, "This is also very important to my life."

"Huh?" Su Qing was stunned when Amu said so.

"What's the matter? If she is allowed to have something, will I be forbidden to have something?" Amu asked back.

"You said, you said." Su Qingyue hurriedly laughed and coaxed her.

"Go upstairs and talk!" Amu said at last.

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