Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 272: : I'm doing it for you

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He poured a cup of tea for Amu and asked her to sit in her place.

Su Qing had an intuition that what she was going to say might have something to do with work.

So I sat down, took a sip of tea, and asked her if it was like this.

Sure enough, the next moment Ah Mou nodded.

Said: "The president of Juliangdata called me." Amu said: "I did his interview before, and everyone understood each other. He wanted to ask me to have a cup of coffee, so I just called it. ."

"Then what?" Su Qingyue asked, of course he knew the amount of data.

"He wants me to be a partner in the past." Amu said, with a smug expression.


Su Qing was stunned for a moment.

It's not that Amu can't be an executive.

It's just the Juliang company he knows, which is a consulting company. Positioning is based on data and industry insights, through research and consultation, to help companies understand the market and make intelligent decisions.

This is a far cry from the online media that Amou is currently engaged in.

He thought, Amu frowned slightly: "What are you doing? Don't believe me?"


"What is that?" Ah Mou was a little dissatisfied.

"What did he let you do in the past?" Su Qing asked more curiously.

"They are now entering the game industry and want me to be in charge of the game sector in the past. Mainly game data monitoring, game service and ranking analysis, online advertising monitoring, etc.." She said, standing up and walking in front of Su Qingyue, laughing: "I have never felt so good at myself!"

Of course I am happy for Amu.

Su Qingyue always felt that she could actually develop better.

I also hope she can be independent.

He laughed, "I always think you are okay, aren't you the chief reporter now!" Su Qingyue said, "It's nice that someone is looking for you. I'm very happy for you."

"Haha, I think so too." She asked, "Then you say, shall I go?"

Feeling joy in her heart.

Su Qingyue got stuck and didn't know what to say.

He himself is not optimistic about gathering data. The data company Fu Sichang cited in Gameyoung has done a lot. Juliang later cut in and tried to use capital to occupy the market. However, this method of violent overtaking has not been effective in specific implementation. Under pressure, the data service was used to show people on the surface, but it has actually transformed into a pure advertising agency. Their purpose of looking for Amu should be based on this...

After thinking for a moment, he asked Amu: "Do you want to hear me tell the truth?"

"You said." Amu was not too happy.

"You can definitely be a senior executive, but it shouldn't be a gathering." Su Qingyue said.


"Because I know them." Su Qingyue said, telling her what he knew, and then said his own judgment: "You are a content expert, this kind of business is not suitable for you."

"Why doesn't it suit me?" Ami stared at him with disappointment in his eyes.

"It's not your problem." Su Qingyue said: "They look for you, not because they value your ability, but because they value your industry resources."

"But resources are also a kind of ability." Ah Mou argued.

"Amu, the ability to realize resources is called ability, and resources that cannot be realized are called resources." Su Qingyue said.

In fact, there is one more cruel fact that has not been said.

That is the resources that many people think they are, but they are actually given by the platform.

When you leave the platform, many things will change.

He thought, and Amu said, "Is Xiao Yu so strong? Will she be able to use those resources if she leaves Hualuo? I think that when you give her advice, she says that people have to change and challenge a little bit. Always stand still!" She said, sulky, as if she had suffered a great grievance.

"This is different!" Su Qingyue said.

"How different! I am also a challenge!"

"Xiao Yu is still engaged in the original work, but there are some challenges in the specific strategy." Su Qingyue said: "You went to Juliang, and what you want to do is completely different from what you are doing now."

"Anyway, you just think I can't do it, right?" Amu asked.

"Why do I think so?" Su Qingyue said: "If they want you to do content, would I say it? There is a specialization in the art industry." Not wanting to argue about this, he tried to patiently explain: "Interlace is like a mountain. They are People who are in the hospital for a sudden illness will not show mercy once they find a problem. Several people in the industry have been invited before..."

"...?" Amu was still not convinced.

Su Qing became more and more silent.

Following Amu, he said: "Just you!"

Know that she is talking angry now.

The real determination has to wait for calm.

Su Qingyue did not continue on this topic.

There is no need for two people to always face each other.

She will always be her strong backing.

In his opinion, love should be equal, not possession and control.

Hold each other's hand tightly, help each other, and throw all bad emotions into the trash can.

It is a good feeling to become someone who makes the other person comfortable.

"I just suggest that you think carefully about the specifics~www.ltnovel.com~ Su Qingyue said: "But there is one thing, no matter what decision you make in the end, I will support you without reservation..."

"Huh, it's almost the same." Amu said, she was only satisfied now, and her attitude changed slightly. Suddenly gossiping: "You found out that Xiao Yu never thought about Lao Jiang when she made a decision." She said: "There is always a distance or gap between her and Lao Jiang. I can't say that! But Jiang is right. She is really good."

"It's hard for an upright official to break housework." Su Qingyue said, daring not to say anything more.

Chatted with Amu for a while.

Amu never raised the matter of accumulation.

She has been with him in Su Qingyue's office, and she has seen Tian Zhong and Liu Yuming come to report to work.

Listen to Su Qingyue and Zhou Ziyou meeting, talking about Sister Lotus.

She also made her own suggestion and agreed with Su Qingyue: Behind this incident, it must have inspired a certain aspect of the core resonance of users.

It's just this resonance, definitely not in beauty or ugliness.

But there are deeper reasons.

Su Qingyue found the feeling of just starting "Martial Arts World" and typed a line of keywords on the computer.

What is the reason behind the mode of being ridiculed by ugliness?

If you find this specific reason, find the basic logic and direction behind it. It is possible to propose a new direction, in line with the market direction of the core resonance of users. Moreover, once the market direction is determined, it can definitely change its passive situation and make up for the almost desperate promotion pressure caused by insufficient funds.

Although there is no concrete result yet, Su Qingyue's thinking has become more and more focused, getting closer to the vent he wants.

He thought, until dinner at night.

Amu stayed with him until two o'clock in the night.

Just leave with him.

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