Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 273: : Soldiers approach the city

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Sunny at the end of July.

After three consecutive days of rain, Pingjing finally ushered in a sunny day.

Su Qingyue opened the curtains in the morning, and the sky was cloudless and blue as washing.

The slightly cool air made him take a deep breath and felt refreshed.

After everything was ready, Su Qingyue stood at the door of the unit and waited for Ah Mu.

There was a clattering sound from the corridor.

That is Amu wearing high heels.

Today was her first day to work in the new unit, and Su Qingyue finally agreed to her go to meet up.

Not because I am optimistic about this company.

It's not even that Amu can really accomplish anything here.

I just feel that there is no value in life without trying it once. Sometimes it makes sense to fail.

After returning home that day, Amu also talked about her current situation.

She said that although she is the chief reporter, she has done a good job. Can continue, but the improvement is not big.

Especially after the last Chang Ming incident, she felt weird in the unit.

The more Su Qing understood this, after all, the truth could not be known to everyone, and she could not explain them one by one.

This is really uncomfortable.

Later, Amu said a lot, including the uncle of her best friend whose boss is Juliang. It's not a joke, but there is a mine at home and I have wanted to access the Internet for so many years. It is the real money that meets the Internet and sparks are everywhere.

After all, if there is capital, there is capital for trial and error...

Su Qingyue didn't say anything, but he asked her to discuss her remuneration clearly, and her rights and responsibilities were clarified.

His experience played a role here, and Juliang finally offered very generous terms, and then Ah Mou agreed to respond.

Watch her come out from inside.

Wear a small pink suit on the outside and a lace shirt on the inside.

The two light-colored garments that have been layered together create a sense of depth from light to dark.

More temperamental integration, showing femininity.

This fashion match does not reduce the sweetness of the little girl's style, but also does not forget to add the intellectual elegance of mature women.

They bought this one at Dorset last night.

As expected to be a fashion editor, Su Qing laughed. I feel that today's Amu is even more exciting.

Walk out with her, put away your thoughts.

Because Ah Mou hasn't worn high heels for a long time, his pace has obviously slowed down.

Su Qingyue also slowed down a little bit, and asked her, "Have you remembered?"

"Oh, don't worry!" Ah Mou said, "Catch people's hearts, make plans, and implement them."

"Well, feel free to tell me if you don't understand." He asked again, looking at her.

Suddenly found that she was still a little bit reluctant, and Ah Mou was like a little lion that she released.

Let her go out hunting alone, but she was afraid of being hurt.

Any setbacks will worry her.

But in the end she wants to grow up independently, and there are some roads that must be taken.

Su Qingyue thought, did not buy the champion cake, and accompanied her to the Chenghuang Temple.

Because it came out early, there are still few people now.

Ah Mou ordered a small row of noodles.

Su Qingyue selected the king of rice dumplings.

When eating, Amu was a little nervous again, and asked her, "Are you nervous when you first went to Hualuo?"

"Of course, they are all normal people. In a new environment, tension is a normal state." Su Qingyue replied, "Don't think so much, face things normally. Use your strength in thinking, not Use it on bad emotions," he said: "Think more, work smart, and communicate frequently."

"I see."

Ami nodded.

The more Su Qing understood her, after all, this was a different type of leap.

The media and companies are very different.

But he felt that after this exercise, Ah Mu would definitely go further.

They have almost eaten.

Before the morning peak appeared, they left the hotel, and Amu drove away.

Standing at the entrance of the street, Su Qingyue felt that the air was rare and fresh, the temperature was also suitable, and he was in a good mood.

Simply walked to the unit.

The product should be completed within the last week.

Although the overall progress is good, it is still a bit slow compared to the focus pressure and previous expectations.

He often doesn't sleep well recently, and something is always in his mind.

Worried that Jiao Kejun could not withstand the pressure.

After the Gao Yanhai project was cut, Focus began to lay off substantially.

Almost half of the employees have left the company.

This caused a great sensation in the industry, and of course there are many rumors about Su Qingyue.

Saying that he hasn't had any movement in the past few months, it seems that he was just relying on the platform of ChinaNet.

In addition, there are some rumors. At first glance, they are said by the departing employees.

Said that he was involved in R&D and messed up the entire company.

These rumors even made Jiao Kejun talk to him once, meaning to let him not mind.

He said that there was no pressure, and his eyes were indeed full of anxiety.

The more Su Qing went forward, there were more cars.

There are also more people chasing the bus.

The rush hour finally arrived, and an empty taxi came out, but he did not stop it.

Instead, continue to move forward.

The market plan still has no results, although there is a direction.

These days, he thinks all the time, walking and eating.

When in a meeting, I will be distracted.

It feels like a layer of window paper is punctured.

On the road, cars gradually increased.

There was a traffic jam on the road, and the speed of the traffic was not even as fast as he was walking.

When I arrived at the unit, it was less than nine o'clock.

Saw Zhou Ziyou and He Lili coming in together.

Su Qingyue made a cup of tea first, and saw that the brothers in the corner of death ~www.ltnovel.com~ are already busy.

During this period, they were even more desperate than before.

Sometimes I sleep for two or three hours.

No need to urge anyone at all.

Su Qing understood that those posts were visible to everyone.

The focus of the situation has been exposed.

Only desperately this way.

Never urging anything, Su Qingyue returned to the office.

Not long after I turned on the computer, I received a message from Jiao Kejun asking him to go to the office.

Tensed instantly.

After a while, knocked on the door and entered Jiao Kejun's office to sit down.

The latter rubbed his eyebrows and asked bluntly: "How long will it take you to charge after the product version is closed to the final release?"

"Three weeks."

"Can you rush forward, I'm afraid there will be more nights and dreams... Since the version is okay, we'd better put it online for testing within two weeks." Jiao Kejun said, sighed: "Now the version will be out soon. There is no plan at all. If there is a problem, tell it quickly and we will work out a solution together." He complained.

Su Qingyue originally wanted to talk about the difficulties. He had talked about the difficulties a long time ago, and he did not see any comments from everyone.

If it says yes, then Li Lin said it quickly cut it...

He had no choice but not to speak.

Jiao Kejun followed: "The two million you promised before can only be paid in installments," he said: "It may be less than one million in the initial stage, can it work?"

"Okay." Su Qingyue agreed without hesitation.

Even though he was depressed, he understood that it was all about this time, could it be said that it was impossible?

He smiled awkwardly, but his mind was desperately thinking about the topic of marketing.

Jiao Kejun finally said, "I'm sorry, brother! You have to work harder!"

Su Qingyue nodded.

Turned and left the office.

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