Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 274: :final plan

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Su Qingyue certainly knows what it means to be unable to succeed within the deadline.

This is not just a matter of focusing on strangers.

It also means that the goal you pursued has declared a failure.

The attitude of the industry towards him will also change.

After all, the focus of the once smashing industry has collapsed in his hands.

What else to say?

No one can think rationally, most people watch the fun.

The focus may start over, but what about yourself?

Will the development of the industry wait for itself? Will the trend be?

I can't explain one by one, the real reason.

Back to the office, just sat down.

Amu sent a message: "I started to be busy when I arrived at the unit. I didn't care to tell you, I'm here."

"Work hard, don't be emotional when encountering problems, and want to solve the problem directly."

Send this order and watch Amu enter the working state.

Su Qingyue was also very happy.

I feel that two people should make progress with each other.

At the same time, he was suddenly relieved and felt that he was facing a powerful enemy.

This should have been a happy thing.

What I have to do is to defeat him or blow myself up.


It is a shame to surrender with a gun, and now is the time to return to thinking.

He quickly sat upright and opened the news website while reorganizing his thoughts.

Constantly browse related entertainment and social.

There are also various forums.

Soon a post by Goupao attracted him.

The above sentence caused a huge controversy.

Because his topic post wrote: The ugliness of Sister Lotus is better than the beauty of any parrot...

There were tens of thousands of responses.

Some are opposed, some are in support.

But no matter who is right or wrong.

Su Qingyue admitted that he was hit by the sentence itself.

He suddenly realized that a new era had arrived.

After the advent of the Internet, young people began to resonate with individuality and the pursuit of maverick.

This is definitely an era of idol personalization.

Different from the handsome men and beauties before, as long as you have personality, achievements, and maverick, you have the opportunity to become an idol.

Think of Qingqing's success.

Su Qingyue remembered that at that time, he also analyzed all the news and data of Gameyoung, and saw that showgirls are all the same, so he set the line of amateurs at that time. Find the feeling of first love "the breeze is blowing".

Now that Qingqing’s success is not simply the breeze blowing on his face and the so-called first love.

But three words: "not the same."

It's the kind of personality, refreshing, and unpretentious.

The beauty of personality that hasn't happened before impressed others.

This is the direction of the market.

Suddenly, that layer of window paper was about to burst, and Su Qing became more excited as he thought about it.

He found his creativity, he needed to be forced to death.

The last fight seemed to arouse the vitality of the whole person.

The mood keeps gushing out.

He started madly typing directions on the keyboard, typing out plans and later executions.

All the troubles these days, like tides, pierce the last layer of window paper.

In the end he finally finished writing.

The cursor returned to the theme again, he knocked out without hesitation, the theme of the plan: I speak for myself.

After that, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

Feeling collapsed, I sat in a chair and changed for a while.

Get up and go to Tian Zhong for a cigarette.

The latter simply followed directly and walked downstairs, he couldn't wait to take a deep breath.

Spit out the smoke.

Tanaka asked, "What's wrong?"

"There will be a meeting later, the market plan has come out, and there are some things that need your cooperation."

"No problem." He nodded and asked again: "Boss, you have been under a lot of pressure recently, I know."

He said that the more Su Qing understood that he was referring to the focal dilemma caused by the resigned employees.

It spreads throughout the industry, which in turn affects the remaining employees.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "In fact, it's okay," he said, thinking for a moment, and then said: "But with today's plan, I dare to say that I can spend a lot of money, let the brothers work so long, not in vain !" He said, took another deep breath, and smiled: "It's really fried!"

"Boss, I believe you!" Tanaka said.

After the two spoke, they finished smoking and went upstairs.

Ten minutes later, the operation, marketing, website, and R&D of the project team entered the large conference room one by one.

Su Qingyue noticed that many people in the First R&D Center are paying attention.

There is envy, jealousy, and hatred.

Some of them think that no matter how good the project is, it is impossible to succeed.

At this time everyone took their seats and the door was closed.

Wang Xinjie sat on the right side of Tian Zhong, still the Nike Justdoit.

Ning Cheng was next to him with a short haircut.

A suit with a shirt inside.

Looks refreshing and neat.

Su Qingyue knows that a girl like her is now in fashion.

Waiting for everyone to calm down a bit.

He finally said: "I believe all of you already know the current situation of the company," he said, looking around and seeing everyone worries written on their faces, he smiled and followed: "But the good news is the market plan. It's already out, I'm sure to throw a thousand catties in two or two."

He said that the meeting room was quiet.

Su Qing understood that in the market field, everyone still recognized him.

So he continued: "I believe that the recent sister lotus, everyone knows, and the hot talent show recently. Have you noticed a phenomenon that the idols that young people pay attention to and pursue are different from before? It's..."

He said, telling these trends that young people appreciate personalization.

Everyone who attended the meeting nodded.

Especially Ning Cheng and Lian Xiaoxue, they are now die-hard fans of female singers on a certain talent show.

What I like is their personality.

Seeing everyone agree, Su Qing understood that it should be right.

Because they are young people, they have just graduated.

He went on to say: "As long as we cater to the user's psychology, we can create miracles.

Zhou Ziyou took notes seriously.

The next moment, Su Qingyue finally said the theme of the market plan, saying: "I speak for myself!" he said.

Everyone is bright.

He went on to say: Lao Gan Ma, Wang Shouyi's thirteen incense, many of these century-old shops use their own names. Even endorsed with the credibility of several generations of the family, reflecting confidence and courage in the product.

And "I speak for myself" is very novel in form.

To speak for yourself, no one has used it before.

We will arouse the interest of the media and players through personalized operations, so that they can pay attention to the product.

In line with our core philosophy, plus the topicality of the product itself.

"All these add up, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will form a chain reaction," he said: "This will be a commercial atomic bomb. One neutron causes an atom to split and releases two neutrons. These two neutrons can split two atoms, and if the split continues, a chain reaction will be formed."

He said that Wang Xinjie, who knew physics, suddenly came out an **** at this time.

That is a very vulgar sentence that expresses shock.

Su Qingyue had no objection, because he realized that Wang Xinjie understood what he said.

Then, he said: "I can tell my brothers clearly now that despite our financial difficulties, we can still achieve the established business goals. I believe that everyone can guarantee the results, and please have the confidence to stick to this project. Go down."

After he spoke, thunderous applause broke out in the conference room.

Follow to give everyone confidence.

He will write the plan and tell everyone.

Tell them that they have confidence.

He said: "Without advertising, we will detonate the first wave of topics through media interviews, news and forums. I will use all my resources for communication..."

"We will provide three to five top websites in the industry with gifts ranging from 200,000 to 300,000 yuan, all of which are given to players. We will also provide exclusive mounts and pets for the event..."

"On the channel, I will use my relationship to let familiar Internet cafes install the client for free."

He said that actually a lot has been omitted.

The purpose is just to let everyone understand that the project team has not collapsed.

The company has hope.

At the end of the day, everyone stood up.

When he finished speaking, applause rang again.

Wang Xinjie excitedly said to Zhou Ziyou: "This is an atomic bomb!"

Zhou Ziyou laughed loudly as he listened.

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