Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 276: :contradiction

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Jiao Kejun didn't reply to him in the end.

Su Qingyue certainly understood what this meant.

Only Zhou Ziyou and Wang Xinjie in the entire project team really understood the whole thing.

Jiao Kejun only looked at the plan.

It will definitely be confused and worried.

This is his last fight after all. If he fails, he will endure unimaginable failure.

The focus may cease to exist, or live sluggishly, with no chance of turning over again.

This too advanced plan really prevented him from expressing his opinions.

Su Qingyue went to the "death corner" for a round.

It's half past eleven and everyone is still busy.

Going back to the office and checking the content written under the passion again, I am still a little touched.

In the industry marketing has entered the era of big capital, the cost of promotion is rising.

The focus of investment is a drop in the ocean.

This is what a clever woman can't cook without rice.

There are really few methods he can use.

If the theme and content of marketing are still fearful of wolves and tigers, then this is not necessary.

Taking a deep breath, Su Qingyue trimmed the speech again, deliberating and thinking word by word.

Words are powerful, Su Qingyue firmly believes.

At this moment, Zhou Ziyou sent him several links.

One is the theme page of the official website. The silhouette pictures are very beautiful.

It said: Who is this?

Then there is the forum spread they have started.

Su Qingyue opened it up, and the content was well done and very attractive.

There are already dozens of posts discussing this spokesperson.

Some people say it is Liu Tianwang, some say it is Guo Tianwang.

Some people say that the focus is now like this, how can it be able to afford the king.

All in all speculations.

Su Qing felt that the focus was also a leader in the industry before, and many users, including those in the industry, still paid attention.

Just thinking, Tanaka knocked on the door.

Today's work is over, everyone walks out of the company together.

Wait until Lian Xiaoxue and Ning Cheng left in Liu Yuming's car.

Su Qingyue only returned home.

Get off at the intersection again. He likes it more and more now, and walks alone for a while before going home.

Think about the future work.

Or just relax.

In short, a moment of loneliness is very important to him.

The little pink light is still on.

It's half past twelve, and there are still many people drinking at the roadside barbecue stall.

Suddenly I wanted to have a few strings and a few bottles of beer.

Congratulations that the whole idea is finally complete and is about to begin.

Simply bought a dozen beers and made dozens of skewers.

When he got home, Amu was still awake.

Working at the computer.

Su Qingyue put the beer outside and asked, "How about today?"

"Hey..." Ah Mou sighed first, and then said, "I'm so busy!"

"Not finished yet?"

"No, I think it's too late, so I took my work home." Amu said, eyes still on the screen, and then said: "If you are sleepy, go to sleep first. I will clean up first."

"No, I won't do it, I'll find Brother Guang to drink." Su Qingyue said.

He also asked Amu not to worry.

Leave her a few strings on the table, and put some paper towels.

Knocked on Brother Guang's door and found that he had been drunk.

The two simply made a table in the living room.

Brother Guang held a cigarette in his mouth, opened a bottle for him, and asked, "I have to tell you something."

"what's happenin?"

"It's almost done, haven't the contract been sent to you."


"The team needs to be strengthened. It is impossible to be the current grass-roots team..." Guang Ge said: "The quality of the team determines the development height of the company. This is the truth. You have always mentioned this, but it is stuck in the previous conditions. It can't be achieved..."

"So you have to hire people now." Su Qingyue said.

"Lack of a chief editor." Guang Ge said.

The two touched the cup again.

Su Qingyue remembered that Brother Guang had mentioned it to him before.

Feeling a little helpless, he explained: "I don't have any problems, but she just went to a new unit, and it's probably not possible for the time being." He responded like this, in fact, he has no idea about the work behind Amu. I don't know the future situation, but I still respect Amu's ideas.

He thought, Brother Guang nodded: "Okay, anyway, don't worry. It won't work then, you can recommend someone to me."

Then the two chatted again with Song Xiaoxuan.

Talk to the child.

It seems that they have lost contact recently.

Brother Guang dipped his cigarette and said with emotion: "If your life goes wrong, you won't come again."

As he was talking, Amu walked out of the room.

Seeing them eating, they laughed and said, "Eat so much at night, so I'm not afraid of getting fat."

Brother Guang said that he exercises every day.

Su Qingyue said that he was a lean physique and would not get fat no matter how he eats.

The three people chatted.

Speaking of her work today, Amu didn't look so smooth.

However, Su Qingyue felt that this was normal, and of course it would not be smooth sailing to start a new job in a new unit.

Following Amixiang suddenly remembered something, and asked Su Qingyue: "Did you hire a spokesperson at the Heavenly King level? Who? Why have you never said it before? I just watched the forum and felt that your rumors were everywhere. You guys. Rich again?"

"Where is the money?" Su Qingyue shook his head and asked Guang Ge with a smile: "Guess who the spokesperson is?"

"Who?" Brother Guang shook his head~www.ltnovel.com~ Su Qingyue looked at Amou: "You guessed it too?"

He had a smirk, and at the same time it was a test.

"It's impossible to be Liu Tianwang, and you can't afford it either." Amu said.

"How about someone at the level of Zeng Jingjie? Three Kingdoms, there must be some people with military value to come out." Guang Ge said.

Su Qingyue shook his head.

Ah Mou asked, "Who the **** is it?"

Without answering the question, Su Qingyue took a sip of wine first.

Looking at the two people, thinking for a moment, then said: "I said it was me, do you believe it?"

"You?" Brother Guang laughed and said, "Hahaha! It's okay, it's good to endorse a little Joe."

A Mi also smiled and said, "I think Luoshen is also good."

Seeing that they haven't recollected it yet, they are just joking.

Su Qingyue put away his smile and said seriously: "It's really me! This time I speak for myself!"

"Hahaha!" Brother Guang was still smiling.

But Amu realized that something was wrong and asked, "How could it be you?"

"Isn't this normal..." Seeing Ah Mou's face shocked, Su Qingyue explained: "Now the game promotion routine has been solidified. There is no problem with solidification itself, but solidification will greatly increase the cost and reduce the effect. I just want In this maverick way to impact the existing system. And I have confidence in my own products, no spokesperson can accurately and fully display the characteristics of the product. Moreover, we do not have any funds..."

"But... but you are not popular!" Guang Ge stammered.

"Yes!" Ah Mou added.

Su Qingyue laughed at this moment, and said mysteriously, "Don't worry! News dissemination never recognizes popular or popular news, but recognizes whether there is a topic.

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