Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 277: :convince

The latest website: "What do you say when you let my mom see it? What about my dad? The older generations value these things very much. And those relatives in Jiang Hai, they always look down on our family. And those former colleagues, Ping Jing What do you think of your friends?" After drinking and returning to the room, A Mou finally pulled down his face and said what was in his heart.

Su Qingyue certainly knew that there would be controversy.

And the family must be the main one.

After all, for them, giving up a stable job and working as a game company they have never had contact with is beyond their cognition. Now he wants to become a celebrity on the Internet, which is difficult for Amu and his family to accept.

Seeing her angrily, he was not angry.

I just sat down, sighed, and said, "I also want to fight in positions with real swords and guns, strategize and win a thousand miles. But the reality is that there are no bullets or shells. Should I bring a gun to surrender? There is no way. Method."

"What is a no-brainer? Can't you choose not to fight?"

"How is it possible?" Su Qingyue said: "There are not only my dreams, but also so many brothers." He said: "In this era of big capital, with the investment of focus, I want to achieve the original goal. It is impossible, and this attempt is extremely important, and it will determine my future career direction."

"So what?" Amu asked, pouting.

"Hey...Amu..." Su Qingyue sighed helplessly, hoping that she would understand herself, and then explained: "If it is like you said, my career ceiling will end. If so, then I still What are you doing in Pingjing? It’s not even nice in the south!"

"Yeah! We come to this city, live in such a house, and pretend to be a senior executive. What's the use?" Amu suddenly said, "Why did you say that? You had to come in the first place!"

Feeling a little aggrieved in her tone, it doesn't seem to be caused by herself.

Su Qingyue did not answer her question, and asked: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the unit?"

"Don't talk about me, talk about you now!" Amu said, "Why do we want this?"

"Did you listen to what I said?" Su Qingyue said.

"you said!"

"It's very simple!" He said: "In order not to be eliminated, for the sake of dreams, we are desperately moving forward. Because we are very clear in our hearts that if we go against the current, we will retreat. The rolling wheels of the golden age are the golden age to keep up. Will be eliminated."

"Anyway, you are reasonable..."

It is already an angry word to understand, and it is meaningless to fight further.

The more Su Qing stroked her.

She pulled away his hand and suddenly started crying on her stomach.

Said: "I should have listened to you a long time ago, I shouldn't gather together, shouldn't take this risk." She hummed, making Su Qing more startled. Then she said intermittently as she sobbed: "It turns out that there is nothing wrong with the competition. Why didn't you have a firm attitude in the first place? Why? Just fight for what you said?"

Su Qing understood that Amu had a problem with her work.

Although Amu has been in the industry for a long time, he has interviewed many people.

But I haven't really done a specific business operation, after all, it's just on paper.

What's more, she is not a person who has experienced the world. Su Qingyue asked again: "What's the matter, can you tell me?"


Ah Mou snorted first.

Then there was silence.

Su Qingyue did not speak, waiting for her, knowing that she must have something to say.

After a while, she really stopped sobbing and said: "They don't want to be serious at all, they just want to make money and make quick money. The company's positioning, vision, and planning are all data companies, and data drives the development of the industry. But When I entered it, I saw that it was a pure advertising company. I have one and only one job: to find clients to get orders..."

"Are they out of money?"

"I don't know!" She said, and then: "I also know that the company wants to make money and make a profit. This is no problem. But you have to say it in advance. I accept it without complaint. If it doesn't suit me, I will give up. Communication Time is one thing, and I go in and do another thing, and this thing is something I am not good at. During the meeting, it hinted that I would go to Hualuo, find the focus, and colorful..."

Listening to Amou's complaint.

The more Su Qing understood, he found that anyone would have illusions about the new unit.

But when I went to work, I realized that all the good things were made up by my own brain.

Or maybe it was made by someone else.

It's like marriage.

First, I was dazzled by love, thinking that what I was thinking about would be a beautiful marriage.

But when you really get in touch, you will be disappointed.

What should you do at this time?

Is it to leave and start again?

Still continue.

Remembering that Amu was still working hard just now.

He thought for a moment and asked, "How are you going?"

"Of course I have to go on, I can't let it go if I encounter a little difficulty!" She said angrily: "And those former colleagues who compete with each other can watch. Just go on this, I have to continue, I can't leave now! "

"Good! Good! Good!" Su Qing couldn't help but said three times.

Unexpectedly, Amu has made such progress.

No longer the little reporter who was just pouting and acting like a baby before.

Regarding Juliang, if you don't evaluate others yourself, every family has hard-to-read scriptures. But for Amu, it was a good thing.

Only by seeing the cruelty and reality of life can we truly understand the sweetness and beauty of life.

Su Qingyue said at this time: "In fact, both of us are facing this dilemma." He said, "But can we not do it? Or accept failure? Obviously it is impossible. At this time, shouldn't we try every means to solve it? The problem? I'm the same as you!"

"It's not the same, yours is negative!"

"Why is it negative?" Su Qing sighed helplessly.

"It's negative," she said.

"Behind these phenomena are users' understanding and pursuit of individuality, and their constant breakthroughs and desires." Su Qingyue said: "What I want to show, express, and cater to is this culture and demand. What I want to talk about is Dreams, the dreams of gamers, are not what you said."

He said, Amu looked up at him now.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course," he said, "but there will be some explosive things in the early stage, which will attract attention first."

After that, I don't know how Yan Xipan arranges herself.

But what is certain is that as long as this kid takes a shot, this matter will definitely be fine.

He thought so.

Then Amu sat up: "Anyway, I told you that my parents will definitely have opinions then."

"I'll explain."

"This is what you said!" Ah Mou said every word~www.ltnovel.com~ Don't worry! "Su Qing swears.

At this time, Amu broke into a smile, and sat back in his seat, saying, "That's it."

"What's this?" Su Qingyue didn't understand for a while.

"That is to say, you can sleep, I want to continue working." She said.

Su Qingyue saw that it was already three o'clock.

But understanding, work is work.

So I made her a cup of tea and said to her, "Good night."

This is the first time Amu slept later than her in so many years.

When I think about this, I feel sorry for her.

Lying on the bed alone, fell asleep dazedly.

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