Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 278: : Entrust

Latest website: I don't know when Amo slept.

Feeling dazed, she sighed and lay down.

When you open your eyes, the day is bright and the sun is shining.

The biological clock is always so accurate. At 7:30 in the morning, Su Qingyue opened his eyes.

See if Amu is still sleeping.

Thinking of letting her sleep more, wash gently.

After coming back, she was just about to wake her up.

She got up by herself, rubbed her eyes and asked, "What time is it?"

"It's less than eight o'clock." Su Qingyue said.

"That's too early. I have to continue to understand the situation today..." She said, getting up, rubbing her eyes, and sighing: "Anyway, I can't be kicked out as soon as I go." Then she went to wash.

Su Qing laughed more.

Suddenly it felt like the two of them had started a new life.


Two people who are not to be outdone.

For a moment, I felt that the reality was not so cruel, and the two of them worked hard to face it.

This feels completely different.

I went out with her and bought a piece of cake for himself. Because Ah Mou got up a bit late, he didn't have time to eat.

Dongshan's car came, Su Qingyue let her go first.

I walked for a long time, and I was almost at the college bridge before I barely got into a black car.

Sure enough, the other party was not like Dongshan, and the other party charged him twenty-five for the usual 15 yuan.

Along the way, the car drove sharply.

It's safe. It's just that Su Qingyue was thinking, if so, why didn't he just walk?

After finally arriving at the unit, I was still five minutes late.

The brothers in the "Death Corner" have already started working.

Back to the office, check the industry and Goup Forum, and other areas related to cooperative media.

It was discovered that the mystery about endorsement had been unfolded.

The reply on the official website forum has reached more than twenty pages.

The Goup Forum has reached more than 100 pages.

Everyone is very interested, who will be the focus?

What is going on in their current situation.

The linear rise in attention indicates that Zhou Ziyou has done a good job.

Su Qingyue was very satisfied.

At this time, Jiao Kejun sent a message and asked: "Are you here?"

"Just arrived," he replied: "Should I go to your office?"

"No, I'll go find you." Jiao Kejun replied, feeling like he made a lot of determination.

I think it must be related to yesterday's plan.

Su Qingyue asked Zhou Ziyou to pour a glass of water.

Jiao Kejun came in a few minutes later, his complexion was not good, and he obviously didn't sleep well.

It is estimated that the pressure is too great.

He has heavy dark circles recently.

With worry written on his face, he finally said: "I have seen the plan."

"Yeah." Su Qingyue nodded, guessing that he must not understand, and asked: "Is there a problem?"

"I don't understand too much." Jiao Kejun nodded: "Why do you come to be the spokesperson, this thing can be popular? I thought about it all night and sent it to Li Lin and Gao Yanhai. Can you give me more details? After all, the matter is very important. These two million are the company's last payments."

Secretly sighed, in fact, the previous documents are very clear.

It can be seen that Jiao Kejun is still under great pressure.

Su Qingyue had to be patient and explained it again: The era where the focus is now and the current status quo, left them with few ways and means. If they want to succeed, they must win by surprise.

He said, then Zhou Ziyou brought in water.

Jiao Kejun listened with interest.

Su Qingyue continued: "We don't have money to try and make mistakes now, so this plan must be 100% successful," he said: "Although it is a stopgap measure, I am very confident."

Listening to him, Jiao Kejun is probably lost in thought.

After a while, he said earnestly: "Qingyue, I don't really understand, but you are professional. We have no retreat. You and I are on the same line. Since you believe in this plan so much, then follow you Come on, I will try my best in other aspects."

"Thank you." Su Qingyue nodded.

Knowing that Jiao Kejun is already in utter discomfort, he is his only hope.

So even if he is skeptical, he can only do so.

Sometimes, in the face of reality, if you want to change, all you have to do is to overthrow it and overcome it.

This requires honesty, trust, and courage.

Shake hands with Jiao Kejun.

Su Qingyue said again: "Don't worry!"

"Actually I believe you." Jiao Kejun said, shook his head helplessly: "But you should understand that people are poor and short."

"Of course." Su Qingyue nodded.

It's hard to know that when you have money and when you don't have money, you make different judgments and choices.

If you have money, you will have the opportunity of trial and error, and you can find a better way out and create double economic benefits.

Without money, under normal circumstances, nothing can be done.

Sighed for Jiao Kejun.

The next moment, Jiao Kejun chose to believe him and said: "Brother, you must succeed."

"I know."

"Hurry up, there is not much time left for us."

"Don't worry." Su Qingyue said.

Finally Jiao Kejun got up and left, and they didn't say anything.

Su Qingyue certainly understood that the appearance that seemed to be close enough and valued was boundless worry.

What played a role at this time was his achievements in ChinaNet.

Other than that, there is nothing.

Although Jiao Kejun didn't say the objection of Li Lin and Gao Yanhai, he can imagine what they would say.

Just thinking that Msn rang, it was Jiang Zhengshang who was talking.

Su Qing clicked to watch. The latter said: "Xiaoyu has officially resigned and joined the Falcon. I think about the weekend, we will gather together. It is all our acquaintances. Do you have time to participate?" He asked.

"No problem." Su Qingyue replied.

Notice that Xiao Yu’s Msn signature has been replaced with: New Journey! New journey!


Suddenly Jiang Zhengshang asked again: "There's another thing, who is your spokesperson?"

Seeing him asking so curiously, Su Qingyue knew that Zhou Ziyou's first wave of work was successful.

The suspense already exists.

At this time, he first sent a smiley face and replied: "You will know then, you will definitely be shocked."

"Is it Liu Tianwang?" He said, "I think many people think so."

"you guess!"

"I don't think it's ~www.ltnovel.com~ How can you guys have money now." He said: "Besides, if you have money, you may not be able to move it. Anyway, I don't think you guys have any bombs!" He He sighed, and gave another thumbs up expression.

Su Qingyue smiled back.

Reply: "You will know then!"

Jiang Zhengshang made a vomiting expression.

The two ended the conversation.

Su Qingyue began to work again, and Yan Xipan sent a message to blend with him for the evening shooting time.

He finally confirmed with He Cunxi where he would meet in the afternoon.

Did not choose to be in the Chailu Teahouse.

Instead, I chose the cafe downstairs in Jinghe.

After having dinner with colleagues in the project team at noon, he went straight from the language university to the appointed place.

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