Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 279: : Who is the spokesperson?

"Legendary Wave Eighteen Years ( to find the latest chapter!

Su Qingyue walked in, and He Cunxi was already sitting on the first floor of the building.

Close to the floor-to-ceiling windows, obliquely behind the sight is a newly built church, white, holy, pure and beautiful.

There are tall buildings rising around.

It is hard to imagine such a warm environment in a place with such an inch of land.

When the two met, they exchanged greetings.

They have actually been missing for a long time.

Especially when Su Qingyue went to focus, the number of times they met was only a handful.

Although I occasionally talk a little bit online because of work, it is no longer as close as it was during the China Network.

Ordered a hazelnut latte.

He still prefers the taste of tea. Sit down and smiled and asked him: "Dongfang.com they also moved here?"

"Yes." He Cunxi pointed her finger upwards: "It should be them on the 16th floor and above. I ran into the car channel buddy that day, and they should have moved over immediately."

"It's the whole migration? Don't you want Modern City?"

"Well, it is estimated that Wanquanhe will be kept at most, the land of Longxing is still needed." He smiled.

Su Qingyue knows that Dongfang.com is very powerful now.

It is not only in the portal site, including all kinds of information.

At the same time, it is also working on casual games. Recently, several Korean games are also acting as agents.

It can be said that the momentum is on track and the results are remarkable.

It has already become a giant in not only the gaming industry, but also the entire Internet circle.

The coffee is here.

He took a sip, feeling a little dull.

Compared with Starbucks, it is a lot worse. But looking at the surrounding business, it is still hot.

If you want to come, this is determined by the location.

I was thinking about He Cunxi and asked him: "How are you now?"

"It's okay." Su Qingyue said, knowing what he meant by referring to all kinds of exposures in industry forums, and then said: "This is not a preparation for effort. I want to talk with you. Let's see if we can cooperate in an event. ."


"Yes, it's about new products." Su Qingyue said directly.

When he said this, He Cunxi's eyes lit up. He even said yes, yes, yes, like I just remembered what happened in mainstream forums these days, and then asked: "Who is your spokesperson? Brother." He said, "Some people say it is King Guo, I don't think it is like I think Liu Tianwang is a bit interesting."

Looked at him curiously.

Su Qingyue feels that men and women like gossip.

This is almost human being's innate genes.

To vent your own emotions by telling others' "experiences"; to balance your unbalanced hearts by comparing them with others' "unfortunate"; or to show your abilities by listening to others' secrets.

With a smile, he said: "We have to wait, I will tell you then."

"Can't you say it now?" He Cunxi leaned close to him, like a child, "I won't tell anyone."

"Wait." Su Qingyue said.

Hearing what he said, He Cunxi seemed to have thought about it.

Said: "According to this meaning, this is not an ordinary endorsement, right?"

The more Su Qing knows, this is a different angle to listen...

"May I talk to you about event cooperation?" Su Qingyue said: "It must be good for what you are doing now."

"You said it." He Cunxi laughed, and inadvertently brought out Jinmen Mandarin.

Su Qingyue drank another cup of coffee and explained the general background of the whole event.

In particular, referring to the current situation, the website has caused dissatisfaction among users due to a large number of drafts and advertisements, and the homogeneity among peers is serious. Competition between websites tends to become day-to-day.

Speaking of He Cunxi's pain points, he signaled Su Qingyue to continue.

Then I talked about the prizes that Focus is going to provide. The gifts of 200,000 to 300,000 yuan are all given to players, providing them with exclusive mounts and pets (competitive doll images). He added: "You don't have any fees, you just need to give me an entrance on the homepage, and put me on the top in the forums of each zone, and our official website will also add an entrance to the event."

Hearing what he said, He Cunxi nodded from time to time.

His eyes were clearly brighter, and he asked curiously: "But who is this spokesperson?"

"Don't worry, I'll talk about this later." Su Qing smiled more.

"Okay, anyway, there is no problem with your creativity." He Cunxi nodded, thought for a moment, and then said: "But you also know the rumors in the industry, so we have to buy the prizes, and the prizes must be paid in advance. Other forms." He said, and explained: "It's not that I embarrass you..."

"Brother, don't need to explain." Su Qingyue said, making a stop gesture with his hand.

Quite simply finished.

They talked about something else, He Cunxi asked, "How is Amo over there?"

"is acceptable."

"I think so too, Needless to say Amu's spirituality." He Cunxi smiled.

"This is true, Amu is capable of it," Su Qingyue said.

Someone came to buy coffee and met He Cunxi and greeted him.

He Cunxi introduced to Su Qingyue: "This is Li Chao, Director of the Key Account Department of Dongfang.com."

Su Qingyue got up and shook hands with the other party.

Seeing this person's face turned dark, it was obviously caused by staying up all night for a long time.

He is very tall, at least one meter 87 or more.

Combing the partial points and wearing a color changing mirror.

Su Qingyue handed over his business card, "Hello, I am the focus of Su Qingyue."

"Hey, I've heard the name for a long time." He said, and laughed: "Before Hualuo, Gameyoung, you are really bad, I happened to go to Jianghai."

"Thank you, just clever." Su Qingyue smiled.

"It's not a little cleverness that captures the user's psychology." He said, with the superiority and career of a large company.

Su Qingyue thinks this is normal.

On the one hand, Dongfang.com is a giant in the industry. On the other hand, this may be the style of the other party.

Just like Jiang Zhengshang.

Then He Cunxi asked him, who else will come this time at the show party of Internet figures they held.

He said a few big stars.

When the coffee came, he left.

Su Qingyue looked at the time ~www.ltnovel.com~ and exchanged a few words with He Cunxi.

After saying goodbye, I got on the bus and followed Baiyi Road to Baishiqiao.

There is a building at the corner of the street, where is another game media.

Su Qingyue also made an appointment with their editor-in-chief.

Everyone sat down and chatted for a while, also facing the problem of the spokesperson.

Su Qingyue made the same answer.

Then the two parties simply reached a cooperation intention, and the subsequent docking was completely handed over to Zhou Ziyou.

Throughout the afternoon, Su Qingyue visited the media like this, and there were three of them.

There are also two key foreign media outlets for Zhou Ziyou to discuss.

He is going to ask about the details tomorrow.

As long as these five companies participate, the heat of the first wave of activities is enough.

He thought, it was already 6:30 in the evening when he arrived at the unit, and he simply had a meal with everyone at the language university.

Look at the time, call Yan Xipan, and confirm the time and place again.

He took a taxi and went to Baiziwan.

It was really a place of feasting, and when he got out of the car, it seemed to have just been awakened by magic.

Neon lights flickered, and various shops were lit up with colorful lights.

Passers-by who used to be listless during the day are now full of energy.

Su Qingyue walked in, the bar was already open, and there was a deafening bass.

When I walked to the studio I visited before, the door was vacant, and the cold light inside leaked out.

He heard Yan Xipan say: "This time the Internet personality list is full of stars, and basically all the Internet celebrities are swept away. Do you want to be together? Anyway, I told you that the opportunity is rare, consider it for yourself. Girl.

Unexpectedly, Yan Xipan also picked up the Internet Personality Ranking this time.

But it's normal to think about it.

Su Qingyue knocked on the door and walked in.

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