Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 280: : Self-cultivation of actors

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Yan Xipan remained the same.

When Su Qingyue walked in, he saw that he was chatting with several people.

A girl with short hair, wearing a tight sports T-shirt, youthful and energetic.

A pair of Converse re-enacted sneakers.

It is obvious that their relationship is not ordinary.

The girl was sitting on Yan Xipan's lap, talking and laughing with everyone.

Until I turned around to see Su Qingyue come in.

Yan Xipan whispered in her ear and nudged her.

She just got up, Yan Xipan greeted Su Qingyue and smiled: "Big brother, I knew you wanted to be red, I'll help you..." He said, holding a wine glass in his hand: "Old Huang just took it. To see if you can help you at the party of Dongfang.com's Internet Personality Ranking."

After he spoke, he introduced the photographer to Su Qingyue.

A man in his thirties, named Yan Bing.

Seeing that the age is obviously older than Su Qingyue and Yan Xipan. It looks bad, a bit like a singer singing a smiley face.

He wears outdoor clothing and a baseball cap from the San Francisco Giants.

Seeing Su Qingyue, walked over to shake hands with Su Qingyue.

"I have seen you somewhere." He said.

"Qinqi, calligraphy and painting, I know Mr. Li." Su Qingyue returned, remembering where he had met him.

The other party suddenly realized, "You belong to that game company, right?" Yan Bing asked.

"Yes." Su Qingyue smiled.

"Is this to dedicate myself to art?" He said with a smile, and handed Su Qingyue's business card.

Printed on it: Yan Bing Studio, Director of Photographers Association.

"Fashion, formal wear, casual, and period costumes come in four sets. First, fashion and period costumes, right?" he asked.

"Well, that's right." Su Qingyue nodded, noting that their positions were ready.

Yan Bing said at this time: "Then you can change your clothes, and then let our makeup artist give you some makeup, we are ready to start."

He doesn't talk much and he is very calm.

With a slight look, his subordinates have already turned on the lights, and are preparing methodically.

Su Qingyue entered the locker room.

Put on a fashionable trendy jacket, a pair of whitish jeans, watches, necklaces and various ornaments...

These were all prepared by Yan Xipan after they discussed them.

After looking in the mirror for a while, I have to say that Yan Xipan has a good grasp of fashion.

When he asked himself, he could find the corresponding clothes steadily, accurately and ruthlessly.

Look at yourself in the mirror again and fasten your belt.

He came out of the locker room.

Yan Xipan saw him for the first time and gave him a thumbs up: "Brother, if you go to the Three Kingdoms, you can accept everything from Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, and Zhen Mi." He said, "Tai Lang ......" Then he hurried back to find supplements: "It's so handsome! I told you in advance. If you get angry, the little girl chases you, don't let your sister-in-law find me."

Being so boasted, Su Qing suddenly realized that he was quite embarrassed.

His face was a little hot, and he smiled awkwardly: "That time in Hengqin, you killed me."

"Then I'm even more dead this time."

The two said a tacit story that only each other can understand.

Then Su Qingyue sat down and began to put on makeup.

The foundation was on his face, and he frowned slightly, a little uncomfortable.

This was Su Qingyue's first formal makeup.

Last time I was in Hengqin, because it was night and it was a distant view, I just made up a little bit, not as formal as this time.

Yan Xipan looked at his watch and asked his girlfriend: "Why hasn't your classmate arrived yet?"

"I asked, and said it was right away." The girl returned to him.

Su Qingyue discovered that her hair was a little gray, her brows were high, her eye sockets were deep, and her eyes were hazel.

A bit exotic.

Yan Xipan introduced him, her name is Zhu Jinqiu, who is studying Chinese opera at Pingjing Film Academy.

Su Qing was surprised to hear, and asked: "Xiwen?"

"Major in Drama, Film and Television Literature." The girl smiled back to him, her voice as clear as a silver bell.

After a while the makeup was completed and the shooting began.

Su Qingyue stood in front of the green screen.

The light hit his face, Yan Bing's lens was close to him, and the shutter sound kept ringing.

The others stared at him.

At the next moment, Su Qingyue suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

He has never been photographed like this before.

Last time, in Hengqin.

It was also at night, and there was no light, so I basically didn't take the face.

The audience did not stare at themselves.

Now, he found himself embarrassed.

I totally lost the feeling when the plan came out.

As he was thinking, Yan Xipan suddenly said: "Stop! Stop! Stop!" He said several times to stop, walking towards Su Qingyue, with dissatisfaction on his face: "Brother, you are too nervous, the overbearing president. Where's the strength? Adjust it and show you where you are in Hengqin."

He said, Su Qing became more confused.

I didn't expect the difficulty to be beyond my expectations.

At the beginning, he thought he would be able to take pictures at random, and he might be able to go home early today.

It seems that this matter is not that simple.

Then it started again. Before Yan Bing pressed the shutter, Yan Xipan again asked: "Domineering president, remember!"

After he spoke, Su Qingyue tried to recall his usual feelings.

Listen to the sound of the shutter.

Feeling the light burning, he adjusted his expression as much as possible.

Angered, thinking about how he got angry.

At this moment, Yan Bing stopped suddenly, shook his head, and said to Su Qingyue: "Brother, you are too nervous, the overbearing president is not against others, no matter how big your eyes are, it's no use." He said, laughing. After thinking for a while, he said, "What do you think of Liming?"

"What's the matter?" Su Qingyue asked, suddenly feeling a little lost. I didn't expect a shooting to be so difficult.

At the next moment, Yan Bing said: "Do you think Li Ming is a domineering president?"

"surely not."

"But there is momentum?" Yan Xipan interrupted.

"Yes, the aura is very strong."

"Brother, that's right. What you want to show is your aura." Yan Xipan said, "It's a natural one, not a glaring. You are not a game of Three Kingdoms, the lord's eyes are like sorrow. The world is brought out of your bones. You have to feel this way."

After he said something, his girlfriend spoke again and said: "I'll give you an idea. If you want to be natural, just think about your own story. Is there anything remarkable and incorporate it into your emotions. So your performance will It will become natural, rather than a rigid feeling."

"Yes! My wife is right, this is Stanislavsky's performance system." He said, Su Qing is more and more uncountable, this is his wife, and I feel Yan Xi hopes that every beauty can be called a wife.

Secretly laughed.

At the same time, I realized that being an Internet celebrity might not be that simple.

Those stars are even more rigorously trained.

And Chen Feng said: A good boss should also be a good actor.

He realized that this was also a crucial step in life, to become a good boss.

Think about how to manage your own aura.

How can it be done?

Your own story, what story?

What is Li Ming's aura?

He thought, the lighting engineer turned off the lights first.

The scene dimmed suddenly, and Su Qingyue asked himself why I spoke for myself.

Isn't it just for ideals?

What is my aura? Is the domineering president domineering because he is rich?

Do not! Real domineering should be an aura that sees everything.

After countless experiences, the peace revealed.

Think about coming out of Southern Capital, arriving in Pingjing and entering China Net~www.ltnovel.com~ and I thought I was very successful. I firmly believe that my idea is correct, but I have encountered huge resistance when I get into the focus, and even now it is precariously facing failure. What is supporting me in the end is still here.

He thought, looked at Yan Xipan, and smoked next to him.

It was already eleven thirty.

Just thinking about it, a group of men and women came.

Yan Xipan said, "Big Brother, my extra gift for you!"


"Your time is too tight. If you only rely on post synthesis, it will be very slow." Yan Xipan said: "So I asked Jinqiu and his classmates to come over as the background. In this case, only P scenes are needed, reducing the process and speeding up the speed. "He said, and then explained: "Don't worry! It doesn't interfere with your original request, they will not grab the show."

Unexpectedly, he even thought of this.

Su Qing became more startled. Because of the budget, he actually didn't have much money for Yan Xipan.

Watching actors going to change clothes.

Think of the brothers in the corner of death, follow yourself.

In the next moment, he suddenly realized: These brothers help and follow themselves, not only because of the money, but also because of his willpower, he can withstand the pressure that ordinary people can't bear. Withstand all the burdens and keep moving forward.

One's own domineering should be the courage to take on everything, rather than being pitiful.

All the guilt will be borne by oneself, and the credit will come together.

This is domineering.

The next moment, he and Yan Xipan said, "Shall we try again?"

The lights turned on again, and he suddenly felt his heart sink.

His gaze is just normal.

When the shutter sounded, Yan Xipan suddenly laughed and said, "That's right!"

Then he said to the actors: "Everyone will work hard later, I will treat you tonight!"

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