Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 282: :positive image

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I don't know when Amo went to work.

Su Qingyue only felt groggy and was always in a dream.

She didn't sleep soundly at all, and took photos again and again, and Yan Xipan kept shouting: Stop.

Then began to recall the past.

From Huaiwen to Nandu, he went to school alone, unwilling to live in peace and went to Pingjing.

I was in a daze when Yan Bing said: "Brother, the overbearing president is not like this, you are wrong."

"Am I wrong? Impossible!"

He answered Yan Bing and Yan Xipan in his dream, and opened his eyes.

The sunlight outside the window had already entered the room.

The hour hand of the wall clock is already pointing to nine, and the minute is pointing to six: nine thirty.

He quickly got up.

After a brief wash, I suddenly found a champion cake on the table.

Under the pie, I pressed Amu's note, picked it up and looked at it, it said: "Good performance, reward you."

There is also a smiling face on it.

Pick it up and eat while going out, the sun is already very hot outside.

After eating the champion cake, it feels like a gold list title today.

The strange thing is that I didn't sleep for a long time today, but I didn't feel tired.

When I walked to Paris in spring, I happened to hit Dongshan and drove back.

Got in his car.

It's ten o'clock, and the morning peak has passed.

However, the flow of traffic was still not smooth, and it was stop-and-go. It is strange that Dongshan did not overtake indiscriminately today.

Su Qingyue was puzzled and said casually: "Why are you driving so well today?"

"There is a camera," he said, pointing to the top of his head: "I just got it the day before yesterday, but now I don't dare."

After speaking, he laughed.

Asked Su Qingyue again: "It's rare for you to be so late."

"I slept late yesterday." Su Qingyue said, seeing not only every intersection, but also some light poles with cameras.

The car stopped and went.

Dongshan complained from time to time: "Give oil ahead! One kick passed, hey...it's another lamp..."

Rarely he is so upset.

The more Su Qing thought, the path of life is probably like this, stop and go.

Regardless of Hualuo or focus, they are like traffic lights at intersections.

Some time is long, some time is short.

It is impossible to follow your own liking.

The important thing is to keep going.

It was ten thirty when I got off the bus.

Su Qingyue rarely arrives at the unit so late, and when he walks in, he sees Zhou Ziyou talking with He Lili.

Going to the "Death Corner" and going around, Tanaka said that the official version has been released.

The product can now go online at any time.

After listening to him, Su Qingyue nodded.

I mentioned the launch time before, but I still feel a little unsure. Now it is basically time to officially finalize the public beta.

He then said to everyone: "Thanks for your hard work, leave the rest to me."

"Death corner" suddenly burst into applause, and Wang Xinjie said excitedly: "Boss, you're up to the back."

"Don't worry." Su Qing nodded seriously, knowing that the applause was both a celebration and a responsibility.

Back in the office, Zhou Ziyou knocked on the door and came in just as he was about to make tea.

"Boss, how is your picture?" He said, sitting down across from Su Qingyue, and then said: "We have to hurry up, because we surprise, the heat cannot last that long. I feel that the heat has dropped a little now. It’s time for a shock as soon as possible."

"It should be enough in the evening. I will contact Yan Xipan now and try to get five or six copies at noon." Su Qingyue said, after thinking about it, he said, "In addition, don't deliberately control it. This is not good. The Internet is everyone Where you are playing, if someone scolds, don’t interrupt."

"Understand." Su Qingyue said.

Looking at his watch, he sent a message to Yan Xipan, let him rest, and called himself.

After he spoke, Zhou Ziyou got up to leave.

Su Qingyue suddenly stopped him.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Ziyou asked when he turned around.

"Recently, we have worked hard, and if we persist, we can all have a rest."

"It's not hard work," Zhou Ziyou said: "Where is this, I will wait for the product to go online. On the day of market feedback, show them the results!" He said magnificently.

Su Qing laughed and said with emotion: "But you have seen and experienced all of these links. I hope you can make your own conclusions and improvements, and you will be a qualified marketing manager. Up."

"That's not to thank the boss for taking me." Zhou Ziyou laughed.

Of course Su Qingyue knew that he was thanking himself from the bottom of his heart.

Although the focus is no better than Hualuo.

May give him the authority to play, but it is great.

Going to other companies, his identity is difficult to participate in research and development.

"When this is done, write a summary. We need to see what is worth keeping, and what is a defect, and we will not commit it again in the future." He said, Yan Xipan's message came back.

"Don't worry." Zhou Ziyou left.

At the next moment, Su Qing clicked on Yan Xipan's message, only to realize that it was a compressed file.

The name is: the first group of samples.

I didn't expect to send it so early, so hurry up and receive it.

I called Yan Xipan, and it took him a long time to pick up there, saying, "I have a good spirit, I get up so early."

"It started after nine o'clock." Su Qingyue said, looking at the progress bar, and asked: "I sent it so early."

"Aren't you in a hurry, I'll give you ten of them in the later stage," he said, "just finished."

Unexpectedly, Yan Xipan was so neat.

Su Qing said straightforwardly: I invite you to drink.

The latter laughed: "You already owe me a meal, including the last time your sister-in-law, you have two meals."

"All together." Su Qing laughed in Yue Yu.

The progress bar is complete.

Su Qingyue clicked on the photo and looked at his final results last night.

The crowds are in, and he is walking forward.

He is walking against the current.

Yan Bing's artistic sense carries a symbolic pop feeling.

Let his image become prominent and easy to be remembered.

At the same time, a kind of stage is also highlighted, which is completely different from the photos of Internet celebrities nowadays.

On these photos, you can find the feeling he wants in his plan.

Don't admit defeat, always move forward ~www.ltnovel.com~ for dreams.

Of course, there is arrogance.

This kind of arrogance makes people look at it first, only to see these.

This is where he stands out: he would rather be disgusted with others than pitiful.

Send him to Zhou Ziyou immediately.

After about ten minutes, the latter suddenly came back and said, "Boss, so arrogant?"

"is it not OK?"

"Has my sister-in-law passed the trial?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Su Qingyue asked.

"As for your every move, I promise to report to my sister-in-law as soon as possible."

"Look for it, you." Su Qingyue finally sent an angry expression.

Then pick up the tea cup to make tea.

When I came out, I happened to run into Li Lin who had just finished smoking, and the latter called him.

Su Qingyue stopped and asked, "What's wrong?"

Gao Yanhai stepped up and seemed to endure it for a long time, and finally couldn't help but said: "Our focus is still the same, you actually operate yourself as a spokesperson? If you can, can I also?"

"It's not impossible for you, it's just a bit late." Su Qingyue said, noticing Li Lin coming over, and said: "In addition..."

"What else?"

"In addition, our company needs a positive image, your image." Su Qing laughed more.

"What's wrong with my image?"

"It's nothing, it's just not suitable for the focus."

After Su Qing spoke in Vietnamese, Li Lin suddenly laughed while listening.

The latter continued the conversation and said, "Even if it's not President Su, it must be me. Your image should still speak for the heaven and earth." He said, laughing uncontrollably.

The more Su Qing laughed, this was the only time he had sympathy with Li Lin after coming so long.

Both of them laughed and went back to the office.

Looking at the computer again, the photos have been sent out.

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