Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 283: : Excited Zhou Ziyou

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It's about to eat.

Su Qingyue looked at his watch, it was almost noon.

He stretched, and Zhou Ziyou sent a compressed package of documents.

After decompression, it was discovered that Qin Shaofeng had processed the photos to be publicized according to the original plan.

The photos have been meticulously retouched and added with promotional text: Change life, I speak for myself; "Three Kingdoms Heroes" is free forever, let us experience it together.

The font is a beautiful word art.

Su Qing admired Qin Shaofeng's design ability in his heart. Even Wang Siyuan of Hualuo couldn't do this.

Zhou Ziyou followed in and sent a message: "Boss, it's going to be posted soon, do you have any comments?"

Su Qingyue did not respond to him.

I think this is great, but I almost feel it.

When the plan was made, it seemed to be sloppy.

It's not a sloppy photo.

It is not sloppy in this form.

It just faintly felt that these words were quite satisfactory, but they had no power and did not really touch the soul.

This definitely won't work. I immediately sent a message to Zhou Ziyou and said, "Wait..."

After a sip of tea, I thought about how to organize this language.

The text now is too simple and crude. Because at that time, when making the plan, the main consideration was the idea and the execution rhythm, and there was no word-by-word consideration for the promotional text.

He thought, and wrote a few lines in the document: I speak for myself, and I am the master of my life.

The inspiration comes to the automatic zone at the first sight, which is a bit too random.

The steamed buns that have been chewed by people have no taste, nor can they produce essential resonance.

But how to express it?

Su Qingyue thought, Zhou Ziyou tapped on his door: "Boss, go to dinner?"


Su Qingyue did not struggle with this passage.

Going for a walk may stimulate inspiration.

While thinking, walk out with Zhou Ziyou.

Zhou Ziyou asked him: "How is it, when will it be posted?"

Su Qingyue absently said: "Don't worry, wait..."

Then he fell into contemplation again.

After discussing the project, he didn't even interrupt the topic of where to go.

The August sun is still scorching, and Su Qing's mind is full of that line of words.

I want to find some inspiration from everything I see, but I can't find it.


He understands that these words are the finishing touch, otherwise the photos alone will not accurately convey the information, nor will it attract the attention of others, let alone the core resonance!

The language university will be here soon.

Although it is summer vacation, there are still many people in the canteen of the language university.

Everyone had a meal and finally found a long table to sit down.

Su Qingyue suddenly remembered that Yan Xipan said "the self-cultivation of actors".

His girlfriend said to think about his story, is there anything remarkable, and put him into his emotions.

At that moment, all the emotions during the shooting that night came to my heart.

From Sun Guoting's "Book Book" to going to school, and then to life again; then he left from Southern Capital and went to Pingjing... Boss Chen once said to him: You should let go of things and don't think too much.

The next moment, he suddenly felt that inspiration was about to gush out.

Countless pasts repeatedly appeared in his mind, and he could hardly contain his strong emotions.

A word is at your mouth and hand.

He really doesn't want to use the mobile phone to record, he still prefers the computer keyboard.

In the next moment, he pushed away the food in front of him, and said to Zhou Ziyou: "You can collect it for me, I have something."

Turned his head and left.

The afternoon sun is a bit venomous.

He walked quickly, without feeling any heat.

The first sentence must be: I would rather be miserable than miserable.

This sentence has always been with my childhood, but I have never thought of how it will affect others and how it will resonate.

But today, when he started to speak for himself, he suddenly realized that there is nothing more appropriate than this sentence.

He laughed suddenly, then thought again. From coming to Pingjing by myself, I started to have ideas about the industry and started to build a project according to my own ideas.

This is a phased goal, a phased attempt, and I firmly believe that this concept is correct and has been carefully considered.

Free is disruptive! Free is disruptive! Free is disruptive!

He repeated it several times.

I feel that a word is on my lips.

The next moment, he ran into the building and saw that the elevator was still upstairs.

It is now at the peak.

It must be one stop on the first floor, and he couldn't wait so much, he simply climbed the mountain from the safe passage.

He reached the floor of the company in one breath.

Back in the office, I sat down abruptly and opened the document.

Write down first: I would rather be disgusted with others than pitiful.

Then thought that the free model is disruptive.

It will impact the charging model of all existing companies, which is tantamount to subverting the industry.

The next moment, another line came out: Subvert the industry, start with free.


I feel a little satisfied.

But it still needs a finishing touch, Su Qing thought, leaning on the chair.

After taking another sip of tea, the inspiration came out uncontrollably, thinking about what I am doing now.

Isn’t it about experiencing life?

I immediately wrote: It is the Three Kingdoms that is free, and the experience is life.

Lean back on the chair and read the final promotional text:

It's better to hate people than to be pitiful.

Disrupt the industry, start from free.

I’m Su Qingyue, and I’m the endorsement of "Three Kingdoms Heroes".

It is the Three Kingdoms that is free, and the experience is life.

I read it several times and sent it to Zhou Ziyou QQ.

Then he stretched.

Although I didn't attend to dinner at noon, I didn't feel hungry at all.

After about thirty minutes~www.ltnovel.com~Zhou Ziyou and others are back. Su Qingyue heard the office area become lively.

Zhou Ziyou smiled and seemed to be talking to He Lili.

After a while, he suddenly knocked on the door and rushed into Su Qingyue's office.

"What's the matter?" He was taken aback by not knocking on the door.

"Boss, this is right." Zhou Ziyou looked at him with a look of excitement, "The previous one didn't work, this time it's right."

Then murmured:

It's better to hate people than to be pitiful.

Disrupt the industry, start from free.

I’m Su Qingyue, and I’m the endorsement of "Three Kingdoms Heroes".

It’s the Three Kingdoms for free, but the experience is life...

"So handsome!" he said at last.

Su Qingyue interrupted him: "You didn't feel good before, don't you tell me?!"

"What I said is not good, I mean to compare with this." Zhou Ziyou scratched his head: "I am in a hurry. Seeing that the heat is going down, I have to come up quickly." He explained: "The important thing is to go first."

"We are tight on time and task. We don't have to spend so long to prepare and correct. What we want is to hit with a hit." Su Qingyue said: "Don't worry about it in the future. If you have any suggestions or feel wrong, just say it. It has been so long with me. , Don’t understand this?" He said: "Remember later, you have to be calm. No matter when, you have to make a decision and then move."

Zhou Ziyou smiled awkwardly and shrugged.

Seeing him, Su Qingyue also smiled.

Said: "I know, sometimes I embarrass you." He said with a helpless sigh: "But you also understand that we are walking a tightrope now, and there is no way of making mistakes."

"I understand!" Zhou Ziyou nodded finally and said: "I will let Shaofeng do it right away!"

"Okay, let's go." Su Qingyue said finally.

Then I returned to the computer and continued the following work.

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