Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 285: : Reasonable, unexpected

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The official feedback appeared in the evening.

Su Qingyue was holding the cup, ready to make tea.

The sky outside the window is still bright, but the sun has begun to set.

I got up and refreshed Ye Luo's industry forum.

I saw that there were only five or six replies to the topic posts, which had exploded to more than 100 replies.

Next to the text of the post, there is a sign of fire.

Su Qing immediately raised his head and looked at his watch, thinking that he had made a mistake.

It was less than twenty minutes before they posted the photos to the forum.

Looking at the content of the text, there is absolutely nothing wrong, it is the topic thread they posted.

How can it be so fast? Qingqing faster than before.

Ignoring the tea, Su Qingyue clicked directly in and looked.

"What the hell! I thought I had hired Liu Tianwang at first, but I didn't expect to get such a product. Is this sick?" A strange account replied: "How old are you? You still speak for yourself? Are you going to find scolding on the forum?"

"Do you know why the focus has become like this?" Another person replied, saying: "It's because the executives don't do things seriously and want to use company money to package themselves. It's too self-knowledge, ridiculous!!!" Many exclamation marks followed.

Seeing this, Su Qing slapped more and more fiercely.

I smirked and wanted to give them back: You are right, please continue your performance.

But still held back.

Tell yourself not to mix up and let everyone play freely.

Then I looked down and saw someone responding: "Are you having a bad brain? Can the focus be because of this? Su Qingyue's record in China Network is obvious to all. He can use the company's money to support himself? Is the focus? Because of this, it collapsed???"

People in the forum talk regardless.

Dozens of question marks can be sent at once.

The exclamation mark is like this.

Su Qingyue was helpless, and suddenly thought of a question, and immediately took a screenshot to Zhou Ziyou, and asked: "Don't worry, don't interfere! These controversies and topics are all we need."

It's like a "star waning" news. Everyone sees it, but the mentality behind the abuse is different.

Some people vilified, believing that this star deliberately did it, which is too vulgar.

Some people abused because they didn't like the star.

Some people abused because they were competitors.

Some people abuse them because they are jealous of their money.

There are also people who scolded, but everyone said it was because of other people's scolding...

Su Qingyue believes that by doing his own thing, he will just let the flow go.

All these topics and controversies will gather potential for later communication.

At this time, Zhou Ziyou replied and said, "Don't worry, I haven't managed to post it."

Su Qingyue then continued to scroll down and found that more than one person responded with this reply.

Others said: "My buddy, as far as I know, the focus of the problem is caused by Qicai and its own projects. As far as I know, countless former employees have talked about related problems. Which one of your eyes sees Su Qingyue. Although I I think it’s really unnecessary to be handsome like this, but your statement is too unreliable."

Su Qingyue noticed that there were some replies, which were different from many.

They felt that the focus was on Su Qingyue, and at the same time they made this comment: "The endorsement is not easy to say, but the focus is like this, and you can imagine the potential of Su Qingyue. What follows, Who dares to say that the focus is not a product? It depends on the feedback."

"Feedback what? Feedback ‘I would rather be disgusted than pitiful’?" Someone replied.

Seeing such an argument, Su Qingyue shook his head.

Then a less noticeable reply attracted Su Qingyue's attention.

"Look at all of you all the fuss. Many insiders knew before and said that Su Qingyue endorsed." This post is attached with a screenshot of the picture. It is a QQ group chat record, but a lot of sensitive information is hidden.

Fortunately, the reply to the exposed information was quickly overwhelmed because no one paid any attention.

Su Qingyue quickly found this reply, checked the other party's information, and found that it turned out to be a new account.

Su Qingyue frowned slightly.

Faintly uncomfortable.

He didn't think much about it. At this time, an account he was familiar with said on it: "The success or failure depends on the market. No matter how much the professional forum says, you still have to see the results. Everyone who disagrees with Su Qingyue depends on the results. . In case the result is good, didn’t you just slap yourself in the face?"

It's Amu!

Su Qing covered her face and laughed awkwardly.

Based on this, everyone was arguing about the future of the focus, and it soon extended to the focus of the free model.

Someone said: "How can a company that is on the verge of collapse be able to survive by relying on a model. I don't think that the focus can survive because of this. Su Qingyue is also a dead horse as a doctor." .

The following posts quickly followed up on this hot topic.

Su Qingyue thinks this is normal.

After all, the industry still cares about operating income.

Without looking down, he got up to move around again, just when Wang Xinjie and Tian Zhong smoked back.

The three meet at once.

Wang Xinjie said: "Boss! So handsome!"

"'It's better to hate people than to be pitiful', this is too right!" Tian Zhong gave a thumbs up: "My wife said, she also wants to be such a person. Can't be squandered all day long. Look at the faces of others."

"Resonance?" Su Qingyue asked with a smile.

"I really like it anyway." Wang Xinjie added.

Listening to them, Su Qing laughed more.

Back to the office.

The strange thing is that the company's temporary test group is very quiet today, and no one speaks at all.

Even Chen Ting, who always cared about him, didn't say a word.

Su Qing understood that at the beginning, everyone was under great pressure.

Need to wait a little longer to see the reaction.

The industry forum has been completely exploded at this time, and they are discussing this mode of focus.

"I don't believe he can win."

"One model cannot save a company on the verge of bankruptcy." Someone said.

Seeing them arguing with each other anxiously and pale, Su Qing understood that they had succeeded.

Because the industry has begun to notice them.

Before that, they hadn't appeared in public for a long time.

This time, Su Qingyue saw someone replied: "The response of the industry forum ~www.ltnovel.com~ does not represent the market response. Su Qingyue's potential is because of his reputation in the industry, which can be implemented specifically, depending on market feedback. ."

This is right, and Su Qingyue thinks this person is right.

Because there were games where the early hype was successful but the results were miserable.

At this time, Zhou Ziyou just sent a link from the Goupu website.

Then click to watch.

I didn't hold much hope, after all, more people know him in industry forums.

But the next moment, I saw that the head of the forum post was also marked with a hot icon.

And it was also topped.

Looking closer, he found that the previous replies were all question marks.

Although everyone does not know him.

But "The Heroes of Three Kingdoms" is still known, and some people ask in surprise: "Is this the spokesperson of "The Heroes of Three Kingdoms"?

"Didn't it explain the stars the other day? Why did you invite such a person."

"Aren't everyone feeling like they can become popular now?"

"Maybe he thinks that only he is worthy of the Three Kingdoms."

The initial reaction was these, but what Su Qingyue did not expect was that this sentence triggered a grievance meeting.

Countless replies have been saying that "I care too much about other people's eyes and end up suffering myself".

Only a few replies were talking about the free model.

Those who talk about the free mode are discussing the changes that this mode will bring.

They are eager to try, wondering what is going on.

Su Qing understood that all this has just begun.

This is only the first day. Although hastily, the basic goal has been achieved.

But this is far from what he expected.

Look at the watch, it's time to go home.

He cleaned up, just about to leave.

At this time He Cunxi's head shook...

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