Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 286: : Feedback from the media

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"You are the spokesperson?"

Clicking on He Cunxi's portrait and seeing this line of text first, Su Qing laughed.

Then the former gave a shocked expression and then sent out the text: "What are you really operating? What is a hot spot. You go to see your special forum, and it's not lively now. No matter how you say it, you are in the limelight. It has to be successful." He cut off a few pictures.

Su Qingyue clicked to look.

It was the reaction of the "Three Kingdoms Heroes" forum.

The post is also marked with a fiery red logo, and it has reached 60 or 70 pages of replies.

The content is similar to that of a dog pounce.

It's nothing more than who he is, he is also worthy to speak for the Three Kingdoms.

And the discussion of the free model.

Su Qingyue returned with a smile and asked, "Don't say that, I am a clever woman who can't cook without rice. In the end, I couldn't help but throw myself into the pot and stir fry."

"But your effect has been achieved." He Cunxi said: "Although we have nothing to say in the game field, the forum has always been heartbroken, and the life and death are not active, all of which are sucked by the dog." He sent a message. : "This time your fever broke all our records in one hour, it's incredible."

"Haha." Unexpectedly, Su Qing smiled more and more.

He had imagined this situation countless times, thinking that the post gradually became hot after a day.

I also thought about it after three days, after the operation, it warmed up.

I didn’t think it would happen in an hour, not just industry forums, professional forums, but also public forums like Goupu. It seems that my initial judgment is not wrong, and if I grasp the heart of the user, I have the opportunity to make a lot of money.

He thought, and said to He Cunxi: "Then we can continue to cooperate."

"That's certain." He Cunxi sighed: "I said at the beginning that there is no problem working with you, but a lot of people came out to oppose it. The most annoying thing is that a few hours ago, we had a reporter who said yes You speak for yourself."

"Huh?" Su Qingyue was startled and asked: "Do you know in advance?"

"Why don't you say shock, it's actually true." He Cunxi made a helpless expression, and then added: "It's still hot, especially your sentence,'I'd rather be pitiful than others'. ...The little girls here do not like it."

"Haha!" Su Qingyue said haha ​​very embarrassingly.

I suddenly remembered that in the industry forum just now, some people said that this information was known a few hours earlier.

At that time, everyone ridiculed this account.

It seems that someone really leaked the secret, although the incident has not caused much impact at present.

But who is it?

He was shocked, thinking that it could not be Li Lin, Gao Yanhai, or the people inside the company.

Although the two of them have conflicts of interest with them, the company is theirs. There is still a sense of measure.

Besides, if they wanted to stop it, they would leak their secrets prematurely.

Who would it be?

A person's name began to appear in Su Qingyue's mind. The next moment he asked He Cunxi: "Why is your reporter so sure that it is me?" Su Qingyue asked: "This news is accurate enough."

"Have you ever been a reporter, don't you know?" He Cunxi replied, "We call it "seeing and listening to all directions, so much information is collected. If you really want to inquire about this matter, you can still find out."


Know that He Cunxi doesn't want to mention it specifically.

This was also an unwritten rule among reporters, and Su Qingyue did not ask again.

But who still knows about this?

Negotiated specific matters with He Cunxi and asked Zhou Ziyou to connect.

Then they talked about the free mode.

He Cunxi asked after several sentences: "You mean it's free forever?"

"Yes." Su Qingyue emphasized repeatedly.

It also briefly introduced the specific model and the thinking behind it.

He Cunxi listened and said, "I must find a way to get the best position." He said.

Afterwards they ended the chat.

Su Qing fell into deep thought.

He got up and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, feeling faintly uneasy, thinking that this person was right in front of him.

At this time, Ye Luo sent a message.

Su Qing clicked and looked. The former first sent a smiley face, and then followed: "You are really reluctant to bear children, you can't catch wolves. Brother, in order to save the focus, I even gave up myself." He sighed, and followed again. One sentence: "Now you are really hot."

"Do you want to work together, we have a series of actions behind us?" Su Qingyue asked.

"No problem!" Ye Luo immediately replied, and asked again: "Is your free mode really fake?"

"You don't know, do you?" Su Qingyue said.

"It's spread in the industry now, and some people said it before. But it's the first time I've seen it if it is really done." Ye Luo returned.

"Then you wait for the press conference." Su Qingyue said.

"Don't press the conference, I want an interview!" Su Qingyue said: "Boss Li told me that he must interview you."

"What else did the boss say?"

"As soon as you post the photo, the boss said that the focus can't die." Ye Luo made a rare laugh, and said, "He said you gave yourself away~www.ltnovel.com~ If the focus is still not working , That's providence."

"Thank you for your help," Su Qingyue said.

The time when he raised his head on the wall clock again pointed to eight thirty.

The brothers in the corner of death have come back for dinner.

The sooner Su Qing had forgotten that he hadn't eaten anything for a day, and then continued to read the content of the forum.

Only two more hours passed.

The number of replies to Li Yonghao's professional forums has doubled. Someone opened a separate post to discuss: "Su Qingyue's ambition boundary? ". This is a post less than thirty minutes ago and has attracted hundreds of replies. The writing is very professional, and the main argument is that Su Qingyue's free model has been successful regardless of whether it is successful or not.

The first sentence of the article is: Su Qingyue succeeded.

He said: This operation of my own endorsement proved that Hualuo and Su Qingyue were two-way achievements.

This article has not been finished yet.

The head of Shi Shuai also swayed, showing a thumbs-up expression.

Then sent a paragraph of text:

I would rather live in Lin'an than a Pingjing Lang.

Climbing the peak of life, starting from Lin'an.

My name is Shishuai, I speak for myself...

After a series of words, without waiting for Su Qing to return, he said: "How? Imitated it."

"A photo is appropriate!" Su Qingyue replied with a bright smile.

The coach then said: "Well, I think so too!"

"You did a great job here!"

"Thank you!"

"Especially the'Three Kingdoms' discussed in the forum, it seems to be hot!" He said, sending a brilliant smile.

Wrote another:

He eats three or four ducks every day, and he is a native of Nandu.

Happy life starts with good food.

My name is Shishuai, I speak for myself...

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