Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 287: : 3 national polity

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At ten thirty-five in the evening, work finally ended.

Su Qingyue didn't want to stare at the screen anymore, and walked out of the office to look at the "Death Corner".

Basically everyone is gone, only Wang Xinjie and Ouyang are still in their seats.

"You two are still going? You get busy in a few days, but you don't have time to rest." Su Qingyue said.

"Boss! You're really amazing!" Hearing Su Qingyue calling himself, Wang Xinjie suddenly raised his head, looked at him and pointed at the screen and said: "Come and see, someone on our intranet forum is also posting your photo." Follow him Pointing to the direction of the finger, Su Qingyue saw the forum page, and a group of programmers were not discussing the Three Kingdoms model.

The discussion is his style.

Someone wrote:

Beauty is afraid of twilight, hero is afraid of death.

Change your life, start from going to bed early and getting up early.

I am Lin Han, and I speak for the programmer...

The programmer's style is simple but fun.

Involuntarily smiled, Ouyang said next to him: "Boss, I will write one too."

"You also write?"

"Look at it!"

Ouyang said, and then said:

Life is precious, success is more expensive

Subverting life, starting from changing the guard

I am Ouyang, I speak for myself...

I’m in the corner of death, I’m looking forward to the light of hope

Although there are some hard-posted meanings, Su Qingyue still feels good.

Unexpectedly, this matter was also noticed in the company's intranet forum.

There are even more than a dozen pages of responses.

It's all played like this, and there are many discussions.

Although it is only a forum on the company's intranet, I think that Shi Shuai also wrote a paragraph with "I speak for myself" just now.

Su Qingyue realized that people's concerns had shifted.

From the beginning whether he was wrong, questioned him as a spokesperson; to the success or failure of the Three Kingdoms game, the focus of life and death; to the imitation of the "I speak for myself" style.

Although it has not yet become popular.

But obviously, the imitation of this style will definitely become a hot spot in recent forums.

Looking at the watch, it was less than six hours before Zhou Ziyou posted the topic.

Su Qingyue told Wang Xinjie and Ouyang: "You play slowly and remember to go home early, because you will be very tired in a few days."

After speaking, go out and greet Zhou Ziyou to leave together.

I was running into a few operation and maintenance colleagues who smoked back and walked into the company.

I used to see him coldly and pretended not to know him; or just nodded and passed.

But this time is different. One of the young men in a plaid shirt nodded to him and joked with a mouthful of northeastern accent: "President Su, I will post one on the forum later, remember to comment..."

"Good, good!"

Su Qingyue smiled, greeted them, and got on the elevator.

Zhou Ziyou said: "Have you noticed that the wind direction has changed a bit. Everyone does not discuss the free mode, nor does it discuss any struggles, and our games. Instead, they focus on this style." He said: "I just watched it. Someone is also imitating the dog."

"What did you write?" Su Qingyue said.

"I have written everything," Zhou Ziyou frowned, "In short, he is very talented."

He didn't go further, but Su Qing understood a truth, the master is among the people.

Walking out of the hall, Zhou Ziyou suddenly said anxiously: "Will you end up running in this direction?"

"What run? Don't worry about it. There will be a second round after this, and there will be press conferences and marketing activities." Su Qingyue said, after thinking about it, "Now the Internet is hot, and it will gradually become a popular topic. Then it will inevitably lead to follow-up reports by the media, and the media will definitely mention us when reporting.

"Understood." Zhou Ziyou nodded finally.

Su Qingyue continued: "Send the official manuscript we prepared through the media. Then some media can send it to Xiao Yu and her sister, so that they can deal with it. Pay attention to the quality of the manuscript and bring our public beta time and other information. And the media How are the cooperative activities? Follow up as soon as possible, some need R&D cooperation, and we must pay close attention to the arrangement and testing."

After he spoke, Zhou Ziyou nodded.

A rental car came on the road, and Su Qingyue asked him to leave first.

At this time, I don’t know where it rained, and Pyeongkyo is very cool tonight.

When the wind blew, Su Qingyue noticed that the clouds were thick, and it seemed that it was going to rain.

He took a taxi.

When I arrived at the door, I felt in a good mood and bought a few bottles of beer and kebabs by the way.

He now likes the barbecue on the street more and more.

Suddenly found that this is also a way to relax.

When I got home, I called Brother Guang and said to drink some later.

Then when I was about to go back to my house, I heard Brother Guang say: "You can be a spokesperson!"

"what's happenin?"

"From the afternoon till now, I feel you are all in front of me!"

"It's all me?" Su Qingyue was startled.

Guang Ge said: "From industry forums to Goupo, and our forum, players have come out to imitate your style," he said, pointing to the screen. Look at this.

Unexpectedly, it was popular in other games.

Su Qing laughed more.

Brother Guang said: "Your free mode, many people are waiting now, and it's time to go online."

"Immediately." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

Then he went back to the house and saw Ah Mou was staring at the screen, laughing pouting.

Putting things down, Su Qing asked more curiously: "What are you laughing at?"

"Laughing at what you wrote, I endorse myself, and I'm almost broken by others."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Su Qing walked over.

Amu said that now our media are imitating you in the group~www.ltnovel.com~ Look at him pointing to the chat log.

Someone wrote Guan Pengpeng:

It's better to get health care than not to meet.

I am Guan Pengpeng, and I speak for myself.

Photography is technology, and position is the key.

I took photos privately, and I felt life...

Su Qingyue burst into laughter when it was discovered that Li Cheng was joking about Guan Pengpeng.

Following a series of refreshes, Su Qingyue was overwhelmed.

He went on to say: "Let's have something to eat with Brother Guang?"

"Good!" Ah Mou replied.

The three people gathered in the living room, and Su Qingyue asked Amou about his work today.

She said that everything is still on the right track, a little difficult, but she can hold on.

Su Qingyue was very happy and felt that Ah Mu had grown up.

He said that the three people began to eat.

Brother Guang was smoking a cigarette, opened a bottle of beer, and said, "Happy today, let's have a good drink."


The three people laughed.

Su Qingyue immediately said: "I will also give you a'Three Kingdoms'" after thinking for a moment, he said: "I am Zhou Guang, and I am the endorsement of Paris Spring. The little pink lamp talks about fleeting years, and listens to the voice. "

After he spoke, Ah Mou curiously followed up: "What is a pink lamp?"

The two of them were startled, and immediately knew that they had said something wrong.

Hastily turned off this topic and started talking about other things.

After drinking, Su Qingyue glanced at the forum before going to bed.

It was discovered that it was an imitation of the "Three Kingdoms" all over the Internet.

Could not help but laugh.

Amu leaned in and said:

It's easy to ask for priceless treasures, and it's rare to have a heart.

When the feeling is strong, it starts with the bath.

I am Yanmo, I speak for myself...

It was raining outside at this time.

He and Amou looked at each other for a moment.


The wind and rain outside the window, the beautiful woman does not drink the residual wine.

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