Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 288: : Continuous fermentation

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It rained really hard that night.

The wind was accompanied by lightning, ramming freely and wantonly on the east side and the west side.

Pearl-like raindrops slapped the windows, making uninterrupted "pop" noises.

The rain dripped like sweat. More and more water on the ground converged into small streams.

Get up and wash, ready to fall asleep.

Lying on the bed, Su Qing looked at the ceiling.

He couldn't tell whether it was relaxed or nervous, he asked Amou: "By the way, how is your place?"

"What else? Binglai will block the water and cover the soil." She said, turning over, with a sleepy voice in her voice: "Don't ask, go to sleep..." She finally sighed, and then entered the night's dream.

Su Qingyue discovered that since Ah Mou had gone to Gathering, his human condition had changed.

The delicate frailty that used to erupt before now only occasionally manifests in the middle of the night.

Knowing that all her energy is spent on work.

Su Qingyue was very happy with her change. Su Qing thought, the rain outside the window was still falling.

I thought I was so excited that I should not fall asleep. But I didn't expect to be confused, and soon fell asleep.

Until he opened his eyes, the sun was shining outside the window.

Then he touched Amu on the side and found that she was not there.

Su Qingyue looked at his watch and found that it was seven forty-five, so he quickly got up.

When I went to the bathroom, Ah Mu was coming out.

Su Qing laughed and said, "You get up earlier than me now."

"It's not early, you can't go later than the people under you every day!" Ah Mou complained: "Besides, I haven't achieved any results. Everyone is staring at me." She said, sighing helplessly. Dressed up a bit, picked up the bag and said, "I won't wait for you, let's go." The whole person was full of vitality in an instant.

Watching her leave on high heels, she felt like a little fighter.

Su Qing laughed more and hurriedly got up and left the room.

Because it was a bit late, the road was full of pedestrians. Several people lined up in front of the champion cake stall.

Su Qingyue greeted the boss, took a piece of cake, and got into Dongshan's car.

The road was very blocked and they didn't arrive until 8:45.

When I got out of the elevator, I ran into a few developers who were gathering smoking in the safe passage.

Seeing him, the other party laughed immediately.

He greeted him and said, "President Su, the Three Kingdoms is on fire!"

"Thank you." Su Qingyue smiled at them.

Su Qingyue has recovered his calm, and he feels that the effect is indeed very good.

But continue to work hard.

The second round of work must be arranged quickly, he thought. When entering the door, he nodded to He Lili and returned to the office.

As usual, I made a cup of tea and called Zhou Ziyou to the office.

The latter smiled and showed off: "Boss! You have gone crazy to see industry forums and company forums."

"Oh." Su Qingyue responded with a smile. He turned on the computer and said: "The next work, the second and third phases should start quickly."

"Don't worry, boss. I have already arranged everything, and I will definitely go up to the next level." Zhou Ziyou nodded.

"By the way, you know what happened at night?" Su Qingyue asked.

"what's happenin?"

"Xiao Yu and Lao Jiang invite everyone to dinner." Su Qingyue said.

"Oh, I saw it, no problem."

The two chatted briefly for a while, and Zhou Ziyou left.

The webpage opens at this time.

Su Qingyue glanced at the industry forum and was surprised to find that the replies that had only tens of pages had now been turned two or three times, reaching hundreds of pages.

Unlike before, it is also the "Three Kingdoms".

Someone wrote: I would rather have nothing to curse than ask for something. This is Chen Yu, and I speak for media reporters...

Su Qingyue didn't know this person.

But the intuition is not Chen Yu himself.

Sure enough, the next moment, Chen Yu himself came out and replied: "It's almost enough to be a man!"

In addition to these, there are some other topic posts.

Someone wrote: Can the market solve the problem by showing off? It's ridiculous, and it's specially put here, but I want to see how it turns out in the end.

Someone replied: Attention itself is a kind of success. However, I am also curious about the presentation and results of the final product level.

Watching these discussions.

Su Qingyue just smiled.

Su Qingyue thought, and opened the company's intranet forum.

I was surprised to find that there were a hundred pages of replies, and then I understood why Zhou Ziyou was so excited.

Turn to the reply Ouyang sent yesterday.

Continuing down again, everyone got involved.

Even Li Lin gave Ouyang a thumbs up, and then replied: "Ouyang is more decent."

Later, I browsed Goupu, competing together.

Also all doubled.

Su Qingyue felt refreshed, and it seemed that the second round of follow-up was also right.

Thinking of Jiao Kejun's message.

He clicked and found that it was not about work, but a paragraph of the Three Kingdoms.

The text is simple and does not urge specific matters.

But it still represents a kind of recognition, and Su Qing laughed more.

Then Chen Ting also sent a message, and Su Qingyue immediately turned back with a bright smiling face.

It was precisely this opportunity to establish the time for the next round of shooting.

Nothing else happened all morning.

It is nothing more than some people in the industry who sent him messages.

Colorful Liu Hao also specially wrote a Three Kingdoms:

I'd rather be honest than take big risks.

Every night sang song, starting from the "depth bomb".

This is Liu Hao, and I speak for NightClub.

Sleeping in a strange place, experiencing a familiar life...

He said nothing~www.ltnovel.com~ Su Qingyue laughed.

The text is like a man.

What made Su Qing more excited was that Chen Feng sent a message saying: "Qingyue, you are doing beautifully."

Su Qingyue and Chen Boss exchanged greetings for a while.

When everyone was eating at noon, they were still using the "Three Kingdoms" to tease.

When he returned to the unit, Zhou Ziyou reminded him: "Boss, I think with the current heat, as long as we continue step by step, isn't our press conference a bit small?" Then he said: "Now there are only dozens of people. , And very simple."

"Don't worry, just walk around and talk about it." Su Qingyue replied.

Of course, one part is because of the cost.

On the other hand, Su Qingyue felt that it was not the time yet.

The whole afternoon is routine work.

However, Liu Yuming’s feedback told him that the attention of "Three Kingdoms" is rapidly increasing, and a large number of players call to ask about the new version.

Su Qingyue immediately called a meeting on the market, operations, and website.

The entire official website has been fully revised, and the content is fully shifted to technical display, version introduction, white paper, answering questions about charging models, and the most important information display: public beta time.

Market work is done step by step, with only a little change. It is to communicate with the media to separate "Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition" from the original "Three Kingdoms Heroes", separate special areas and separate forums, and display them in a brand new game image.

The operation and other departments cooperate closely with the R&D department to keep a close eye on matters outside the window and fully prepare for the launch. All the work starts from the player seeing the advertisement and clicking, to registering, downloading...each step must be coordinated at least three times.

After everyone expressed their attitudes, they were ready to go separately.

Time flies quickly. In the evening, Su Qingyue called Ziyou last week and left the company together.

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