Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 289: :gift

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The hotel Jiang Zhengshang booked is at Wudaokou, the center of the universe.

It's a bit far from Su Qingyue. As soon as they left the house, they saw a long snake formation.

From time to time, cars honked their horns.

After a brief discussion with Zhou Ziyou, the two decided to walk.

Under the shade of the trees, the wind that is about to enter autumn is full of coolness.

From time to time, couples of students from nearby universities pass by.

Zhou Ziyou sighed: "It was really happy when I was a student."

"Then you are not feeling happy now?" Su Qingyue asked him.

"I am fulfilled now, not happy." Zhou Ziyou said: "Finding the other half is happiness."

He finished speaking, scratching his head with a smirk.

Su Qingyue was surprised.

Thinking of He Lili, it seems that they haven't come together yet.

So there is no questioning.

At this time, Zhou Ziyou sighed again: "But when I was a student, I was a bit silly. I was full of self-righteous plans and general directions. But when I realized it, I realized that I was actually nothing and there was too much to learn." Said: "If it weren't for you, the boss, I might still be a small commissioner who rewards myself all day long."

"What's the matter with you today? So sentimental? What happened?" Su Qing was slightly surprised.

I feel Zhou Ziyou is in a bad mood today.

The latter replied at the next moment: "Your'Three Kingdoms' is really a dead end, which also made me reflect on it. If it is me, and encounter such pressure and obstacles, can I still persist?" He said Then, the cars on both sides finally moved forward, and said: "What I thought before is still too naive..."

Su Qingyue laughed as he listened: "Everyone has a growth process. Ziyou, I have confidence in you, come on!"

As they said, they passed another intersection.

Walk along Chengfu Road and pass by a bookstore named Wansheng.

Su Qing sent more messages to ask where Amou was.

The latter did not reply.

I guess I didn't see it.

At this time, all the main roads are completely blocked, and the advantages of pedestrians are highlighted at this time.

Talk to Zhou Ziyou while walking.

From time to time, people ask them if they want an invoice or a CD...

Instead of going to the restaurant that Jiang Zhengshang had decided with Zhou Ziyou, they went to a nearby mall first.

There he and Zhou Ziyou both bought a gift for Xiao Yu.

Then he walked back to the restaurant Jiang Zhengshang said.

The small road next to the subway goes about 100 meters in, in a two-story building.

The name of the hotel is Zhongjiu, and the facade is extremely inconspicuous.

A gray round card hung at the door with the Arabic numeral "9" written on it.

Push the door in, and ask the waiter when I went upstairs, only to realize that this is a salt restaurant.

The dark wood decoration, with warm lighting, has the feeling of a high-class mansion.

The lobby is large in size.

But there are only seven or eight tables scattered, and they are placed in different positions with a sense of design.

Zhou Ziyou sighed and said: "It's no wonder that Jiang can catch up with Sister Xiao Yu. Every time I choose a position, he is so stylish and powerful." He said: "Next time I ask someone else, I have to pay attention to these details."

Su Qingyue laughed.

I feel that Zhou Ziyou is not only willing to learn in terms of work, but also in other aspects.

I wanted to ask He Lili to come here.

But in the end it was changed to, "In this regard, Jiang is definitely a talent."

"That's it!" Zhou Ziyou smiled, pushed open the heavy wooden door, and said: "There are one set of methods."

The two talked and laughed and went to the second floor.

The waiter led them and helped them open the private room door.

Qi Xiaopang just came in right now, listening to him greet everyone.

Su Qingyue and Zhou Ziyou walked in.

Xiao Yu got up and waved to everyone.

She wore a bohemian dress today, which was wavy.

A fashionable handbag is on the table with a smile on the face.

"Brother Yue, we can think of what you do, but you didn't expect you to endorse it yourself. This time it really turned the entire industry upside down. Now our company group, everyone is posting various Three Kingdoms." Xiao Yu laughed. She has a good temperament today. When I talked to Su Qingyue, there was still a faint fragrance of perfume.

"Thank you," Su Qingyue said, then asked: "When do you go to work?"

"Don't worry," Xiao Yu said, then asked: "Where is my sister-in-law?"

"It should be soon." When Su Qingyue said this, he didn't know what to do.

Because in Amu's position, time often does not belong to her.

He did not ask Lao Jiang and his sister.

Understanding that everyone is busy now, Xiaopang Qi also said at this time: "President Su, you really opened our eyes this time. At first, Brother Naixiang looked down on him, but now he doesn't speak anymore."

Seeing his brilliant smile, I wonder if Jia Naixiang was deliberately selected.

Su Qingyue didn't take it to heart, and politely said: "Neither did I expect it." Then he asked Xiao Yu: "Naixiang, how are you now?"

"It's okay, but I heard he is leaving too. Specifically, he didn't talk to me."

Xiao Yu shrugged awkwardly.

Su Qing understood that Jia Naixiang's attitude towards everyone was always cold.

But he doesn't care about Jia.

At this time, he handed over the gift and said: "Rookie and new look, I wish work well."

"Brother Yue, this is too polite." Xiao Yu said without accepting the present.

But Su Qingyue still put in her seat: "Come on."

"Yeah." Xiao Yu didn't argue for anything.

Four people sat down and the private room was quiet.

The round table has a quaint mahogany feel, and a pair of ethnic minority paintings hung on the wall.

It is small, but under the warm light, it dots the entire space.

After a while, my sister arrived first, followed by Jiang Zhengshang.

We haven't got together for several months, and we chatted happily when we met.

My sister also gave her own gift, which is a beautiful scarf.

Jiang Zhengshang wore a blue t-shirt today~www.ltnovel.com~ wore a Rolex and sat down while chatting with Su Qingyue.

"How is your product?" He asked, feeling back to the past, the feeling of a big brother with a little brother.

Su Qingyue smiled and said, "The time to go online has been set."

"Things that the whole bank dare not try, dare you!" Jiang Zhengshang smiled, snapping his fingers with the feeling of the owner, and the waiter handed him the menu. While ordering food, he said: "To tell the truth, I am worried about you, after all, the product is the key." When it comes to products, Jiang Zhengshang's feeling that the big guy cares about his younger brother reappears.

Before Su Qingyue had time to speak, Xiao Yu suddenly interjected: "It must be no problem. The industry is also looking forward to it."

"The market feedback and the final effect are still not comparable. After all, I have been doing research and development for so long, and I can't guarantee the online effect..." Jiang Zhengshang was not convinced and wanted to argue.

"You don't need to worry about this." Xiao Yu complained dissatisfied.

Finally Jiang Zhengshang couldn't raise his hands, and explained to Su Qingyue: "I don't mean anything else, just chat casually."

"Do I have such a glass heart?" Su Qing laughed.

Jiang Zhengshang's style is not a day or two, except for the period of "Feng Shen World" promotion, he has always been like this. Now when it comes to Falcon, Su Qing doesn't understand the specific situation, but Jiang Zhengshang's style and confidence feel even worse.

At this time, Jiang Zhengshang was ordering food and asked, "Where is the reporter?"

"That's it, it's probably on the way." Su Qingyue said.

"Are you busy?" Jiang Zhengshang asked in surprise, "Isn't it just an advertising company?" The tone brought out contempt.

Xiao Yu immediately followed by another sentence: "You hurry up and order, can't you say a few words?"

Jiang Zhengshang didn't say anything and lowered his head to order.

The rest of the people talked about other things again, and at this time Ah Mu came.

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