Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 290: : Expansion

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To be honest, the dishes on the middle ninth floor are really good.

The lotus root taro cold chicken is made of red oil, topped with taro mud, and the outer layer is also inlaid with lotus root slices. The top layer is covered with diced chicken and a special sauce.

Su Qing took a bite and felt that the taro mash was spicy and smooth, and the sauce was slightly cool. The two are combined with the diced chicken, and the food layering bursts in the mouth.

Jiang Zhengshang introduced at this time: "This dish is mainly based on their sauce. This is the local recipe sauce of Zhenger Bajing. It is different from the small restaurants outside, and the materials are all shipped by air." He said, his tone is like an elder, give Children introduce cultural and historical knowledge.

Recalling the first time they met.

A black suit, leaning on the back of the chair, posing like the boss.

Su Qingyue felt normal, and this was the real Jiang Zhengshang.

He didn't let Xiao Yu sit in the main seat, but sat himself.

Xiao Yu smiled beside him, a bit like his subordinates.

Looking at everyone, Jiang Zhengshang took the lead in raising the cup: "Thank you for coming. Xiaoyu will go to work immediately. Let us all wish her success in her work and rise to the rank of vice president of marketing." He said, grinning broadly, and looked at Xiao Yu.

Just about to touch the mouth to the cup.

Xiao Yu spoke at this moment.

"Thank you for coming. I'm very grateful for the existence of you people in my life. The time in Hualuo is the happiest memory of me. There are Yue brothers, good sisters, and friends...Of course, there are sisters in law." Xiao Yu specially added such a sentence and said, "Thank you."

There was a feeling of reluctance in her tone.

Jiang Zhengshang was stunned for a moment and put the cup down: "Hey...you have forgotten the person." He reminded, pointing to himself: "And me, why did you forget?"

"Oh, you are everywhere." Xiao Yu laughed helplessly, and explained to everyone: "I said the market center."

After she spoke, Jiang Zhengshang stopped talking.

Followed Xiao Yu's cup and said: "Come on, we all have a toast."

She drank her glass of wine in one gulp.

Jiang Zhengshang was not given a chance to speak at all.

The latter was obviously taken aback, and only then did he keep up with everyone's speed.

Then pour the wine again.

Xiao Yu and Amo drank red wine, and good sister drank beverages because of their health.

The men drank beer.

Because the beer is cold and a tall glass.

In the end, Jiang Zhengshang compromised first and changed to one for two.

The first three cups quickly entered, and Su Qing faintly felt that the atmosphere was wrong.

Xiao Yu always grabs a drink before Jiang Zhengshang, and Jiang Zhengshang can't keep up with his words.

Whether it was intentional or not, her face kept smiling.

But Su Qingyue felt that Xiao Yu's smile had another meaning.

Then the hot dishes came, from brand-name mushrooms, pork ribs, to tilapia...

The dishes are small, but very delicate and beautiful.

After the entrance, each dish has different layers of food.

Su Qingyue feels that the brand Jiu mushroom has toughness in the entrance, and it is very delicious with parsley.

Everyone chatted while eating.

Su Qingyue found that Xiao Yu was very independent now, had her own ideas, and was happy for her in her heart.

He looked at Ah Mu and found that Ah Mu was also looking at himself at this time.

He quickly brought a cup to Jiang Zhengshang: "Old ginger, come! Let's drink one. Congratulations to you, brother, and bless Xiaoyu, and bless you two." He said, and said: "You two are together, and you have a tacit understanding. Not good." He clinked with Jiang Zhengshang.

He drank a toast with wine.

But Jiang Zhengshang only drank half of it and said, "It's too cold."

"It's okay." Su Qing smiled more.

Then everyone talked about the industry again. Jiang Zhengshang suddenly asked Ah Mu: "How are you gathering together?"

"It's ok." Ah Mou smiled back, but he was obviously perfunctory and didn't want to talk about the company.

But Jiang Zhengshang quit, and said: "You shouldn't actually go there. You gather now that the major shareholders are about to withdraw their capital because their performance is not up to the standard. New venture capital can't come in, I think I can persist. It’s hard to get down.” He said, adding: “I don’t think I can compete with others in business.”


When he said so, Amu's face changed suddenly.

Jiang Zhengshang didn't feel that he was leaning back in his chair, embracing Su Qingyue, and continued: "Brother, I don't think it will work. You can arrange a position for the manager." He said, "Or come to our company, with your ability. , Make a..."

"Are you endless?"

Xiao Yu suddenly spoke at this time, staring, interrupting Jiang Zhengshang.

This surprised the latter.

Then she smiled again and said to Amou: "Sister-in-law, don't mind, he is like this."

"It's okay, Xiaoyu." Ah Mou immediately took the cup and said, "What Jiang said is the truth."

Su Qingyue looked at her and looked normal.

The whole scene quickly recovered.

With emotion, Amu is responding faster and faster to the scene, and at the same time I am very grateful to Xiao Yu for solving Amu's embarrassment.

Although a bit blunt.

But the more Su Qing understood that if Jiang Zhengshang spoke too tactfully, he might not understand.

Just thinking about it, everyone talked about other things.

Qi Xiaopang was busy pouring wine for everyone and sharing his market experience.

And the understanding of the industry.

Then he toasted Jiang Zhengshang and Su Qingyue and chatted with Zhou Ziyou in full swing.

After a while, Jiang Zhengshang talked about the progress of the falcon.

He said: "Our company will definitely enter the first echelon in the future." He said, rubbing his hands on the goblet, and said: "Because we not only have Xiaoyu's market ability, but also the copyright of the old man, Those are regular fans. Coupled with the investment in research and development, there is no problem."

Su Qingyue also admitted this.

The recent game of Falcon is indeed like a new company~www.ltnovel.com~ recruiting soldiers, the stalls are very large, and the market performance is extremely high-profile.

Then Jiang Zhengshang said: "Brother, you shouldn't be the focus at the beginning." He said, "Either we should start a business together, or go on a falcon together, you have to focus on the focus..." He said. Sighed. The appearance of hating iron but not steel is really "moving".

He said so, and Su Qingyue still kept smiling.

Know who he is.

Then Jiang Zhengshang continued: "Your marketing activities are great, no problem. But the real victory depends on the product and the reputation of the players..."

He spread his hands and sighed helplessly.

It seems that Su Qing wants to ask him for help, but he can't do anything now.

Very embarrassing.

But Su Qingyue still didn't say anything.

At this time, Xiao Yu brought a cup and said to everyone: "We people, we also have to thank Brother Yue. It was he who came before that brought us together." She said, not looking at Jiang Zhengshang, and said again. : "I was going to resign at the time, but Brother Yue called me back."

Knowing that Xiao Yu was helping himself out like this, Su Qingyue followed suit.

Everyone clink glasses.

Jiang Zhengshang also followed the cup and touched Su Qing more and more.

At this time, he said again: "Before Ziyou sent your photo, I immediately showed it to our colleagues. I feel that your focus really drags you down. Such a good idea... I hope that when your product goes online, there will be Such a good performance." He said, and then drank the wine in one go.

Su Qingyue was taken aback for a moment.

I think of someone in the forum saying that I already knew it.

He noticed that Zhou Ziyou blushed and had a thick neck, staring, obviously angrily.

Su Qingyue shook his head slightly, hinting that he would not have an attack.

Then drank the wine in one sip.

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