Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 292: : Out of circle

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That night, Amu did not mention Jiang Zhengshang's changes.

She didn't even speak much at the back.

On the one hand, she doesn't know much about the situation, and as a family member, it is impossible to rush to the front.

On the other hand, although her current job is not as expected at the time, this process and experience still has a lot of inspiration and exercise for Amu.

More profound and calm.

Before going to bed, she asked Su Qingyue: "Will you succeed in the future? Will success swell?"

Following the two questions, Su Qing laughed more and knew what she meant.

After thinking for a moment, he replied, "What is success?" He asked, as if asking himself a question. After thinking about it, he said, "I think a person can only be satisfied and excited when he loses his goal. Let him inflate."

He said, imagining his own success.

I faintly feel that there is no problem with Falcon's strategy. The pursuit of the old man's copyright is the same as his own free model. They are both reflections and explorations of the previous difficulties and the best attempts and breakthroughs in the industry.

It's just that everyone has different directions, but they have the same effect.

The former model is capital, the latter is creative.

Su Qingyue feels that different environments produce different directions.

He began to think more and set higher demands on himself...

time flies.

Day after day...

It was the second week of August in a flash.

Zhou Ziyou struck while the iron was hot and used all the resources that could be mobilized, such as Xiao Yu, Haohao Sister, etc., to carry out a larger-scale continuous promotion.

The response of the entire market has become even more enthusiastic.

It is no longer just a simple media in the industry and the game field.

It gradually broke through the wall dimension and became a popular term in reality.

This was something Su Qingyue had never expected.

It also surprised many people in the industry.

When he woke up on Tuesday morning, the sun was shining outside the window.

He reached out to touch Amu, only to find that she had gone to work.

Recently, Amu got up earlier than him, and often left home at seven.

I often cheer myself up: "Su Qingyue, we have to behave like this!"

Su Qing laughed more.

At the same time, she accepted this attitude.

Motivated by her, the fighting spirit is even higher.

Get up quickly, look at the watch is late.

Wash and leave home.

As usual, it is a champion cake.

Su Qingyue thinks that breakfast has two functions.

The first is to fill the stomach; the second is the ceremony before the formal work.

So he never felt tired.

Just about to get on the Dongshan car, there was someone in the car.

Su Qingyue was ready to leave.

Dongshan said to the other party: "You two should go along, can I send him off?" He asked the person behind, pointing to Su Qingyue.

In the back seat of the car is a girl.

Su Qing said hurriedly, "I will pay you a fare."

"Oh, no, let's go."

Su Qingyue got on the bus now. Dongshan drove the traffic radio, and two hosts were joking from the speakers.

"Did you know? The style of'Three Kingdoms' is popular now," said the male host.

"Three Kingdoms, what do you mean?" the hostess asked seriously.

The male host smiled and said: "It's a slogan of a company's product spokesperson. It's about the Three Kingdoms, so it's called the Three Kingdoms."

"Huh? How to say?" the hostess asked with a smile.

"The first sentence is the expression of radical emotions; the second sentence is my own expectations; the third sentence is my endorsement for myself; the fourth sentence is my life experience... I will learn it for you." The male host said, they both It's like talking about cross talk in a group, and one teasing one by one, "I would rather dislike others than pitiful people. To subvert the industry, start with free. I am Su Qingyue, and I endorse my own products. Free is the Three Kingdoms, and the experience is life. "The male host continued: "You can also write your own Three Kingdoms."

"This is the Three Kingdoms?"

"Yes, who doesn't talk about the "Three Kingdoms" first! It's not popular, it's quite popular..." said the male host.

"Then I'm out of date, I'll study it when I go back..."

Listening to them, Su Qing's eyes widened.

Understand that they don't talk about games or the name of "Three Kingdoms Heroes".

But the basic information is there, and I didn't expect it to spread so quickly.

Now even the radio station knows it.

The hostess then first commented on the sentence "I would rather dislike others than pity", and she seemed to like it very much.

Then she said her motto: accompany you on the road, by your side. I am Lu Xiaoying, and I speak for 103.9.



As soon as she finished speaking, Dongshan laughed first, and said to Su Qingyue: "You said this group of people can really be ridiculous. As for the Three Kingdoms, who knows this stuff, so will I!"

Before Su Qingyue had time to speak, the girl behind suddenly laughed.

Dongshan looked back and smiled and said, "Why don't you come here too?"

"I can't." The girl said.

Then the car stopped at the corner of North Fourth Ring Road, and the girl got out of the car.

The car quickly returned to calm.

Because of traffic jams, he arrived at Su Qingyue's unit at 8:40.

As soon as I entered the front desk, I saw He Lili smile brightly.

Su Qing was a little surprised and asked: "What are you laughing at?"

"No, it's nothing." He Lili said with a grin, after thinking about it, she couldn't help it, and said: "My mother came here yesterday, and she will use the Three Kingdoms System. She said..."

"say what?"

"I would rather have a bed in North City~www.ltnovel.com~ than a room in South City. Wealth freedom starts with real estate speculation..." He Lili said and laughed.

Su Qingyue listened, but also tolerated more than saying: "Talent."

He left without saying a word.

Those who think about Yan Xipan today will come over to take photos of the last set of office scenes.

He first asked Zhou Ziyou to prepare.

When I walked to the water room to make tea, Li Lin was there.

The two nodded in greeting.

The latter suddenly said, "It's amazing, President Su! It is rumored that you used company money to package yourself, but I think the effect is really good!"

"Thank you!"

Some people, it's unnecessary to talk to him.

As long as it's not too much, I don't bother to respond.

Su Qingyue turned back to the office.

Holding the cup, looking out the window.

The tall buildings in the distance are already in appearance.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

Found that it was Li Ming, he picked it up.

A familiar voice came from the earpiece: "Qingyue, the Three Kingdoms is good!"

"Thank you for your compliment." Su Qing replied, not feeling that Li Ming knew what the accident was.

"I heard you have a press conference?" Li Ming asked.

"Preparing." Su Qingyue said embarrassedly that the conference will be in a small place due to cost issues, and the process is very simple.

At this time, Li Ming continued: "There are many newcomers under my banner, and they can support you. In addition, Yuanyuan talked about the Three Kingdoms in the interview."

"Huh?" Li Ming took the initiative to call, which surprised him.

Now that Yuanyuan also imitated the Three Kingdoms, Su Qingyue let out an ah, and did not speak for a long time.

Li Ming then said again: "Look, my newcomer can bring whatever you want."

"Thank you." Su Qingyue said finally.

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