Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 293: : Can't be anticlimactic

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At 1:35, Yan Xipan and Yan Bing led the photography team and arrived at the company ten minutes early.

When he saw Su Qingyue, Yan Bing laughed: "Brother, I didn't understand what you meant when you photographed those at the beginning." There is the back hand. It is beautifully done. Yesterday Lao Ming said about you."

"It's Li Ming." Yan Xipan explained.

Su Qingyue nodded, indicating that he knew.

Today, Yan Bing brought a San Francisco Giants baseball cap, a white baseball t-shirt on the upper body, and the sweatpants of the Major League Baseball on the lower body. Looks like an athlete, not a photographer. At this time, he smiled and said: "I photographed their professional baseball model yesterday, and some people also talked about this topic."

"Brother, you can circle this well." Yan Xipan said.

He changed another girl today.

You can't be so sloppy if you get the month first near the water tower!

But Su Qingyue has gotten used to it, no wonder.

At this time, Yan Xipan introduced: "This is my sister who also does makeup. Didn't you say that we will have a group photo of these today? I called her for fear of delaying time." He said and explained again. One sentence: "My sister and sister in my aunt's family."

Yan Xipan also knows the impression others have of him, so he will focus on explaining when encountering special circumstances.

Su Qingyue nodded, and said seriously, "Thank you."

Zhou Ziyou and He Lili brought the water first.

Su Qingyue asked Liu Yuming to notify the project and all went to the large conference room.

At the same time, he personally notified Chen Ting and asked the main person in charge to come.

This is a whim, and he wants to take the entire team in this time.

Let them appear at the press conference.

Represents the strength of a team and also feeds back bad information from the outside world.

Tell everyone that they have been on the road and have been working hard.

What kind of team is this.

This is a sublimation of a theme, and it's not just me who speaks for myself.

They are the vital force in this battle.

Seeing the entire conference room turned into a jubilant ocean, Su Qing laughed more.

Thanks to everyone for these days.

In his view, the sense of honor belongs not only to himself, but also to all of them.

Su Qingyu thought, watching Chen Ting put on make-up and said, "Sister Ting is even more beautiful with such a dress."

"What's pretty, it's thirty..." She laughed back: "I'm an old girl."

The two of them were talking.

Next to Tianzhong, he was very uncomfortable, with foundation on his face, and asked the makeup artist: "Can you not use it?"

"You have to ask the photographer about this."


"You ask your boss." Yan Bing pointed at Su Qingyue.

Su Qing laughed more, put his hand on Tian Zhong's shoulder, and said, "The last point!"

"Okay!" He frowned, sighed, and said, "I suddenly feel a little sympathetic to the movie guys now. It's so uncomfortable with such a pile of Momo Haws on his face every day."

"Boss, you can't speak well now, are you uncomfortable?" Wang Xinjie spoke beside him, and everyone laughed.

Ouyang asked Su Qingyue next to him: "Boss, can you give me a picture first? I want to take it back and show it to my girlfriend and my family."

As he spoke, Xu Ge, the head of the engine center, also came.

Su Qingyue believes that such a shooting is equivalent to a team building.

Say hello to Xu Ge.

Lian Xiaoxue, who watched him move towards putting on make-up, praised: "I think Xiaoxue doesn't use make-up, she is a goddess."

After speaking, Lian Xiaoxue's face turned red instantly.

After several months of running-in, he and Lian Xiaoxue have become a couple.

Watching everyone sort out one by one, return to the corner of death, and enter the photo session.

The photographer kept pressing the shutter.

The people next to him showed envious eyes, and the corner of death had become a corner of hope at this time.

Su Qingyue was very emotional, and the memories were like reversed movies, scene by scene.

He believes that after this battle, these newcomers will no longer be newcomers.

It will no longer be a person who is being pushed out in the company, no longer a dispensable person, no longer a negligent person...

Tanaka will not.

Wang Xinjie will not.

As for Ouyang, he will bid farewell to the leek stuffed buns.

Not even octopus with chives.

Just think about it and laugh, Su Qingyue is happy for them.

At this moment Li Lin also came over, looked at Su Qingyue, smiled and said, "President Su, don't call me for such a big thing." It sounded like a joke, but there was a questioning tone in his tone.

Su Qingyue was a little unhappy.

Because for the unity of the company, at least there must be an external display to the entire industry. He specially notified Li Lin yesterday.

Just now I went to find him with Chen Ting.

Jiao Kejun cannot participate because he is in Jianghai today.

He arranged everything related to the project.

As soon as he was about to speak, Chen Ting took the lead and said, "Mr. Li, you are joking. The other person in charge of the company was arranged by Mr. Su, and Mr. Su personally notified the general manager, and I will give it to you in the evening. I sent a message. We went to find you just now, no one in your office." She said, the makeup artist is done.

"I'm just kidding you!"

Li Lin was obviously embarrassed to be said that.

But Su Qingyue had no time to waste time with him, so he asked Li Lin to put on makeup quickly.

Then I also wore a plaid shirt and participated in the shooting.

It was like this all afternoon~www.ltnovel.com~ It was not until 8 o'clock in the evening, it was dark, and the shooting finally ended.

Looking at the effect from the monitor, Yan Xipan said with emotion: "Your team does have a lot of energy."

"Really?" Su Qing laughed more.

Yan Xipan then said again: "Yes, I feel like you, that energy!"

After he spoke, Su Qing laughed more.

The latter continued: "So brother, I have a suggestion I want to talk to you."

"you said."

"I still think that the location of the conference you originally planned is too small. And there are dozens of people in total, which is too bad." He said, "I suggest you make it bigger and find a venue with a thousand people. Brother, if you are really on a tight budget, I will find a way! You can't be so anticlimactic!"

"The problem now is that it's all here, only a few days away from the press conference. How can we have that time and that place." Su Qingyue explained helplessly.

In fact, Zhou Ziyou has already made the same suggestion twice.

But Su Qingyue felt that he hadn't left the circle yet, and the distance was still far, mainly because of the cost.

But this time, he felt that it should indeed be expanded.

I regretted it a little bit, but didn't find a good venue.

At this time, Yan Xipan said again: "Leave me alone in the venue, I'll look for it!"

"Such a short time."

"Don't worry." Yan Xipan said: "The links are all in accordance with your original plan, basically unchanged. You can invite your media and industry friends to do it thoroughly. Don't forget, You are a super celebrity now. Yesterday, I had dinner with the people from Dongfang.com and they were all going to give you a special award. I guess I will have to look for you in the next few days.

He said, Su Qing was more startled.

Then he smiled and said, "The venue is up to you."

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