Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 294: :Before Dawn

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As promised, the "Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition" launch conference was held on the second weekend of August.

Yan Xipan found him the concert hall of the Pingjing Symphony Orchestra.

A venue that can accommodate two thousand people.

The price was half lower than usual, and the other party gave them half a day of rehearsal time.

Su Qingyue feels that interlacing is like a mountain, but the full use of resources is also one of the required courses in the market.

He was very grateful to Yan Xipan for helping him find such a good venue and such a low price.

But even so, there are always objections in the company.

It is what Gao Yanhai said: "Do we really need a venue for two thousand people?"

"Yes, it would be nice to have a hundred people here!" Li Lin followed.

Su Qingyue hated this attitude of opposing for the sake of opposition.

In the end, he insisted on finalizing the venue without compromise.

At 14:30 pm on Thursday, the official website and other cooperative media will open the invitation letter application portal.

Su Qingyue was also worried about the number of people originally, because this has far exceeded the scale of the press conference.

At present, the friends and partners I invited, including Zhou Ziyou, Xiao Yu, and the media invited by Haohao's sister, are not many people together.

There is a line in his heart to gather a thousand people so that the scene does not appear to be out of space.

Unexpectedly, it only took less than a minute to rob all the invitations.

Li Lin was shocked and asked, "You won't cheat anymore?"

"It's clear in 48 hours, what's your hurry?"

Su Qingyue gave him one last sentence.

But my heart is actually not at ease.

After all, the final result of ticket grabbing and the number of people coming to the scene is different.

Just like the online game, registration has the problem of conversion rate.

What's more, many people want to travel all the way to Beijing to participate in a game product launch conference without celebrities and hot spots.

The slides of the conference were produced by Su Qingyue himself, Qin Shaofeng was in charge of the art, and Zhou Ziyou was in charge of the copywriting.

He wants to express all his ideas in it, so he must do it himself.

In addition to creative explanation and summary, it is more important to talk about the free model comprehensively and systematically.

It is not only necessary to improve the performance of "Three Heroes", but also to impress and inspire the industry.

The content has been revised countless times, which can be said to be familiar.

But regarding the length of the speech, Yan Xipan specifically suggested to him: "This PPT is still too long, you have to shorten it a bit. In this way, if there is a need for interaction, the scene will not be too long."

Su Qingyue realized that he wanted to express too much.

But the feelings of the audience may be different.

Self hi is useless.

The rhythm and feeling, we still have to listen to the opinions of professionals, and he revised it again on Thursday night.

Just practiced for another whole day.

They had already entered the venue on Saturday morning and began preparations.

Su Qingyue rehearsed it again.

With the slideshow, there are also cutscene videos.

He felt that he would definitely present a different press conference to everyone at the official start.

The sound field design of the concert hall is very reasonable, even without a microphone, he can spread his speech to the farthest corner.

Yan Xipan also invited his colleagues from the TV station to help him record the whole process.

As for the content of the PPT (speech), in fact, only people in this group really understand.

The rest only know some partial content.

Including Jiao Kejun, Li Lin and Chen Ting, he did not say.

Because he understands that after this manuscript is published, it will definitely cause great controversy.

And he didn't want to be extravagant.

At that time, Zhou Ziyou also asked him: "Boss, is this all right?" His face was full of anxiety and doubt.

Su Qingyue nodded and patted his shoulder, "Thinking from the perspective of market feedback, no problem."

"Can Jiao them..."

"First do the performance well. Sometimes you can't worry about too much, understand?" He said: "The important thing is that this product must succeed. If it fails, then no matter how gentle we speak, it will become a cloud of smoke. Will be abandoned soon."

"You are right!" Zhou Ziyou nodded.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Su Qingyue finished the rehearsal again.

The staff of various departments are ready.

Looking at his watch, he walked to the entrance of the concert hall.

The main entrance of the concert hall was closed, and the doors on both sides were opened to form two passages, separated by fences.

There is a huge sign-in board at the entrance of one of the side entrances, with a large line on the sign-in board: "Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition" guests sign in. Not far from the sign-in board, there is a media sign-in desk. Xiao Yu, Haohao's sister, Zhou Ziyou and the media they lead are waiting for the media here.

The other side door and passage are prepared for netizens who receive invitation letters on the Internet.

After checking the time, Su Qingyue went to the outermost part of the passage to show his respect.

It happened that Yan Xipan came out to smoke.

This time the girl next to him had short hair last time, majoring in drama from the Film Academy.

"How about it, are you nervous?" He said, handing Su Qingyue a cigarette, laughed, and emphasized: "Two thousand people."

"no feelings."

Su Qingyue said, took the cigarette and took a sip.

He is not talking nonsense, the so-called no feeling in his mouth is actually a kind of numbness.

All manuscripts have been rehearsed so many times.

It feels like life and death repeated countless times, but my mind is actually numb.

"Haha!" Yan Xipan smiled, smoking a cigarette, and said: "This feels right, there is peace in every big event. Drama actors, many talk show actors have this ability. I didn't expect you to have this ability too. , Then this matter has basically become 50%."

He smiled.

Girls with short hair, bring water for both of them.

Su Qing thanked the other party more, and took a sip from the water bottle.

Look at the watch, it was almost two o'clock, and the parking lot at the door was still empty.

No one has entered yet.

He is a little nervous now.

Thinking back to those seconds of invitations, it felt like a dream.

I have been thinking about the people I invited.

In addition to the cooperative media.

The media invited by Xiao Yu and Haohao's sister will definitely come.

There are also Li Ming and some of his artists.

Su Qing understands that his artists also need exposure, especially in this age when online media is emerging.

Li Ming will never let go of this opportunity.

It can be said that this is a mutually beneficial publicity.

Su Qing likes to bring benefits to others, because only in this way can the cooperation between the two parties last.

Thinking inside, Yan Xipan left at this moment.

Look at the watch at 2:15, at this time Gao Yanhai and Li Lin arrived.

They stopped the car and greeted Su Qingyue when they came up, and they also stood at the door.

This is what Jiao Kejun specifically requested.

Because he was afraid of being dissatisfied, he specifically asked them to call his industry friends.

"President Su, how many people have come?" Gao Yanhai asked him, and touched his earphone again, feeling unkind.

But Su Qingyue just smiled faintly, and said, "I haven't come yet."

"Not yet?" He looked at his watch, "It's already 2:15." Li Lin looked at his watch.

The three were talking, and Jiao Kejun and Chen Ting also came.

The first sentence that came up was also: "Qingyue, has anyone come?"

"not yet."

Su Qingyue said, Jiao Kejun frowned obviously.

It seems very nervous.

Chen Ting interrupted at this moment: "I guess there is a traffic jam on the road."

Several people were talking and waited for almost ten minutes.

A taxi came slowly at the door, and two strangers came down.

"Player?" Su Qing thought more, but didn't feel like it.

At this time, Gao Yanhai laughed: "My friend, Liu Xiangyu, the vice president of 361 Tube Market." After speaking, he was proud of his face, touched the earphones, and greeted him.

Su Qingyue knows them of course. It should be said that they are comprehensive websites with a lot of weight in addition to the four major portals.

Not only content, but also content such as mailboxes and chat rooms.

If they can invite their vice president of marketing, they have indeed done the job.

Su Qing smiled and listened to their greetings.

Li Lin and Jiao Kejun said, "Don't look at anything else, Yan Hai, he's quite a set of picking up girls when he eats and drinks. Even people like Liu Xiangyu can be invited, and it's really popular." He said Then, the tone seemed to work for another company.

Su Qingyue didn't think about it.

The two exchanged greetings, but Liu Xiangyu approached Su Qing more and more.

"President Su, this is 361 Liu Xiangyu." He stretched out his hand as he said.

Su Qingyue also hurriedly responded.

Both parties exchange business cards.

Liu Xiangyu politely said: "President Su, Yan Hai and I are old friends. Let's communicate more in the future."

Knowing it was a polite remark, Su Qingyue smiled back: "Definitely."

"Then we can say it." He said, leaving with Gao Yanhai.

Chen Ting smiled and said: "Su is now considered a celebrity. Who in the industry does not know Su Qingyue."

As he said, Li Lin followed: "President Su, where are your friends."

"Wait a minute, it will come," he said, not too serious.

Because those who should come are not afraid to be late.

Li Lin followed with a smile and said, "With your current influence, they should have arrived earlier."

As several people said, people kept coming, except for some players.

There are also some media and focal partners.

The friend Su Qingyue invited hasn't arrived yet.

Li Lin suddenly laughed at this moment, waved to a person, and called out: "Mr. Teng." The person took two steps down and introduced to Jiao Kejun: "Lao Jiao, you know, we had dinner together."

Jiao Kejun also smiled immediately.

The three greeted and shook hands.

Su Qingyue knows that Firefox is an old brand in information websites. Recently, because of the injection of new funds, he is very aggressive.

But they have nothing to do with the game.

Mainly do social news and financial information.

Just as he was thinking, Editor-in-Chief Teng suddenly looked at him and stretched out his hand: "Su Qingyue." He laughed: "I didn't admit it, did I? You planned the patch incident alone." He said, and emphasized: "I I remember correctly."

"No, no." Su Qing laughed more.

The editor-in-chief and Teng exchanged business cards. The editor-in-chief Teng and Su Qingyue said: "We two should actually be old acquaintances. Earlier, President Li told me that when I saw you were you, that must come." He said. Then he said, "I will be interviewed later, I must be there!"

"no problem."

Su Qingyue smiled back.

Notice that Li Lin is also laughing.

But he laughed awkwardly, obviously because he didn't want his friend and Su Qingyue to be so kind.

After a while, Gao Yanhai and Li Lin sent some of their friends into the venue.

When he returned to the door, Gao Yanhai touched the earphones, and suddenly asked with a smirk: "President Su, where is your friend?"

Su Qingyue didn't want to respond.

Just thinking about it, the two Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles stopped slowly.

He smiled and said, "Look, isn't this here?"

Then Li Ming got out of the car, and several boys and girls walked out at the same time.

They look youthful and beautiful, like sculptural models.

Wearing a three-nation t-shirt.

It says: I speak for myself.

A player next to him was entering the arena, suddenly screamed, and shouted: "Jiang Feifei? Jiang Feifei!" The last sentence was definitely called out, which felt a little weird.

Su Qingyue greeted him.

I just think the name is familiar, but I can't remember where I have seen it.

Li Ming smiled and said: "Yuanyuan was filming in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. She specially recorded a congratulatory video. You can put it in later." He said with a smile.

Gao Yanhai touched the earphones next to him, and asked in surprise: "Qin Yuanyuan?"

Li Ming smiled and nodded and said, "Yes."

"Congratulations to the Three Kingdoms?" Li Lin asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Li Ming asked.

"Thank you, thank you." Jiao Kejun said.

Su Qingyue introduced them to each other, and everyone exchanged greetings.

Li Ming and they enter the concert hall.

More and more people.

An Elfa stopped slowly, one fat and the other lost two people.

The fat man was a little older, wearing a suit, his face was dark, and he looked like Maitreya Buddha.

The man following him was tall and had a white shirt.

Su Qingyue recognized at a glance that he was Li Chao, marketing director of Dongfang.com.

Next to him is Zhao Danyang, vice president and editor-in-chief of Dongfang.com.

Unexpectedly, he really came.

Su Qingyue is very grateful to Huang Guangyi for his help.

You must know that Dongfang.com is already a giant in the Internet industry at this time, and Zhao Danyang is the creator of their content industry.

With a prominent position in the industry, it can be called the founder of the Internet content industry.

Su Qingyue hurriedly shook hands and greeted.

Even Jiao Kejun was very shocked and personally sent Zhao Danyang inside.

Behind him, Li Chao handed an invitation card: "Qingyue, in a few days it will be an invitation card for the party of our Dongfang.com Internet Characters Billboard. We invite you to be a guest."

"Thank you, thank you." Su Qing laughed.

They go in.

Look at the watch and it's two forty.

There were fewer people outside, and Li Lin said: "Look at what it means, it's not enough for two thousand people."

Gao Yanhai said, "It's definitely not enough!"

"I just went in and looked at ~www.ltnovel.com~ and thought it was almost full." Chen Ting said: "It's one thousand sixty-seven, and it's very successful."

He said so, at this moment several Liaoshen brand buses stopped.

People keep coming out.

Su Qingyue saw Liu Yong and his wife for the first time.

Hello everyone.

Liu Yong came up and said, "Boss, I have called all the backbone of our Association, from all over the country."

After he spoke, Su Qingyue introduced Liu Yong to others.

"This is the leader of the Youxian Gang, the largest guild in The Great World of Martial Arts, Liu Yong."

After he said nothing, Liu Yong said: "We have moved to "The Heroes of Three Kingdoms"." He said: "I have prepared a million gift package. As long as I join our Youxian Gang, there will be gifts." He smiled and said, "The World of Martial Arts "I am the number one gang, and the free version of "Three Kingdoms Heroes" must also be number one..."

After he spoke, people kept pouring in.

There are others coming.

Zhou Ziyou came to the scene and said to Su Qingyue: "Boss is almost full, you should prepare quickly."

Su Qingyue nodded.

Look at the time, it's almost three o'clock.

He hurriedly walked back.

Returning to the backstage, he settled a little, and only glanced into the hall.

He was shocked by the audience, and now he was a little nervous.

I never thought I would attract so many people.

He was completely stunned, to know how many rounds of advertising and promotion are needed to achieve such an effect.

Was shocked for a while.

Thinking carefully about what I have done since these days, I have a deeper understanding and perception of the Internet.

At this time, the lights in the concert hall dimmed.

The host said: "Please come back to your table and mute your phones. Our press conference is about to begin."

Su Qing took a deep breath...

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