Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 295: : I'm Su Qingyue

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"The following are some of the hottest figures on the Internet recently, Internet marketing experts, and vice presidents of focus-Su Qingyue and President Su are on the stage..."

The host’s loud voice remembered that with the music, Su Qingyue took the stage.

Today he wore a loose white t-shirt with his cursive script: Su Qingyue printed on it.

Black jeans and white sneakers make the figure more outstanding.

Tuck the hem of the T-shirt casually into the waistband to make the layering more obvious.

This was specially prepared for him by Ah Mu, and the whole person looked full of energy and full of energy.

Cheers, applause, and whistles suddenly sounded at the scene.

Su Qingyue was startled and looked at them.

He had never faced so many people in person.

I just feel dense, and my heartbeat speeds up a bit.

While signalling everyone to be quiet, take a deep breath and calm yourself.

At this time the lights in the concert hall dimmed.

The scene returned to tranquility.

Su Qingyue said: "Dear friends from the media, partners, colleagues, all friends present today, hello everyone, I am Su Qingyue..."

Before he finished speaking, there was another round of warm applause.

For a long time, Su Qingyue was waiting for them to fall.

Then he continued: "Today this is a product launch event. It is also an atypical launch event, with no performances, no stars, no supervisors, no other links, only me..."

He paused here.

The slides of the "Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition" conference were cast on the big screen in the background.

"Come and give everyone a heartfelt sharing."

Keep reminding myself: relax.

Just say something.

At the next moment, he made temporary adjustments: "Some media reporters on the scene have met and interviewed me. But most people may not be familiar with it. Most of them are rushing to the "net celebrity" Su Qing, but I hope I haven't seen Just die..."

After he finished speaking, someone in the audience laughed.

Continued: "Whether you came by initiative, invited, or were cheated unintentionally, I will make your trip worthwhile today."

At this point, looking at the audience, some people seemed not to be brought in.

This is wrong! Su Qing suddenly realized.

I immediately remembered Yan Xipan’s words: The biggest problem with your speech is that it is too serious.

Too serious, seemingly impassioned, but in fact self-satisfied.

Su Qing changed more and more in the next moment. Instead of saying what he had written before, he said: "If I don't speak well, you can booze, but you don't want to go out!" As soon as this sentence was said, the atmosphere suddenly became enthusiastic. With constant laughter, he went on to say: "Because we have locked the door!"

There was another burst of laughter.

The whole atmosphere relaxed completely, and Su Qingyue realized that he was actually not too nervous.

At this time, he realized that mobilizing the atmosphere of the scene is not necessarily all rhetoric.

Sometimes a little adjustment is also very important.

In the audience, Zhao Danyang seemed to be talking to Li Ming, and Jiao Kejun also smiled and said something to Gao Yanhai.

Chen Ting folded her hands together and looked serious.

Su Qingyue then continued: "Please look at the big screen."

After that, the slides behind him changed. That was the original photo of Su Qingyue. There was no P text yet.

He turned around to look, but he didn't feel anything.

So he said: "Now everyone sees this photo of me, you must be familiar with it. But this is actually the first time I took a photo in my life." He said, looking at the audience in the audience, and asked: "Is it stupid? ?" Before the audience reacted, he laughed and said, "Anyway, I was quite shy at the time."

After he spoke, there was another laughter in the audience.

He then pressed the remote control again and the slides changed again.

Beside the photo, it appeared: I would rather be disgusted with others than pitiful... I am Su Qingyue...

Secretly sighed and suddenly remembered many things.

Slightly calmed down, he said: "In fact, no one believed that it could be popular at the beginning, including our company. Even when I just talked about this plan, many people did not understand,'I speak for myself' in the end. What's the matter?" he said.

Looking at Jiao Kejun in the audience, the latter smiled immediately.

He continued: "That's why we want to talk about why the Internet has changed the world and us. It has even changed the ecology of the entire gaming circle." He said, "This is also the reason why I came to Pingjing. I Believe that we are going through a great golden age. Tiancheng flourishing and becoming a giant is only the beginning of this era, not the end."

The eyes of the people in the audience became focused.

Su Qingyue knew that the speech really began.

Scenes of memories before me.

He began to talk about his life in Hualuo.

The first real contact with real market work.

It was the first time I saw the legendary Seven Masters and Tian Lei.

This is the first time I have a long talk with Chen Feng.

The first time someone wants to leave, how do they do their work?

He said: "All the first time in my life are heavy and responsible. I am very grateful for everything that Hualuo has given me. It has made me truly enter this era. I have the opportunity to fight in it. From the beginning of the " Martial Arts World" to Gameyoung, and "Fengshen World"..."

He said to look at the audience again.

Xiao Yu wiped his tears unconsciously.

My sister took out a digital camera from time to time.

He went on to say: "Because of this, I began to learn about the Internet and games. I started to have some thoughts of my own, and I began to ask myself."

He said that the background slide has been changed again.

No one in the stands spoke.

very quiet.

Some people were obviously lost in thought, but some people still didn't understand what was going on.

At this time, he said: "I reflect on what problem I encountered. The number of players is growing, but the revenue growth rate of the entire industry has slowed down significantly. There is no revolutionary progress in the entire industry, all are micro innovations." He said: "We Such an industry, only a few years later, has a feeling of aging."

He said that one of his thoughts was: "Marketers believe in the market, and technical personnel believe in technology. Everyone looks for directions from where they are good at it. Why can't they concentrate all their advantages?" Su Qingyue finally said: " This is also one of my thoughts."

He said to look at the audience.

People are still silent, obviously listening more seriously.

Su Qingyue said: "I have summarized a few major issues. Before most of the game companies were software companies or stand-alone transformations, so they did not have R&D genes; the charging model refers to software sales, and there is no innovation that does not adapt to market development; the increasing needs of players and the current The product content does not match, and there is no awareness of fan operation...So I hope to get an opportunity to start from the source of research and development, to make a subversive version and model that truly has Internet genes and meets the needs of current players, both for myself and This industry makes an attempt... to create an integrated "virtual rivers and lakes" that truly belongs to R&D, industry, and players."

He said, thinking of all the past.

Chat with Galeries Lafayette, chat with Chen Feng.

Tian Lei talked about the dream of domestic software people.

Everyone who comes to Pingjing has their dream.

Finally talked about the focus.

He took a deep breath and looked at the audience. At this time, Jiao Kejun, Li Lin and Gao Yanhai were still immersed in joy.

I don't know what Su Qingyue will talk about later.

Then Su Qingyue started and said, "I would like to thank Mr. Jiao first. He provided me with such a platform so that I can lead a team independently. This is the first time I have been involved in research and development. For all relevant information, you I should have seen it on the forum."

He said that on the big screen, some quotations from the forum appeared.

Comment on his involvement in research and development.

He smiled and said: "This is the evaluation of some people in the industry."

"He will definitely fail and it will become a joke for the entire industry." He saw this and laughed and said: "To be honest, when I saw this place, I was not happy at first. But I suddenly realized later, I have to be a big wrist to be a joke of the entire industry."

After he finished speaking, he burst into laughter.

Then there is another one: If he can intervene in research and development, the pig will be on the tree.

He read this sentence and followed the background picture, and a picture of a pig climbing a tree appeared.

There was another burst of laughter at the scene.

The atmosphere became active, and Su Qingyue smiled and said, “I actually like to watch these. Whenever I’m tired, it’s really interesting to read their comments.” He smiled and said, “But when I start to do this During the incident, I found that it was really not easy. I really almost couldn't climb the tree, or it was a joke."

The scene was quiet again.

Su Qingyue knew that it was important to talk about it.

He will highlight the problems that he will face in the future.

The first is that R&D does not cooperate.

Yu Guang saw not only Li Lin and Gao Yanhai, but Jiao Kejun's expression also changed.

But Su Qingyue stopped visiting them, and continued: "I know many people will say, how did you tell the company's secrets." He said: "In fact, research and development does not cooperate with a lot of work. Is this a secret? In other companies Isn't there? Isn't Hualuo? Isn't Tiancheng Glory?"

He asked, silent on the scene.

Then summarized: "This is not a secret, it is just a kind of thinking inertia, not a specific person's fault, but also our industry needs to face and change." Su Qingyue said, in fact, it saved Li Lin and Gao Yanhai face. Because he thought this was not a grievance meeting, he continued.

First tell me what kind of team I got and how these young people are.

How many people are not optimistic about them.

What do you say on the forum.

He said: "I can say very clearly~www.ltnovel.com~ We are a little-known team. Some people here can only eat four leek stuffed buns a day, and they are malnourished. Some people have already reported their resignation and really don’t want to stay. There are still people who have just graduated with a halo, but unfortunately they have no real experience; there is also a person like me who has never made any achievements in the product, but wants to lead them to complete a revolutionary product!"

He said that he was also a little excited.

"We are not only facing these, there is also a shortage of funds in the middle, and the second R&D center was cut off. The original plan promised to spend less than two million in the end, and it was still payment in installments. Everyone thought I was To speak for yourself is a carefully planned market plan," he said: "Of course this is true! But it is also a last resort, because two million yuan is invested in today's environment, and even the ripples will not spread. "

As he said, he took all the difficulties they encountered in it.

It's all told.

From life to technology.

Although the others in the audience were very moved, the faces of Jiao Kejun, Li Lin and Gao Yan were extremely ugly.

Regardless of these.

Su Qingyue continued: "I think the reason why this is a golden age is that he can give ordinary people like us, an opportunity. Let us emit the light of life in our daily lives. This is also a gift from God to this era. , Let us make revolutionary products, even if we have no money, as long as we still have ideas, we can continue..."

After he spoke, the slides turned again.

The background is the LOGO of "Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition".

Su Qingyue is straightforward: Don't talk nonsense, this is our new product.

Suddenly I felt that this sentence was quite good.

The next moment, he added another sentence: "I believe that he is epoch-making."

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