Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 296: : Disruption starts for free

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First is an animation demonstration.

Then the lights dimmed, and a player-operated character appeared on the big screen, running and fighting monsters in the game.

It's not just alone.

There are also new details of the new version of the Gang War and the National War.

If you look at the picture alone, except for the multi-layer texture on the ground, it is not much different from the Three Kingdoms on Gameyoung.

But the more Su Qing knew that the Three Kingdoms nowadays have been reborn, and every experience is different from before.

Especially when the player actually enters the game, the feeling will be more profound.

All the new details related to the free model were presented by Yan Xipan in the form of TV station packaging.

Unlike the demonstration of his peers, Su Qingyue's presentation is more detailed and clear.

It's like a movie trailer.

The people at the scene watched and couldn't help but exclaimed.

With the end of the demonstration, the screen freezes on the text of "Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition".

Su Qingyue looked back at the big screen as the spotlight came over.

Suddenly he was very emotional and said: "I'm very touched, because too much of our hard work has been condensed in it." Then, he laughed and said: "It's really good-looking, isn't it? We asked a professional editor from the TV station to help us."

"Good-looking! Play it again!"

The audience did not know who shouted.

Then he shouted: "Play it again!"

Someone began to applaud, and Su Qing looked towards the audience.

Xiao Yu and her sister were all smiling.

The faces of Jiao Kejun and Li Lin are very complicated.

Only Gao Yanhai looked extremely serious.

Chen Ting applauded with everyone, Zhao Danyang and Li Ming smiled and said something while applauding.

Seeing everyone so enthusiastic, Su Qingyue nodded to Yan Xipan.

Followed by the black field again.

The big screen lights up, and Su Qing stares at it.

Suddenly, I feel that every detail in the picture exudes passion that has been suppressed for a long time.

All the unhappiness in the work for a time was dissolved by it.

All that is left is moved.

Then the video ended, and the lights in the venue turned on again.

There was thunderous applause. Su Qingyue made no secret of his feelings and said: "To tell the truth, I never thought that one day I would make such a product." He looked back at the text of the free version of the heroes of the Three Kingdoms, and said again. : "This is the product I want to introduce to you."

He said excitedly.

"Starting from today, we no longer obsess with tying players to seats, and no longer worry about controlling players with time. This is the game I want to endorse: "Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition"." He repeated: "This is Three Kingdoms. This is our life."

There was thunderous applause again.

He then specifically introduced the idea of ​​the free model.

Subversion and changes to the time charging model.

Solemnly said: "Of course, the disruptive nature of products is one aspect, marketing is another aspect. I just said that the lack of funds is a last resort. You may think that I am humble. But it is not. The proliferation of the Three Kingdoms is not in my expectations."

He felt that since it was a sharing meeting, don't hide it.

Then I talked about the temporary change of venues.

Summarized: "So what we have to think about is what the nature of the Internet is and what is the emotional resonance of the younger generation. What changes this era has brought to us. Why a word can become a phenomenon, I think the reason behind this, It's worth thinking about all of us."

He said, releasing the Three Kingdoms of various celebrities.

Also released Qin Yuanyuan's Three Kingdoms video and her blessings for the free version of "Three Kingdoms Heroes".

Colleagues at the scene suddenly started talking.

"Goddess, are they giving money?"

"No? They will spend money here? Funds are so tight."

Su Qingyue then put some people up again.

Of course, there are artists under Liming's banner, and Su Qingyue specially emphasized their arrival.

They immediately got up and bowed to the audience present.

Applause remembered again.

Su Qingyue said at this time: "For this reason, I want to thank many people here, not only Ms. Qin Yuanyuan, but also current and former colleagues who have been helping me. You are my strong support." He said, and said: "I I also want to thank our R&D team, because of them, we have this free game that disrupts the industry."

As he said, looking at the audience, Ning Cheng, who had always been vigorous, actually shed tears.

There were tears in the eyes of Tian Zhong.

On the big screen behind Su Qingyue, photos appeared at this time.

These are all the photos they took in advance, all the people related to the project.

The sound of the music is Zhou Huajian's "True Hero".

"There used to be a dream in my heart..."

The pictures of all project personnel in the screen gradually spread over the entire screen.

Su Qingyue's eyes were also moist.

"This is our three-nation project team. Compared with their efforts, I am actually far behind. I am an advocate of the project at best, and it is them who complete the project. So now, let us invite them with the warmest applause. Come up!" He said, and the whole concert hall burst into thunderous applause.

Watching them step onto the stage one by one, Su Qingyue hugged them.

Ouyang excitedly forgot that the microphone could pick up the sound.

Weeping and said, "Boss, it's worth it! Really!"

Su Qing patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good brother!"

Tian Zhong said: "This time we are no longer the defeated generals~www.ltnovel.com~you have never been!" Su Qingyue said.

They stood one by one, and Su Qingyue waved to Jiao Kejun and Li Lin.

The two looked at each other and stood up for a long time.

Go on stage with Chen Ting.

The moment Su Qingyue embraced Su Qingyue, Su Qingyue clearly felt that Li Lin's body was very stiff.

His complexion is complex, but his appearance still brings out a smile.

"Good brother! Thank you! "The Heroes of the Three Kingdoms" thank you!" Li Lin said, voice coming from the microphone.

It sounds sincere.

Jiao Kejun said: "Qingyue, I thank you on behalf of the whole focus."

These voices come from the microphone, giving the outside world a sense of harmony.

Su Qingyue shook hands with Chen Ting again. She smiled and said, "Qingyue, it's great."

The live music is still continuing at this time: "Grasp every minute of our lives, and go all out to our dreams; no one can succeed casually without experiencing wind and rain, how to see a rainbow..."

At this time, all members of the project team are shoulder to shoulder.

Facing the big screen.

Su Qingyue said: "Now let us count down together to welcome the arrival of the free version of "Three Kingdoms Heroes"!"

After he spoke, the music disappeared.

Black field, countdown.

All colleagues in the project team, including Jiao Kejun, Chen Ting and Li Lin, also shouted loudly.



Su Qingyue followed, shouting hoarsely.

Unexpectedly, all the audience at the scene also shouted: "Eight! Seven! Six..."

Some media rushed to the front desk uncontrollably to take pictures.

Originally there were security guards to stop them, but Su Qing hurriedly stopped them.

Shout with everyone: "Three! Two! One!"

The big screen is finally fixed in:

"Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition" is officially beta...

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