Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 297: : What about me?

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The applause was thunderous and did not disappear for a long time in the concert hall.

The flash blinks continuously.

Someone is blowing the whistle, someone is calling his name.

Su Qingyue was held by someone and stood in front of the big screen, facing countless shots.

Jiao Kejun and Li Lin beside them also showed brilliant smiles.

Chen Ting felt very leaning to the side.

Tian Zhong, Wang Xinjie and Ouyang stood beside Su Qingyue.

Standing behind him were Zhou Ziyou, Liu Yuming and other colleagues in the project team.

For the first time he felt that he was the protagonist.

The pleasure in my heart spontaneously.

The picture on the big screen now switches to the game.

The three main cities: Yecheng, Jianye and Yizhou, instantly flooded with countless players.

Then there was thunderous applause again.

Su Qingyue looked back, knowing that this picture was just the effect of editing.

I don't know how the real data is now.

He has been thinking about it.

The flash in front of him kept flashing, and the photographer they invited shouted: "Come and shout with me: Eggplant!"

"Banana!" Zhou Ziyou smirked, deliberately yelling wrong.

The scene was full of jubilation.

After taking a picture for a long time, Su Qingyue looked at the audience and found that thousands of spectators were reluctant to leave for a long time.

They collectively followed the live music and shouted together: "Su Qingyue! Su Qingyue!"

Su Qingyue waved to everyone.

At the entrance of the stage passage, Liu Yongzai argued with the security and other staff.

He brought a group of people behind him.

Because the scene was noisy, Liu Yong almost shouted: "Su Qingyue is my eldest brother! Our guild wants to take a photo with him."

The security guard was indifferent and expressionless.

Su Qingyue hurried forward and persuaded the other party to go away.

Holding Liu Yong's hand, he took a group photo with the brothers of You Xian Gang.

Followed by Li Ming's artist.

Xiao Yu and sister are good.

Facing the camera, she kept shouting: "Eggplant!"

Everything seemed like a dream, Su Qingyue suddenly felt like a star.

Next is an interview.

It's in the VIP room beside the concert hall.

Su Qingyue, Jiao Kejun, Tian Zhong, and Li Lin face the media together.

No one arranged for Li Lin.

But the latter came in midway.

Su Qingyue decided temporarily, so be it.

In this way, it is easier to break the discussion about the focus of the foreign community, and is more conducive to the later development of the Three Kingdoms project.

Next, face the reporter's camera and ask questions.

They talked and laughed happily, like three friends who talked about everything.

Li Lin smiled and said, "The main contradiction between me and Mr. Su is work. I am a technical person. Su always prefers management and marketing. But after the collision, we had both sparks and thinking. It's not like what the outside world says, right? President Su."

Li Lin asked Su Qingyue with a smile.

Su Qingyue smiled and nodded.

Then Jiao Kejun talked about the current situation of the focus.

He believes that the difficulty is temporary, and believes that with the free version of "Three Kingdoms Heroes", the focus will definitely be reborn.

Su Qingyue all smiled and agreed.

For him, as long as the focus can be on the front page.

As long as the Three Kingdoms can succeed.

He didn't care what Jiao Kejun and Li Lin were willing to say.

What he really cares about is what happened to the back-end data.

Then some people interviewed the team.

Seeing everything went well, Su Qingyue let out a sigh of relief.

He felt that he had an occupational disease: conference syndrome.

At this time, the nerves will be very sensitive, for fear of any problems around.

Even if every link has been dealt with, the worry still can't get away.

Then the interview ended, and Su Qingyue sent everyone away.

Zhao Danyang said to him: "Brother, you can open a blog on our Oriental.com. We will definitely give you a key recommendation at that time." He said: "We are more oriented towards the public. With your current popularity, there is absolutely no problem."

"Thank you, I also have this intention." Su Qingyue said.

He knows that Dongfang.com's blog has far surpassed other opponents.

While they were talking, others left.

Whether they knew each other or not, those people rushed to shake hands with Su Qingyue.

This is something he never expected.

A "Three Kingdoms" can achieve this effect.

Secretly recalled the whole event.

In today's Internet, a sentence, paragraph, or article can resonate tremendously and make a person.

This is simply incredible in traditional communication.

Previously, when he was in Hualuo, he had to invest tens of millions of dollars in promotion, which was not necessarily able to achieve such an effect.

This is indeed a thing worth thinking about.

He thought about sending the others away again.

Finally, he put Li Ming in the car.

Before closing the door, the latter smiled and said: "Brother, you are also a star. If you can't, you can also sign with me to ensure that you operate well." He said, accidentally bringing out a professional industry vocabulary: operation.

Busily smiled back: "Okay!"

Watch him close the door and leave.

Su Qingyue realized that Li Ming accidentally revealed the fact that people are also products and need to be operated.

He thought, and said to Yan Xipan~www.ltnovel.com~ Everyone must have a drink at some time.

Look at the watch, it's seven o'clock.

At this time Gao Yanhai and Jiao Kejun came out from inside.

Probably noticing that there was no one next to him, Gao Yanhai's face finally pulled down: "Mr. Su, you are really doing it for your own success, at all costs, including other people's projects." He smiled and said with a sneer. Feeling, after that the expression turned into a cold look.

Jiao Kejun sighed beside him.

With a helpless look, he interjected: "Qingyue, how can you tell the status of the company?" After he said, he made a helpless expression, as if he had the courage to say such a thing.

"Mr. Jiao, there are no secrets now? Is the matter of funds a secret? Who in the circle does not know? There are also various things in the middle, which have been fried in the forum as early as a pile of cold food." He said.

"Then you can't do this!" Gao Yanhai said, "Even though my project has been cut, there will still be opportunities in the future. You say that, I will stop setting up the project in the future, aren't you ruining people?" He complained When I got up, the anger I had hidden before was completely exposed.

Several people passed by.

They suspended the dispute.

Followed to a corner.

Su Qingyue then took the conversation and said: "The Internet age does not need secrets, what is needed is sincerity and courage! And ability." This was actually said to Jiao Kejun, and then he said to Gao Yanhai: "You are Shareholders of the company. The Three Kingdoms is only good for you, no harm! The project is based on creativity, not face."

When he said a word, the latter stopped speaking.

At this time Li Lin came out of the concert hall and watched the three of them stand there.

He came over with a slight smile.

Said: "Good news! Our online number has exceeded the peak of the same period in the public beta!"

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