Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 302: : Values

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They sat down in the scattered stage.

Because it was Sunday, there were no people in the whole building.

The waiter brought the menu.

Li Lin pointed at Su Qingyue, and said with a smile on his face: "President Su, would you like something?" He said: "I think you usually come here, so you must know better than me." He said that with a gun. Baton. Reached out and took the menu, and put it in front of Su Qingyue: "It's okay, I'll take it today."

"President Su usually eats with us in the cafeteria." Tian Zhong interrupted, and reached out to take away the menu in front of Su Qingyue, and said: "He doesn't order any food, I do it every time."

"Tian Teacher, it's good." Li Lin laughed.

Su Qingyue didn't speak, but could feel the meaning behind Li Lin's gun and stick.

At this time, Tanaka is finished.

One or two spicy dishes, the rest are not spicy, the waiter asked him what to drink.

He also just said: "Just drink white water."

Li Lin interrupted at this moment: "Don't, President Su, drink a bar?" He said: "Our results are so good, we can definitely succeed, we should celebrate in advance." After speaking, he could not help but order the waiter to take a box of beer. Said: "You don't know the amount of drinks of President Su."

"I won't drink today!" Su Qingyue immediately refused.

Then Tian Zhong said: "Li always drink you to drink it yourself. I have a lot of things on hand. You can't touch any drops of wine."

Wang Xinjie followed.

Next to Ouyang added: "I...I...I'm allergic to alcohol. I tried it last time and almost died!"

He said, Su Qing almost didn't laugh, and wanted to say that you were allergic to alcohol?

Your name is alcohol overdose.

But in the end he still talked to Li Lin and said, "Mr. Li, now is the time to tackle the tough problem. There shouldn't be any mistakes. I really don't dare to drink. Waiting for a while, do you think it's okay?" I thought about the benefits, and said: "I will invite you then!"

"Okay! That's it!" Li Lin laughed.

The waiter then left with the menu.

Then they chatted.

Li Lin began to praise Su Qingyue's Three Kingdoms again.

There is something in his words: "My friends who are in the market say that your trick is really a magical trick. When it comes to domestic Internet marketing, brother, you are also the number one person." After speaking, he showed a sincere smile and looked at people and animals. harm.

But Su Qingyue could hear the overtones.

That means yes and no.

Of course it is the market.

The negative is his involvement in product development.

Tian Zhong said, "The market is important, but Mr. Su has been leading us and is the backbone of our project. The free model is not just the word free, but behind it is a whole set of ideas and solutions."

After he finished speaking, Wang Xinjie followed: "The important thing is to look up at the world."

Ouyang behind, said: "Old...the boss is the brain of the project."

Unexpectedly, I haven't said anything yet.

Everyone just spoke for themselves, and only moved in their hearts.

At this time, Li Lin was froze and embarrassed for a long time before he said something: "Brother, your ability to win people's hearts is really nothing to say. You can see that they are just a temporary secondment, and they agree with you... "Say, thumbs up.

"It still has to be said, the person assigned by President Li is good!" Su Qingyue replied.

I wanted to say a lot.

But suddenly I was very disappointed, and I didn't understand the meaning of my quarrel here.

He is nothing more than afraid of taking away the Three Kingdoms project.

Or want to grab it back.

In short, according to this development, Li Lin's position is indeed a bit weird.

Suddenly miss Jia Naixiang very much.

Although it's a bit stupid, it's straightforward, and it saves so much trouble of guessing.

The next moment, the first dish came up, a cold dish.

Li Lin smiled and said, "Eat, eat!"

Everyone started to move their chopsticks.

Su Qing drank more saliva,

Then, the second dish is Hakka Yong Tofu.

Su Qingyue took a chopstick and felt dull.

Li Lin smiled and asked, "President Su, do you have any plans for the next step?"

"Planning?" Su Qingyue was startled.

"Yeah." Li Lin confirmed his question.

Su Qingyue had no choice but to respond straightforwardly: "Just do this project well."

"Ha ha……"

Li Lin followed with a laugh.

I always think he has some extended meaning.

No wonder someone clearly fell out with him. The more Su Qing thought, the laughter made him furious.

At this time other hot dishes came up.

Everyone eat it.

Li Lin chatted with Tian Zhong again.

Apart from politeness during the whole meal, he didn't say anything to Li Lin.

Just listen to him talking with them in Tianzhong.

I think everyone is talking awkwardly.

The atmosphere is weird.

He secretly sighed that the focal company is not big, but the office politics is comparable to the previous Nandu Newspaper Group.

Sooner or later, it will affect the company's development again.

Only then did we realize the value of Hualuo.

The competition of the company is the competition of products and revenue; further development, in addition to products and revenue, there is also competition in corporate culture. The higher level of competition is the competition of values.

After a while, they finished their meal and everyone separated at the elevator entrance.

Li Lin said he wanted to go home, so he left.

When Su Qingyue and Tianzhong went upstairs ~www.ltnovel.com~ the latter reminded him: "Boss, you should be careful. Li Lin knows what Li Lin did before as a company member." He said, and emphasized: " I absolutely know him."

"I understand." Su Qingyue nodded.

Su Qingyue certainly understood the meaning of this.

But he felt that as long as the project was successful, he would be very satisfied.

Especially after taking the first step towards the ideal, I got to know these brothers and had my own R&D team.

The remaining……

He thought that he could not stop it, and it might not be that serious.

Do your own thing first.

Back to the office, preparing for tomorrow's work.

Because the project has gradually stabilized, he found that user feedback has shifted to content discussions.

I relax a lot.

Unconsciously, he opened the website of Shenjian Shanhe again and began to browse novels.

The more I look, the more I enjoy it.

Until Ouyang knocked on the door and kindly reminded him: "Boss, there is nothing wrong here, you can't go back and rest first."

He looked at the wall clock and it was past eleven.

After saying thank you, I went back.

When I arrived home, Amu complained to him about seeing the customer today.

Understand that starting a new business is not easy.

But this is not the real difficulty. I feel a little distressed for her and reminded: "But this is not the hardest, you should be the most careful, and your office's bright guns and secret arrows. Sometimes you can do one thing Your failure may not be your client."

"Did you encounter something?"

Ah Mou asked immediately with aura.

But Su Qing shook his head, not wanting her to bear this unnecessary burden.

In the end just smiled.

Said: "Nothing, I just remind you."

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