Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 303: : Ouyang treat

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Time flies quickly, and it's Tuesday in a blink of an eye.

Pingjing has been raining these days.

One autumn rain and one cold, abundant rain drive away all the heat, leaving a slight chill.

Su Qingyue just wore a compassionate shirt when he went out today, and couldn't help shivering.

The focus data is very good these days.

The number of online users has been rising steadily and has already exceeded the original peak.

The paid conversion rate and ARPU are both good, which makes everyone in the company say: In this way, success is at hand.

Questions about the results in the previous forum have completely disappeared.

Although the focus has not been completely out of the predicament at this time, facing the board of directors, Jiao Kejun is much less stressed.

Qicai’s second and third payments will not continue due to strategic issues, but the funds invested in the previous period will not be withdrawn, maintaining the status quo...

This is the best news for Jiao Kejun.

Jiao Kejun never frowned, always maintained his unique smile and confidence.

As for the other voices in the company forum, Su Qingyue wanted to laugh when he saw it.

"Boss Su's initiative to pioneer the industry shows that the market and R&D can be combined, and sometimes there may be better bonus effects..." An account issued a text: "In the future, don't say anything about technology! When people come back to you and don’t understand the market, what do you say?”

However, it was also pointed out that the core of this matter lies in the company's positioning and direction.

Point out that this is essentially Su Qingyue changing the company's genes.

This is not the first time Su Qingyue heard this statement.

Recently, both the intranet and the extranet have been discussing this issue.

He originally wanted to respond: Each company has its own positioning and direction, but this positioning and direction should serve the results. Unlike a single department of R&D institutions, academic organizations, and companies, companies must be profitable. Only profitable can develop, provide employment, realize the founder’s ideas, and better serve the society...

Any positioning and direction that is not for profit is a hooliganism.

But he quickly realized that he could not respond.

Otherwise, there will be endless discussions.

Su Qingyue transferred his energy to the product itself.

Pay attention to user feedback, and put forward some suggestions and thoughts through your own experience.

Yesterday, Xiao Yu said to him: “The Falcon’s research masterpiece "Sword Jianghu" has adopted the free mode. Jiang Zhengshang is making a new attempt, and now he is playing the free version of "Three Kingdoms" every day." She said, "I let He fulfilled his promise and he should have returned all the bets he made."

I was surprised that Xiao Yu would tell Jiang Zhengshang like this.

I was also touched by her to defend herself.

But the more Su Qing didn't want any conflict between them.

He didn't want to get involved in the relationship between the two people, and only asked Xiao Yu: "Don't talk to Lao Jiang like this. He is a good person, at least he is good to you."

"Others may be good before, but now..." Xiao Yu replied, "Brother Yue, you don't understand."

"Then you can handle it yourself." Su Qingyue could only say this in the end.

He understood Xiao Yu in his heart and had a lot to say.

But nothing was said, and finally hung up.

I have seen Jiang Zhengshang's changes, and I think it has always been him.

There is no evil, just by character.

He was actually not worried about Jiang Zhengshang, but Falcon.

The response of colleagues is so fast, it is incredible.

Su Qingyue thinks this is obviously different from traditional industries. The industry changes rapidly, and if you want to get ahead, you need to keep pushing the old and bringing forth the new.

I think of novels I read recently.

Although they are temporarily unable to catch up with the old man in literacy.

Drool is also more.

However, with the expansion of the participants and the increase of funds, the future prospects are unimaginable.

Today Su Qingyue made an appointment with Yan Xipan and Huang Guangyi to come to sum up the press conference and settle the expenses to them by the way.

Everyone chatted for a while in the office.

Huang Guangyi asked him, why not just package himself as a celebrity based on his own heat?

Su Qingyue said his thoughts, "To put it bluntly, I just don't want to be kidnapped."

Huang Guangyi smiled and said, "But the red money is also coming in a splash."

"After earning money, I was criticized by a group of grandsons. Why do you make money? Looking for abuse!" Yan Xipan interjected.

"I'll earn it first!" Huang Guangyi said with a smile: "It's safe to lose your pocket. It's convenient to do anything later."

"Old Huang, there is nothing else in your eyes." Yan Xipan said with a smile.

It's also interesting to watch them quarrel with each other.

Su Qing thought, this is also the choice of different people. I'm not good at it, I don't like it, this time it's a mistake...

Su Qingyue prefers the feeling of "strategic planning". For image, it is to serve one's own purpose. Not to be image for the sake of image, let alone to operate and profit, also against the original intention.

After they left, Su Qingyue was busy again.

The work in the morning is very simple, I went to dinner with everyone at noon.

Many students in the language school did not go home, so there were still many people.

Finally found a place to sit down.

Ouyang said he would treat him today.

Wang Xinjie said jokingly: "Have you paid in advance?"

"No." Ouyang said: "I just made a small amount of money." He was mysterious, not letting everyone spend money, and said to Su Qingyue: "Boss, there is no big money, there is a little money, I want to make a visit."

I don't know where he got the money.

But for treats, it is too important for Ouyang.

Because it's about his dignity.

In the end, he agreed, but I don't know why he has money recently.

Including paying back his own money.

Su Qingyue is very confused about this, although his salary has been adjusted. But after a little calculation, I know that the money is not right.

Vaguely feel something is wrong.

During the meal, I asked him: "Are you making a fortune? Are there any good channels, let us also talk about it."

"Yes! Yes! Hurry up!" Wang Xinjie followed.

Tian Zhong remained silent.

Even Xiao Xue and Ning Cheng pricked their ears.

The latter laughed immediately.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Boss, I played cards with them online recently, and I can win a little a day."

"Playing cards?" Su Qingyue was startled.

"It's just gambling." Tian Zhong said, breaking the secret.

I instantly thought of Chang Ming, of him curled up in a small hotel with a blue nose and a swollen face.

The original good days are completely gone.

Life is gone.

The next moment, Su Qing became more angry and pointed at Ouyang’s nose and started training: "Are you crazy? Do you know that it will ruin you forever! Don’t think that this is a small amount of money, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you won. This group of people are going to use this little money, so you go in! What do you think? I always thought that your IQ was quite normal, but I didn't expect it to be so naive..."

He angered suddenly, making everyone around him look over.

The people at the table were shocked, and Su Qing became so angry.

But it was not over yet, he followed and said: "Give me an examination tomorrow, and write all the ins and outs of the whole thing to me!" He said, knowing that he shouldn't get angry like this, but Chang Ming's bruised nose is vivid. , So he said: "Ten gambles and nine loses, ten bets will lose! You think that this little money will be a big pit at that time, and it will be used for a lifetime!"

He finished speaking, staring at Ouyang.

The latter lowered his head and said, "Boss, I can't do it anymore!"

"Don't tell me anything, show me a check tomorrow." He said.

Worried about him in my heart.

Because he understands that some young people do not lack talent.

No shortage of effort.

But sometimes what they lack is the judgment of life and value.

For Chang Ming, he was emotional at best.

But Ouyang is different. Su Qingyue believes that the owners of the project team are brothers.

He didn't want to reap a tragedy by himself.

Finally, I added another sentence: "Ouyang, some people are qualified to have the resources to squander, we don't. We must be cautious, walking on thin ice, and there are not too many opportunities for trial and error... Some people can rise up for a reason; People fall, there are also reasons."

"Understood! Boss!" Ouyang got up.

Su Qingyue sighed helplessly.

Knowing in his heart, he actually didn't understand.

After eating at noon, he returned to his work unit. In the afternoon, he looked fine. At five o'clock, he went downstairs and left the company.

Went to the hotel where Chen Feng had an appointment with him.

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