Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 319: :Sai Lai Food

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Drink dry.

Turn the cup upside down and the yellow warm light penetrates it.

Crystal clear.

Not even a drop of slurry ran down.

Seeing everyone, Su Qingyue was also very excited.

I didn't expect so many brothers to stand up.

Never thought of resigning at the celebration party.

Originally, I expected everyone to stay a line with each other, just like Hualuo, not to make any additional sounds.

It is good for both parties.

Now I admire Tian Lei and Seven Masters more and more.

I am very fortunate that my career started from Hualuo.

Shouzheng is surprising.

It's not like it is now.

Su Qingyue felt that even memories were an embarrassment. The only gain is these brothers.

Can't let go of them, but we need to make decisions and then move.

The scene was noisy and people toasted.

Su Qingyue decided to leave.

Ouyang shouted behind him: "Boss! Don't go!" He was heartbroken, his eyes were red and tears were streaming down his eyes.

Pat him on the shoulder.

Look at him.

Recalling when I first came, I was always a red compassionate, always eating buns stuffed with leek.

Now he has grown into a project manager.

The whole person looks much more handsome.

Sure enough, the mental state will change a person.

The next moment, he said: "What! We are brothers for life!" He said: "Don't cry!"

"Yes!" Ouyang replied loudly, wiping away tears, and smirked: "Boss! I'll go with you! I won't do this manager!" As he said, the tears flowed down again, and quickly wiped them away, pretending to be happy.

The wine glass in Tian Zhong was also empty, and Wang Xinjie poured it on him.

"You don't need to drink this cup. I represent all the brothers and sisters of the project team." He said, "Without you, there would be no such project. I know what you think, and I know you wouldn't want these brothers. Boss, your words are already very good. I'm clear. Don't worry, no matter what happens, we will work hard until you come back from vacation..."

He finished speaking and drank a toast with the wine.

Su Qingyue shouted: "When I'm away, everything is listened to by Teacher Tian, ​​wait for me steadily. Come on, pour it on for me!"

Wang Xinjie smiled and said, "Boss, you don't need to drink this cup!"

Ning Cheng, who had been with a poisonous tongue, seldom shed tears, sobbing: "Boss, when you talk about resignation, you made me cry." After speaking, he kept wiping tears. Next to him, Qin Shaofeng handed her a napkin and looked at Su Qingyue, but nodded seriously. Silence is also a kind of strength.

Think of every time with them.

I remembered that Ning Cheng pointed to a link that was close to perfect and said, "No! There is still a problem here!"

Wang Xinjie stretched his waist and said, "There are so many problems!"

But then he sat back and continued to work.

They used to quarrel over every detail.

But the quarrel itself brought friendship.

This is the team.

Su Qing thought about it and moved forward.

It seemed that Jiao Kejun didn't exist, and he didn't even exist in the corner.

Li Lin's voice came from behind: "Give you the chief operating officer, you don't do it! Do you still want this company to be yours?"


Su Qing was startled when he said so.

Turned his head to look at Li Lin.

The latter looked at him and asked coldly.

I wanted to say: Do you think everyone who leaves the focus thinks so?

Suddenly realized whether Li Lin's words like this represented Jiao Kejun's aspirations.

Or maybe it is the voice of the troika.

Only Li Lin said it.

It was then that he suddenly realized why the Second Research Institute must return.

Because this is not only important for Gao Yanhai.

This is true for Li Lin and Jiao Kejun.

This is their focus.

But no one has ever thought about robbing anything.

This is their self-styled king, who mistakenly thought that others were going to seize their own country.

Giving back to anyone is like a gift and charity.

The person who accepts the reward is like accepting the food that comes.

I couldn't help but sigh, looked at Li Lin, and said impatiently: "Yes! Gao Bin thinks the same way. Everyone who leaves the focus thinks that way. They are all dissatisfied, they are all picky, and they all want to get the focus."

Su Qingyue did not speak, just smiled.

Finally, Wang Daxing came over to shake hands with him and said, "Brother! Good luck!"


Xu Ge from the engine department also walked over and shook hands.

No longer looking at Li Lin's face, he smiled and said, "I have a chance to drink again."

"It will, brother!"

No longer entangled, Su Qingyue finally left the celebration party.

With the cold wind blowing, Su Qingyue stood in the courtyard, suddenly feeling extremely comfortable.

In the distance, between the sea and the sky, the full moon is in the sky.

I felt the burden on my shoulders finally came off.

As he walked forward, Jiao Kejun’s voice suddenly came from behind, "Qingyue, listen to me." He walked quickly, with a panic in his voice, "I understand you, but I don’t mean what you think," Moonlight Next, his glasses reflected bright light, "I am the CEO, and I want to consider the company's long-term considerations." He emphasized.

Look back at him.

Knowing that he will follow.

On the one hand, maybe it is really worried.

On the other hand, he can only come out at this time.

No matter how late or early it is, it is not good.

He really calculated every step.

Su Qingyue smiled: "I understand, you stretched the thread, so you have to think about it a lot."

He just wanted to leave.

Jiao Kejun took another step forward and said: "We have talked about the company's listing. Everything I do is for this, for you!" He said, "Gao Yanhai is doing research and development after all. I hope he can Stable results will be good for you after the company goes public."

I originally asked a question: I came to you for this?

But then thought of their conversation on the beach during the day.

He understood that there was no need to say more between them.

Just a faint smile, persuaded him: "Mr Jiao~www.ltnovel.com~ This ending is good for you and me."

Turn around and walk.

Jiao Kejun said behind him: "I was kind enough to provide you with the stage. Now that I succeeded, do you just leave?" His tone brought out grievances and complaints, like arguing with other women, shouting loudly: "I hope You can seriously consider what I have done for all this!"

Ignore him and move on.

Jiao Kejun's voice came after him again.

"I am sorry for you!" he shouted.

"I did this for your good, and it's good for everyone! Balance! The balance I told you about!"

"Okay! Since you are leaving! I hope you keep the team!"

With the last sentence, Su Qingyue finally looked back at him.

This is what Jiao Kejun said in his heart.

It is also his biggest weakness and worry.

Two people are separated by a light source from a street lamp.

One in the dark, one on the edge of the light.

Looking at each other for a long while.

Su Qingyue finally replied: "Everyone in this team is free. I can't decide the decisions of others, I can only take care of myself!"

"You know their situation!"

"Let your brother Gao Yanhai take care of it!"

"You brought them out!"

"Yes! They are the focus team!" Su Qingyue replied.

Jiao Kejun stopped talking now.

Su Qingyue finally said: "I'm leaving now! It's good for everyone!"

Turn around and leave without saying a word.

Behind him, Jiao Kejun shouted: "I do it for the good of the entire company! For you! For this project, I personally convinced the board of directors that I almost sold the car! Do you think you paid for it? Did I pay for it? Isn't it more than you?"

The sea breeze has been blowing.

Gradually, Jiao Kejun's voice was blown away.

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