Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 320: :Why bother

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Get out of the yard.

He did not return to where he lived.

This saves Jiao Kejun from coming over to find himself again.

At the beach not far away, the back wave beats the front wave, one wave after another.

He decided to go there.

Before I got there, I saw that the sea had risen and it spread to the coastline that was still walking during the day.

Scattered lights reflected white waves, rolling in the dark.

There was a camping tent in the distance, and laughter and singing came from time to time.

There are relaxing public deck chairs on the shore, but no one is there.

Su Qingyue sat down.

Looking into the distance.

The full moon hangs high and the sky is full of stars.

Surprised at what I just did.

He admits that his behavior goes beyond the imagination of the troika.

It also exceeded his original prediction.

impulse? He asked himself and answered himself, I didn't want to be like this.

But following the original heart's speech made him extremely comfortable.

It's like a victory.

Jiao Kejun would of course expect his dissatisfaction.

But he definitely believes that this kind of dissatisfaction can be resolved by later appeasement.

After all, the positions and benefits of executives are not available everywhere.

As for Gao Yanhai to take over the project team, if he can maintain a good momentum, he will be persuasive both inside and outside.

As for emotions, it fades after a long time.

It's just that the troika must have never expected that his fierce reaction affected the team.

The long-standing backlog of dissatisfaction exploded in an instant.

I must have thought about it before, the worst outcome is to leave by myself.

But the team is at least still there.

But now...

Chen Ting's voice resounded behind her: "I guess you are by the sea."

Looking back, she appeared under the warm yellow lamp.

With an awkward look on his face, it seemed a bit cramped.

Knowing that Jiao Kejun called her, Su Qingyue didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

He stood up and nodded slightly, and called out, "Sister Ting."

Chen Ting pursed her mouth a little, looked at him, a little embarrassed, and explained: "Qingyue, I'm sorry, I didn't know about this before." She opened her hand and sighed helplessly: "I should also tell you. I'm sorry, as the person in charge of personnel, I actually..."

"It has nothing to do with you." The more Su Qing waved his hand, he believed Chen Ting.

Because of so long cooperation, they understand each other.

And she really didn't need to lie on it.

"But..." Chen Ting said.

"Mr Jiao asked you to find me, right?"

"Yes." Chen Ting said, her face was not good: "He asked me to tell you that he always treats you as a brother, and he hopes you do the same, although everyone's ideas are different." She said, taking a breath and watching I was very depressed. I thought for a while before I said the most critical meaning: "He said, can you not take the team away? If you can, you can comfort and stabilize the team..."

Su Qingyue had actually guessed it.

Because the team is the seven inches of the whole focus.

As long as the team is there, they are not afraid.

Especially "Three Kingdoms Heroes Free Edition" is now the main source of income for the focus.

But now that the situation has changed, Jiao Kejun naturally felt the crisis.

"Sister Ting, everything I say below is not directed at you personally." Su Qingyue emphasized.

"I see."

"I just said that I will do things strictly in accordance with the contract and do what I say." He said: "As for whether the team stays or stays, it is the decision of everyone in the team. I have no intention of intervening." He said After thinking for a while, he said: "Also, sister Ting..."

"you said."

"I leave, in fact, it is good for me and Jiao."

"Yeah." Chen Ting nodded earnestly, then shook her head again, saying what Jiao Kejun meant: "He said, if you choose to come back, all this has never happened."

"Sister Ting, have you watched "Thunderstorm"?" Su Qingyue suddenly changed the subject.

"Of course, what's the matter?" Chen Ting asked.

"Does Zhou Puyuan love Lu Shiping or not?"

"Does this have anything to do with this matter?" Chen Ting felt very confused.

"Of course there is a relationship," Su Qingyue said: "My relationship with Mr. Jiao is like this. Of course he has feelings for me, but this feeling stays before the project is successful, even before I come to the focus, just like all kings. It's the same as his brother," he opened his hands. "If I choose to stay, the last bit of goodwill between us will be quickly consumed."

He said, wondering if Chen Ting understood it.

He added: "Only if I go, is a decision that will benefit us all."

He said nothing.

Chen Ting was silent.

After staring at each other for a moment, Chen Ting's eyes suddenly turned red, and said, "Qingyue, to tell the truth, I am very reluctant to leave you." She said, thinking for a long time before she said her thoughts: "Because...because you are here My only partner here! If you leave, I will be back to the past."

She said.

Su Qingyue suddenly felt cold.

A company can give people such a sense of belonging.

The next moment, Chen Ting wiped her tears: "Qingyue, you go, I will always support you."

"Thank you sister Ting."

"I really envy you." Chen Ting said at last: "I can never be so free and easy."

She said, sighing helplessly.

Then seriously say: "But you are important to a team."

The sea breeze continued to blow.

Chen Ting shuddered.

At this time, Gao Shixian suddenly ran over and shouted: "Boss! Boss! So you are here!"

Look at him panting.

It's like something urgent.

Su Qingyue frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Boss! Go and persuade you, Ziyou and Teletubbies are fighting!"

"Fight?" Chen Ting was startled.

"Fight? Zhou Ziyou fight?"

Su Qingyue was stunned for an instant, he knew his men well.

I feel that this is not what Ziyou did.

Then Gao Shixian said the reason, "The Teletubbies has a brain disease. After drinking some wine, I have to pull He Lili! Then Ziyou gave him a few words, wanting to take He Lili away! He chased him out, anyway, he choked. With a few words, I started."

"Let's go there quickly!" Su Qingyue said.

The three of them walked back.

On the way, Su Qingyue worried that Zhou Ziyou would suffer.

But I was afraid that he would be too cruel.

After a while, I saw from a distance under the street lamp, someone was trying to persuade him, "Forget it! Forget it!"

"It's not over! I'm not over with you!" Gao Yanhai cursed.

"Do you know who I am? Dare to hit me?"

"I'm hitting you a gangster!" Zhou Ziyou said.

He Lili was crying behind him.

Su Qing walked over and saw that Zhou Ziyou was basically all right, he was relieved.

Look at Gao Yanhai's blue nose and face.

See Su Qing coming more and more.

Gao Yanhai yelled aggrievedly: "Su Qingyue! This is your team? What is the difference with the bandits?" He said, and then cursed.

"You say it again!" Zhou Ziyou immediately wanted to step forward again.

Su Qingyue stopped him.

Staring coldly at Gao Yanhai: "Gao Yanhai~www.ltnovel.com~ do you find yourself interesting?"

"What's wrong with me?" Gao Yanhai struggled and shouted, "What's wrong with me?" he repeated.

Su Qingyue looked at Zhou Ziyou and the rest of the project team and said, "Let's go! I'm too lazy to deal with such people."

Gao Yanhai continued to struggle again.

Shouted loudly.

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the shadows: "Isn't it over yet?"

Everyone turned back.

Jiao Kejun came from the shadow with a cold face.

Look at Su Qingyue and Gao Yanhai.

Li Lin followed him, looking very bad.

Gao Yanhai yelled: "He hit me! He hit me!" Like a kid who complained.

"He harassed He Lili endlessly!"

"What's up with you! It's..." Gao Yanhai shouted.

Before the second sentence was fully explained, Jiao Kejun suddenly gave him a backhand.

Gao Yanhai was silent for an instant.

The corners of the mouth are bleeding.

He covered his face.

When the incident happened suddenly, not only Gao Yanhai was stunned.

Li Lin was also completely stunned.

The others looked at each other.

Jiao Kejun questioned Gao Yanhai angrily: "Do you want the focus to die?" He was hysterical, completely unlike his usual.

Su Qingyue frowned slightly.

If you knew that day, why bother?

Gao Yanhai stood stiffly under the street lamp.

Like a defeated rooster.

At this time, Lian Xiaoxue hurried over and said, "Boss! Ouyang drank to the hospital again."

Su Qingyue looked back at her.

Then all the brothers in the project team left.

Su Qingyue did not leave, stood still, and looked at Jiao Kejun for a moment.

They nodded politely.

Said nothing.

Then he turned and left.

Leave the troika station under the street light.

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