Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 321: : Duty to brothers

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When they rushed to the hospital, Ouyang had already received the fluid.

It was Xu Ge, Lian Xiaoxue and others who brought him here.

There is no blood on his face.

The lips are pale.

Su Qingyue stood still. This was not Ouyang's first time drinking into the hospital.

Look at the jacket hanging on the bed. It's dirty. It's probably a fall.

There are still many stains on it.

The hospital is very simple, the walls are painted with pleasant light green paint, and the lights are cold white and a little dim.

It feels like returning to the local hospital in Huaiwen ten years ago.

Lian Xiaoxue next to him said to him: "The doctor said he would just take some glucose. But if you drink like this, your body will have problems." She said, next to Xu Ge to help add: "If you drink this way, it will cause stomach bleeding. , It will kill people, so be careful in the future."

"I know."

Su Qingyue was in a bad mood and pointed to Ouyang's jacket.

"Take it to the hotel for dry cleaning." He said to Zhou Ziyou.

Qin Shaofeng walked in behind him and wiped his clothes with a tissue: "Those on me, he will have to pay me when he wakes up." He complained half-jokingly. Seeing Gao Shixian holding a bottle of mineral water, he said again: "Use it for me. "As he said, he took out a tissue.

"Shaofeng! Go back to the hotel and wash them together." He said.

He sighed.

Looking at Ouyang on the bed, he mumbled something.

Thinking back to the first dinner together, he told his story.

Finally said with emotion: "Boss! Great kindness!"

And he is in the corner of death, sweating and working hard.

Turn every important feedback into a card.

Others asked him why he didn't use a computer.

He always said that the card can be carried with him for recording at any time.

Sometimes I watch Ouyang sleep in the waves.

Su Qingyue was afraid that he would not wake up, he tried too hard.

Also just now, he shouted to himself with red eyes: Boss! I will go with you!

If you give him to Li Lin.

He is of course the project manager.

But it is a tool man, and there is no chance in life.

Like other people, I will carry the thunder on my back, and my life will be depressed.

This is certainly not the result Ouyang wanted.

Looking back, all the brothers in the project team were there.

There is also Xu Ge from the engine department.

I remembered that Tian Zhong told him Ouyang: For people like them, chance is sometimes more important than fate.

Su Qing realized that Ouyang was not simply drinking too much.

He felt that this adjustment would extinguish his heart.

Especially his resignation has strangled his hope.

He was unwilling to do this, unwilling to admit this reality.

He wanted to continue to work hard and fight his life.

Although I have hinted, this kind of superficial statement cannot make up for the doubts and confusion in my heart.

Look at the others.

Su Qing understood that now he is not alone, but a group of brothers.

heavy responsibility.

He is obliged to tell them his current true thoughts, although they are not yet mature.

"Go out to smoke?" Tian Zhong asked him.

Su Qingyue nodded, and the two left the emergency room.

It's colder outside.

He thought, taking the smoke from Tian Zhong.

Wang Xinjie also walked out and took one.

Take a deep breath.

The white smoke spiraled up under the incandescent lamp, slowly disappearing in the dark night sky outside the light source.

Tanaka said, "You also watched, these brothers need you."

"I know." Su Qingyue replied.

"Not everyone has the ability to be alone, they need a team, they need guidance..." He said, "You said, you will bring your brothers together!"

"I will." Su Qingyue said, already secretly determined.

Take this group of brothers into the golden age.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "There are some things you have to say to your brothers. The clearer you can say, the better."

"You said." Tian Zhong nodded.

"First, now that everyone has drunk, it's easy to get emotional. I want to tell everyone not to make impulsive decisions and make irrational decisions. Keep the status quo now." He said, looking at Tanaka.

The latter nodded.

He continued: "Second, I have an idea, but I am not yet mature. Blindly leading you to attack an unknown target is tantamount to pushing my brothers into the flames. This is not my style or the right approach." He said, adding : "So as I said just now, keep the team stable and wait for me! Before that, any dissatisfaction and out-of-competence behaviors are out of the question."

"Don't worry! Boss! We must wait for you!"

There was a rush of sounds from behind.

Both men and women.

Su Qing turned around more violently, only then did he notice that everyone had come out.

Standing at the door.

The eye circles are all red.

I didn't want to repeat anything.

But in the end I couldn't help saying: "Thank you! It is my luck to have you in my life!"

After he spoke, a shout suddenly came from the corridor.

It's Ouyang's voice.

Everyone immediately rushed back to the ward.

Seeing Ouyang sitting up, he shouted: "Boss! Do you want me?"

He said nothing and wanted to get out of bed.

Zhou Ziyou hurriedly pressed him, and even Xiaoxue shouted next to him: "Be careful of the needle!"

Su Qingyue had experience and turned off the infusion set immediately.

Then Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie also stepped forward to hold him.

Ouyang continued yelling: "Don't stop me! I'll go to the boss!"

"I'm here." Su Qingyue said: "Lie down quickly!"

He walked over.

Ouyang was taken aback, and immediately swears: "Boss~www.ltnovel.com~ Bring me, I will definitely try my best!"

"I know, you infused first." He said.

Only then did Ouyang lie down.

But the needle ran, and the hand immediately swelled.

The nurse came in and could only change the other hand for infusion.

As soon as he was about to go out, looking at a dozen of them, the nurse said: "You people are too noisy, just leave two or three in bed. And he will be fine in three hours, not so many people!"

"Let's all go back! I'll be there with Ziyou."

Su Qingyue let everyone leave.

After arguing a little, Tanaka also decided to stay.

The rest left.

Su Qingyue returned Lian Xiaoxuedian's medical expenses to him.

Send everyone out to see her and Xu Ge together, sweet and sweet, Xiaoniao Yiren.

Su Qingyue smiled and said, "Xu Ge, you have to cherish it."

"Haha, don't worry, that's for sure." Xu Ge laughed and leaned close to him: "I feel that this time the celebration, I am the only one who has gained." He said and laughed, then said: "However, I will not Waiting for you, because my resignation letter went in the morning."

"When did it happen?" Su Qing asked more surprised.

"A few days ago, I was going to tour the Falcon." He said, shaking hands with Su Qingyue: "But it's still a brother."

"Of course." Su Qingyue nodded.

They left without saying a word.

Look at their back, disappearing outside the street lamp.

Sighed and returned to the emergency room.

Ouyang was still sleeping, but much quieter.

Zhou Ziyou next to him said, "Teacher Hetian, too, go back. I'm alone."

"No, I'm here with you."

Su Qingyue said, sitting down slowly.

Next to Teacher Tian took out his mobile phone and started playing a snake.

They stayed with Ouyang until the dawn outside.

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