Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 322: : Changed the world

   The next day, it was sunny again.

   The blue sky of Beidaihe is like washing, and the blue sky is against the blue sea.

   Everything yesterday seems to have never happened.

   Everyone is smiling and nodding to each other.

   In the morning, I went to see the Olympic Park with my brother from the project team.

  I saw a lot of people who practice skating.

   Discuss this, and the player corrects him. This project is called: Flat Fancy.

   made a circle there.

   I had a simple meal at noon.

   Su Qingyue decided not to go back with the car this afternoon.

   I wanted to buy a train ticket with Zhou Ziyou, but found that there were only a few trains to Pingjing passing northeast.

   And they are all local trains, and there are no seats.

   The rest of the trains are out of time.

   had to buy a long-distance bus.

   suddenly found the feeling of buying a ticket home in college.

   I missed Amu a little bit.

   Miss Huaiwen and Nandu.

   When I got on the bus, I looked back at this seaside city.

   The sea breeze flicked the green trees, clashed.

   The temperature has picked up again.

   He remembered the word he wanted to write Tanaka: Change the world...

   He knew he would too.

   asked Zhou Ziyou: "How do you celebrate the National Day?"

   "My sister gets married, I have to go back, I must stay a few days." He said, "But if you call me..."

   "I won't call you, you should have a good rest." Su Qingyue said hurriedly.

   The car started.

   The temperature of the bus is moderate.

   just the sunlight came in, a little dazzling.

   Someone in front of me talked about it being too cold and wearing less clothes.

   At this time, Zhou Ziyou said: "Then my country will leave after the celebration."

   "My friend, thank you."

   "What are you talking about? Boss?" Zhou Ziyou rolled his eyes.

   The two smiled comprehensibly.

   The phone rang, and he looked down at a text message.

   From Jiao Kejun, it says: Thank you, please contact me more.

   The car went around Beidaihe for a while, and finally drove onto the highway.

   Familiar singing sounded in the carriage.

   "The wind is lingering in the night, looking back at the old days alone.

   is the old me, full of anger.

   False accusations and accusations, the backlog is full of anger

   reacted very tightly to the rumors.

   learned the lesson and got the guidance of the book.

   has been able to see through, no longer trapped himself.

   But I feel that I have scores, and I am not as stupid as before. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   wipe the tears, smile briskly..."

   A song "Silence is Golden" made him sink into it.

   My mood is soothed a lot.

   read the text message again.

   This ending is indeed good for him and for Jiao Kejun. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   smiled helplessly.

   finally gave him a reply: ":

   The speed of the commercial vehicle bus is slower than when it came.

   was bored in the car and noticed that Zhou Ziyou was playing psp, but it did not seem to be a game.

   I looked carefully and found that it was a novel.

   "Online novel?" He asked Zhou Ziyou.

   "Yes, it's very exciting," Zhou Ziyou explained, and continued to turn the page, saying: "They write this really well now, like watching a TV show every day." He smiled and continued to turn the page.

   Su Qingyue listened and couldn't help nodding.

   asked the name, and was going to study it later.

   Zhou Ziyou asked again at this time: "Don't you watch it usually?"

   "I just finished watching "Kill That Fairy", and now I am chasing a few on Xuanhuan.com," he said, turning the page again.

   I feel that more and more people around me are reading online novels.

   is more serialized every day to satisfy free time.

   It is more painful to chase.

   is really interesting.

   chatted with Zhou Ziyou for a while, and then fell asleep.


   There is no dream, only the sun is dazzling, and there is no sunshade.

   The car stopped.

   There are people walking in the aisle from time to time.

   seems to be in the rest area.

   ignored these, and continued to sleep.

When    woke up again, the light was dim, and the afterglow of the setting sun drenched the sky.

   The car stopped again and finally got off the highway.

   He just stretched out.

   Seeing that the road ahead was quickly blocked, it took more than an hour to arrive at the site.

   When I got out of the car, I felt a rush.

   Looking around, I realized that this place is not far from the old address of Dongfang.com.

   is the East Fourth Ring Road.

   took a taxi, and it was more than an hour.

   Counting the time, Su Qingyue sighed in the big city: "I go to Beidaihe for the time I consume on the road every day."

   I didn't expect the driver to interrupt again.

"Hey! Isn't this too many people from other places? Just give them away! I am comfortable driving." He said, the car moved forward again, and the driver said: "Look at this one. What a car! It’s dead! Go ahead!" He almost shouted!

   Su Qingyue couldn't help holding his forehead, regretting to speak a little more.

   sent Zhou Ziyou, and it took another half an hour before finally getting off the bus.

  The familiar smell of barbecue came.

   through the crowd sitting around the street.

   went home.

   Amou was in front of the computer, concentrating on writing.

   I stopped and started again when I watched her.

  Su Qingyue wanted to wait for her to finish writing, and then tell her about her resignation.

   sat down and asked: "What do you write about?"

"Letter of resignation!" Amu said, looking back at him, and then leaving the computer, saying, "Isn’t it just saying before, do things well and leave? I think it’s almost the same." She said, sitting next to him, again Added: "There must be an end, right?"

   "You are right, there must be an end to everything."

   Su Qingyue nodded thoughtfully, agreeing with her point of view.

   asked: "Then take a good rest for a while." He said, and asked: "Just think about what you will do in the future. Next time, you must be optimistic about the people and the company before making a decision."

"I've already thought about it," Amu said, "I'm going to make money only on my own ability in this life. I'm not going to do anything like executives. It's too tired." She said, sighing: "This time I was hit hard, I knew a lot, and realized how difficult it is for you to be in focus."

   It is rare that she has so much emotion.

   Su Qing smiled and said, "No matter how difficult it is, there will be a time when it is over~www.ltnovel.com~ this is not the problem."

"what is that?"

"It's the two of us who can't both live in intrigue, there must be sunshine, otherwise, how will we live in the future?" She said, after thinking about it, she said: "And in the future we will have children, and life must have A priority. I only need a job that matches my abilities."

   She said, Su Qingyue nodded.

   After thinking about it, he vowed to say: "Leave it to me in the future!"

   "Of course it's yours, you are a man! I was chasing you out at the beginning!" Ah Mu acted like a baby.

   Su Qing laughed more.

   said again: "But I also have good news, I want to tell you!"

"what news?"

   "I resigned!"

   Su Qing Yue spoke, Ah Mou's eyes widened.

   "Everything must have an end." Borrowing Amu's words, he said, "Only in this way can there be a new beginning."

   "Hmm!" Ah Mou nodded in understanding.

   The two huddled together.

  Su Qingyue felt that two bright and beautiful people, together, apart from lingering affection, relaxed and happy.

   very important point.

   is to be able to hug tightly when scarred.

   Looking forward to tomorrow together.

  Su Qingyue finally said: "Today is a day worth celebrating. Let's go to the spicy lady, boil the bullfrog with water to celebrate our resignation!" He said, and Amu laughed happily.

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