Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 323: : Auntie arrived

   They had a good time that day.

   The mood was not affected by the resignation storm.

   What Jiao Kejun, what Li Lin, Gao Yanhai, do not deserve to disturb the rare good mood.

   Amu happily told him that his mother arrived in Beijing on the afternoon of the first.

   So they planned a holiday play plan.

   In addition to the Temple of Heaven, the Forbidden City, and the Summer Palace, Amou also wanted to go to the Happy Valley theme park.

   Su Qingyue naturally agreed.

   In addition to these, Su Qingyue also wanted to buy a Dopod phone during the festival.

   He discovered that since Zhou Ziyou had this mobile phone, some urgent affairs were handled on the mobile phone.

   He feels that although such a mobile phone is not as convenient as a computer, it is at least much better than a feature phone.

   After everything was done, Su Qingyue suggested that he should go back and clean the house.

   He knew in his heart that besides visiting her daughter, the mother-in-law also had the purpose of reconfirming herself.

   So this is a very important inspection, related to the future of him and Amou.

   All work must be done in front.

   They went home and started to clean up. Cleaning and wiping were all routine, mainly in the kitchen and bathroom.

   Brother Guang was shocked when he heard the noise coming out of the house: "Is this the sun coming out from the west?"

   "Mother Amo is coming, so please clean up first and wash the things that should be washed during the day." Su Qingyue explained.

   Brother Guang immediately understood: "Then you can sleep in my room these few nights."

   Then he also started to help.

   Clean up the kitchen with Su Qingyue.

Talking about Song Xiaoxuan, he sighed, "I'll just go, but this round of investment negotiations takes a long time, and it takes us quite a long time." He said, "Some provisions must be discussed clearly. I only know now, myself. It’s more tiring than going out to work, and what’s tiring is the heart."

"I recently resigned and there is nothing to do, so I participated in this round of negotiations. I have some new ideas. The community is very hot but the means of monetization and ability are insufficient, so investors are mainly concentrated in this place." He stopped. Come down and throw the rag.

  Looking at Ge Guang and listening, so he continued.

"If we combine the perception and stickiness of community users with the current free model. Using community credibility to facilitate the transaction of virtual items, this concept may be a problem for investors and the company’s actual revenue. Very important model."

   He said, at the same time he is perfecting his thoughts for a while.

   "But I only have one direction. In the past few days, we have concentrated on the team to brainstorm and come up with specific ideas and implementation details. In the next round of negotiations, we throw out this concept, and this round should be quickly concluded." He said.

   "Great, this is a step forward," he said, suddenly remembering the first thing in his words, and asked: "By the way, you resigned?"

   "We both resigned." Su Qing laughed.

   "I..." Brother Guang made an interjection for a moment, and then said, "It's too cool."

   They sighed and continued to work.

   After a while, he asked Song Xiaoxuan again, "What do you think she thinks?"

"I really can't guess it now." Su Qing responded more clearly: "Is she because the child contacted you, or has feelings for you, or both." After speaking, he smiled and said: "So In any case, you need to go there to know."

   "Then I can only wait."

   Brother Guang sighed helplessly.

   The more Su Qing understands the feeling of not falling into the ground, it will make people continue to scrutinize the slightest clue.

  Some may not be clues at all.

   All this is just to relieve inner anxiety.

   He said, and went on to work again.

   Brother Guang suddenly remembered something, approached him and whispered, "But I also ask you."

"you said."

   "The mother-in-law's inspection is very important."

   "Of course, of course." Su Qingyue nodded.

   "My senior sister and I also became worse and worse because of his mother's inspection." He said: Pat Su Qingyue on the shoulder: "You must be careful."

"But I don't think it's time to buy a house. Her mother mentioned it to Amou before, and I'm afraid I will mention it again this time." ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ. còм

   "This is not the key," Brother Guang waved his hand: "The real key is that you have to let the elderly see that you are a responsible and willing person."

   he said last.

   Su Qingyue was startled.

   realized in an instant that Amu's mother came to see that it was not that they had cleaned up the house.

   It's whether my daughter is at ease.

   Is Su Qingyue reliable?

   The direction in his heart suddenly became clear.

   Going to bed at night, Amou asked him: "I'm actually a little scared."

"afraid of what?"

   "I am afraid that my mother will feel very distressed when seeing our current life." She said.

   Su Qingyue immediately hugged her and said, "I understand, I understand..." I understand A Mou's worries, just like how I felt when I left my parents to Nandu. Any filial son or daughter actually reports the good and not the worry, and can't help but sigh: "I won't let my aunt down."

   ignored him.

At this time, Amu was melancholy again: "Su Qingyue, are you right that we came to Pingjing?" She said, "I sometimes think, if we are at home, maybe we are not so tired. There are not so many intrigues. , Actually quite happy." She said, turning to look at him.

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Because the place is small, everything is calm." Su Qingyue said, telling her about the various struggles in the newspaper before. Some Amo knew about it, and finally concluded: The demon wind is strong, and Chiqian has many kings."

   Of course, there is still something to say.

  The reason why she feels relaxed in her hometown is simply because her parents bear most of the pressure.

  After my parents leave, I look back and realize that life is not so easy at all.

   Ah Mou finally sighed: "Anyway, what you say makes sense. It depends on what my mom thinks, that's the key." He said, and finally said, "And it's just that you cook for the past few days!"

   "Haha! Don't worry about this! As long as you don’t dislike it. And this time it’s definitely better than when I left ChinaNet..." Su Qing laughed and asked, "What else is there?"

   "Also, my mother is here, and I am going to apologize to you and squeeze in Brother Guang's room..."

   "No problem, didn't Brother Guang talk about everything just now." Su Qingyue finished speaking and looked at Amu.

   Ah Mou's eyes changed, like a vicious little wolf.

   Su Qingyue saw this and suddenly laughed.

   The wind is blowing outside the window.

   First, there were waves of light dancing breeze, quietly skimming over, turning over the clothes of pedestrians, teasing the leaves on the road.

   After a while, the wind became stronger, and the usual serious branches swayed wildly, making familiar sounds.

   The wind from the north comes just as it says, but this is also the best companion for the pride of the autumn night...

   After washing, the two lie down on the bed again. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   Ah Mou finally said~www.ltnovel.com~ You must behave better! "Then gradually fell asleep.

  Su Qingyue looked at the ceiling, and understood the importance of Amu's mother to him.

   Of course, on the other hand, respect for family is another expression and embodiment of love.

   There was no dream all night, and when they got up the next day, they went on to clean up again.

   The day before the festival, Su Qingyue went to Xiguancun and bought himself a Dopod.

   surprised that mobile phones have become more and more like computers.

  Many operations can be performed.

  He started to read novels on it.

   also thinks about his future.

   On the afternoon of the 1st, he and Amou got into Dongshan's car to pick up her mother.

   When I arrived at the station, I saw various tour groups.

   Various flags are on display, and there are huge crowds.

   found the exit and kept looking inside.

   The number of trains they were waiting for was heard from the horn.

   Most of them are tourist.

   I can't find Amou's mother.

   Su Qingyue deliberately stood a little further away, trying to see more comprehensively.

   At this moment, Ah Mou suddenly cried out cheerfully.

   "Mom! Here!"

   Then, he saw Ami wave his arms and rushed forward two steps.

   hugged mother all at once and laughed.

   Su Qingyue walked over at this time, smiled and said, "Hello, Auntie."

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