Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 324: : 1 false alarm

   was going to take a taxi.

   But Amo’s mother said it was too expensive and she had to take the bus.

   Knowing that this was the kindness of the elders, and looked at Amou, who quietly spit out his tongue.

   also praised the beauty of mother's hot head.

   stepped out of the station and went to the bus stop on the east side.

  Because it is a holiday, there are many people traveling at the station.

   is very crowded coming and going.

   lined up for a while, and finally squeezed into a double-decker bus with a special prefix.

   Find a seat on the first floor and sit down.

   The car has not started yet, but the car is already overcrowded.

Ami’s mother smiled and said to Su Qingyue: “Pingjing is good everywhere, but there are so many people.” She said, turning to look at her daughter, and then asked: “Xingmo, do you usually work, do you have so many people? "The words are full of maternal concern, with paternalistic distress.

   "No, this is not a holiday."

   Ami smiled and lied.

   Su Qingyue is fortunate to take the bus. Otherwise, if the taxi driver makes trouble, any lies will be exposed.

   Looking at Ah Mou, he couldn't help but smile.

   After a while, the car finally started and drove out of the bus station slowly.

   U-turned on the bridge, drove for a while, turned right and drove north.

   Amo chatted with her mother and introduced her to the scenery along the road from time to time.

   But my mother was obviously not interested, so she finally said: "It's no different from Nandu, and the greening is not as good as ours." She couldn't help but shook her head, sighed, and looked at Su Qingyue: "It's not as good as Jianghai, right?"

   "Well, Jianghai is indeed a bigger city." Su Qingyue smiled back.

   Ah Mou pursed his mouth and said, "I don't like Jiang Hai."

   With a word of her, Su Qingyue knew what it meant.

   It's not that she doesn't like the city of Jianghai, but her relatives.

   A little embarrassed, Su Qingyue said nothing.

   Amo’s mother smiled and chatted with Su Qingyue about some personnel changes in the newspaper.

   He listened and nodded from time to time.

   Thinking of the conflicts with some people in the past, now I jump out and look again, I think it's just that.

   is really suddenly enlightened.

   He suddenly felt that it was a very right thing to leave the focus.

   But strangely, Amu’s mother never mentioned the Three Kingdoms from beginning to end.

   As if this had never happened before.

   Su Qingyue's hanging heart, always waiting for her.

   But she didn't mention a word.

   I remembered that I secretly left Nandu.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   When she received a call from her old man, she didn't even mention that she left secretly.

   At this point, he was convinced of Amu's mother, and could always calm down.

   makes you feel the invisible pressure.

   The car continued to move forward.

  Because of the traffic jam, he always walked around and swayed, and after a while, Ah Mo fell asleep.

   Su Qingyue is very energetic.

   I heard from Amo’s mother that when she was a child, Amo took pictures in the most memorable place.

   Su Qingyue smiled and said, "Auntie, let's go there tomorrow, or take a photo with Amu. It's just to compare the one she had when she was a child, and print it out and put it at home."

   "Qingyue, your idea is good." Mother Amu said, laughing.

   The car continued to drive, and it took almost an hour and a half to arrive at the station.

   They called Amu.

   got out of the car and walked home.

   Amo’s mother took a lot of Nandu specialties, from salt water ducks to Amo’s favorite chrysanthemum brain.

   Su Qing carried it, feeling a little heavy.

A new old Pingjing restaurant opened next to   , and they asked Amo’s mother if he wanted to eat in the restaurant.

   As a result, Amu's mother disagreed.

   Su Qingyue then said: "Then I will do it, it just so happens that Auntie also tastes my craft."

   "Okay." Amu's mother smiled.

  The three of them returned home.

When    entered the door, Su Qingyue was still very nervous.

   Thinking about the character of Amo’s mother, the room will be dark and the orientation is not good.

   Wait for her to speak.

   But she didn't say anything for a long time, just asked Su Qing to put things down.

   Then I visited it myself.

   said, "Did I clean up before I came?"

   "Mom, for sure." Amou blushed.

   "Okay, better than living in a single dormitory when I and your dad." She smiled.

   Three people chatted.

   Brother Guang also came out to say hello.

   Greetings everyone.

   Su Qingyue looked at his watch. It was almost six o'clock, so he went out to buy groceries with Brother Guang.

   I want to be able to get along with her mother alone.

  Walking out of the yard, Brother Guang asked him: "I think the old lady is very nice, not like that kind of particularly picky."

   "People are very nice." Su Qingyue said: "I took good care of me when I was in Southern Capital."

"Then you two talked like a test." Brother Guang laughed, "makes me think it's like Peng Qingmin's mother." He said, sighing, as if he suddenly remembered something: "Yes, she recently Did you contact you? I said my ex-girlfriend, your senior sister."

   "She contacted me?"

   "She asked you to call you some time ago, I don't know what's wrong." Guang Ge said.

   "Didn't she have my phone?" Su Qing asked in surprise.

   "Who knows, I guess it's because you are a big celebrity now, so I must have something to do with you."

   As they said, they walked into the supermarket.

   I don't know what the elder sister will do if she finds herself.

  Su Qingyue found that emotionally, he was no longer on her side.

   lowered his head and turned on the newly purchased mobile phone to find out the recipe to be made.

   select the ingredients one by one based on this.

   includes a live sea bass, he is going back to steam it.

   He has already practiced very well in this regard.

   then specially chose two or three kinds of northern dishes.

   The two were chatting and strolling casually, and didn't go home with Guangge until about half past six.

   came in and found that Amo’s mother had already installed the special products she had brought with her~www.ltnovel.com~ She asked Brother Guang to try it.

   Su Qingyue went to cook immediately.

   Seeing that they were coming back from the supermarket, Amu’s mother said, “Qingyue, I will still go to the vegetable market in the future. The food in the supermarket is expensive, and the main ones are not very fresh.”

   "Understand." Su Qingyue nodded and began to prepare.

   Amu's mother was worried, and watched by the side.

   said from time to time: "I have made progress, and I know that I have to prepare all the materials first, so I don't panic." Amu's mother was satisfied and continued to watch. Knowing that he is going to make steamed sea bass, he gave him instructions, "The last step is to sprinkle with shredded green onions and chilies, and then pour hot oil."

   Su Qingyue nodded from time to time.

   Do what Amo’s mother said.

   Finally, plates of dishes came out.

   Although Su Qingyue is not so agile, overall his performance is quite satisfactory.

   Then everyone sat down.

   The three people toasted to welcome Amu's mother, and Amu and her drank some red wine.

   Su Qingyue and Guang Ge drink beer.

   Everyone clink glasses.

   Amo’s mother said, “Yes, yes, both of you can cook. It’s very important. Don’t go out to eat. All the dishes outside are fed with MSG and spices.” She said, and went to pick up other dishes. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   and Amou looked at each other for a moment.

   Seeing her brilliant smile, Su Qing understood her heart and finally relaxed.

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