Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 330: : It's not that the enemies don't get together

   became nervous instantly.

   Although Zhong Tankai didn't notice it, he still exchanged business cards with himself and laughed.

  I heard Li Yonghao say: "Old Zhong, Qingyue also wants to thank you."

   "Oh? Really?" Zhong Tankai asked.

   "Yes, you introduced me to Mr. Li, so that we can cooperate in the future." Su Qingyue said, "Thank you."


   Zhong Tan Kai nodded again.

   Obviously, he forgot about it.

   But I stopped further questioning, and only said that I have something to say in the future. Then he finally turned his gaze to Zhou Guang, "This is?" He said, and handed his business card again: "I am Zhong Tankai and I work at Xingxing.com."

   "This is the CEO of Mingxing.com." Li Yonghao added.

   Brother Guang froze there.

It took a long time to say: "Oh...oh...I...I'm doing a website." He stuttered and looked unnatural, even his smile became stiff, and he pulled his own from his pocket. The business card was handed up: "Zhou...Zhou Guang, I am now working on the "World for Hegemony" community."

   Look at his nervous look.

   Su Qingyue felt that Brother Guang was suffocating.

   seemed to be ready at all times to meet the old fist thrown by Zhong Tankai.

   But nothing happened.

Zhong Tankai just took his business card and said, "Community content station?" He was surprised: "I know you, a very successful website for game fans. Your ability to dig deep is very strong, allowing people to see the depth of the game. Earnings." He said, smiling, as if he didn't recognize Brother Guang at all.

   But Su Qingyue thinks this is not easy.

   How could he not know the name of Brother Guang.

   Even if I didn’t know it before, it’s not difficult to find out with his industry resources after it happened.

   Don’t you really know?

   could not help but squeeze a sweat for Brother Guang, but Zhong Tankai still smiled.

   It feels like a different person.

   The last time he saw him at Lao Lei, there was still arrogance in his eyes.

  The speech, talk and manners are also brought out.

   But now there is nothing on his face, only infinite peace.

   I don’t know if I don’t remember, or because of the incident with Song Xiaoxuan.

   Su Qingyue decided to talk to Brother Guang and ask him to be cautious.

   But I can’t take care of it now.

  A few more people greeted us. They are famous investors.

   Listening to Li Yonghao's introduction, everyone shook hands and exchanged business cards.

   chatted for a while.

   At this time, Zhan Peng, the new CEO of Falcon, walked over, with Jiang Zhengshang, their vice president and producer of "Ba Bu Zhan Ji" behind him.

   Seeing Su Qingyue's face embarrassed, the latter nodded slightly.

   Li Yonghao said half jokingly: "I don't need to introduce this, right?"

Zhan Peng and Su Qingyue shook hands and said, "I told Lao Jiang a long time ago, let him find you through the previous relationship with Hualuo, let's chat and learn from the experience..." He said, apparently he didn't know his and Jiang Zhengshang's relationship. Relationship, I heard him say: "Now you two should know each other? You are both Lao Hualuo."

   He told Su Qingyue and Jiang Zhengshang to introduce each other.

   Ye fell aside and watched.

   The two even exchanged business cards.

   Su Qingyue also said: "We will have dinner together another day."

   "Good." Jiang Zhengshang nodded.

   The whole person is stiff, even with a smile, but also an awkward smile.

   Then someone came over again.

   Before Li Yonghao introduced, Su Qingyue proactively stretched out his hand and said, "No need to introduce, I know who he is." He said and laughed: "Open Sesame, Wang Liang, President Wang, right?"

   "Very correct." The man laughed.

Su Qingyue said again: "This is my idol. I have read your speech and realized that the premise of life change is to never be satisfied and never stop..." He said, "And the public relations you mentioned It's like writing poems to lovers, these are all things I believe in." He said, noticing that the commander came over at this time.

   Several people talked and laughed suddenly.

   Except for the last thing.

   Su Qingyue also made an appointment with him alone for a drink.

   The coach is wearing a Ralph Lauren POLO shirt today.

   The hair grew longer and became partial.

   I also grew my beard, which is very different from before.

   After knowing that they are Huaiwen fellows.

   When Wang Liang told Su Qingyue to return to Huaiwen or Nandu, he could drop by Zhima to open the door.

   A group of people joked, "Brother, that's not called Shun Lu. Southern Metropolis is still far away from you."

   "You are also Sima Zhao's heart."

   "Qingyue, Pingjing is your home, don't run around." Someone said so.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Everyone was laughing.

   Thinking back to him for the first time, most people just talked a few words and then turned to talk to other people.

   But now they are so enthusiastic, which makes him a little embarrassed.

   felt a little trance.

   At this time, Li Yonghao introduced him to someone again.

   "Liang Yong, vice president of Huixing." He said: "HuaLuo and you are the enemy."

"It's just a competitive relationship." Liang Yong explained with a smile: "I have a very good relationship with Chen Feng, and we still drink together." He said, and Su Qingyue again, said: "Brother, please contact me more often. What can I do? Just talk." After he spoke, Su Qingyue noticed that Wang Rui was following him.

  Remembered instantly, Ye Luo introduced him to Jiang Hai.

   A language genius.

   Proficient in multiple programming languages.

   He also wants to make a game, but it doesn't match everyone's goal.

   What Wang Rui wants to do is a match-3 game.

   He believes that there will be a huge market for casual games in the future.

   chatted with Liang Yong for a while.

   shook hands with Wang Rui again and said it had been a long time.

   Ye Luo also interjected, and they must gather together these days.

   At this moment, a male voice suddenly came from behind: "I think you are fat!" He was very familiar, and when he turned his head, he saw Liu Hao walking over, exaggerating the LV show money. He came up and shook hands with Su Qingyue, and said: "Brother, it doesn't matter if I resign, I will make arrangements for you in Jianghai." New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   The two chatted for a while.

   Liu Hao promised to drink with Su Qingyue these two days.

  The people next to them can't help but envy their relationship.

   even said: "Liu Tianjun has his nephew ~www.ltnovel.com~ to have relationships with various people, which is really helpful."

   They said.

  Su Qingyue knows that the recent "World for Hegemony" represented by Qicai is gaining momentum.

   At this time, Li Yonghao looked at the time and said: "Qingyue, time is almost up, shall we start?"


   Su Qingyue nodded.

   Ye Luo immediately went to check the register.

   Confirmed that there was no problem, he signaled that it was OK.

   So they greeted everyone to take their seats, and the big screen fell.

   Su Qingyue had already handed the U disk to the staff.

Li Yonghao stepped onto the stage and preached: "Thank you brothers and sisters for participating in the elite meeting. Today, we specially invited Mr. Su Qingyue, a new elite in the Internet industry." Applause immediately rang out, and he said: "Mr. Not only has he made some achievements in the game circle, in fact, he has a great influence on our entire Internet circle. Especially the Three Kingdoms he created, which surprised four people..."

   Listening to him, everyone applauded again.

Then Li Yonghao said again: "Let him talk about the free model and the "Three Kingdoms" that is popular on the Internet. Because what we have heard before is all popular products that satisfy the mass media. This time he will Bringing us a lot of dry goods, it will have a lot of inspiration and influence on everyone here."

   After speaking, he made a please gesture.

   Su Qingyue stepped onto the stage at this time.

   The applause rang like thunder.

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