Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 331: : Thinking

"Although Mr. Li talked about the free model, many people will also have expectations in this regard, but my theme today has nothing to do with free." After thanking everyone, Su Qingyue said, "Because of a model. Success is not decisive. I think it is the users that can determine the life and death of an enterprise."

After he spoke, open the first page of the slide.

Begin to talk about the specific thinking process about the Three Kingdoms.

This is much more detailed than the previous speech.

The "I speak for myself" time, mainly focused on the story behind the entrepreneurship.

In fact, the whole idea is not detailed.

But this time is different, every sentence is dry.

It's all about looking back, thinking and reflecting after success.

When talking about young people and users, he said: “We have to think about a question, who are our users? What are the universal laws behind the success of the model.” He said, and emphasized: “If this If the law is established, will we know more about users who we can’t see.”

He said, watching the people in the audience taking notes.

The PPT keeps turning pages.

In order to regulate his emotions, he would tell jokes from time to time.

At that time, he came up with this idea and referred to other cases.

He even took a self-derogatory meal and said, "In the eyes of most people, I am joking, but it is actually true." He said, "There is really no way. There are no doors and windows. There is no way to go. I was thinking about smashing the wall, but found that I didn’t have money to buy a hammer! I finally figured out this way."

He said, and then brought the topic back to the thinking process itself.

Begin to mention the long-thinking big entertainment strategy.

It is said that entertainment is ubiquitous and common.

"The essence of games is entertainment. It is the most convenient, easiest and most affordable way of all forms of entertainment." He said, and went on: "The future direction of the game and its industry is the product as the core. , The operation of fans is guaranteed, and on this basis, a comprehensive and three-dimensional development of a large entertainment system is gradually derived and integrated."

Su Qingyue continued.

Discuss the grand entertainment strategy with reservations.

Now some companies also have this kind of concept.

But it is just a concept and lacks integration.

But the more Su Qing released the part, it shows that he is thinking more deeply than others.

It may even be integrated behind the scenes.

Everyone couldn't help whispering, even if he had reservations, they still seemed very interested.

Want to know what is behind this.

The whole lecture had already moved forward for more than half an hour without knowing it.

Finally, Su Qingyue concluded: "The free model is to lower the threshold for users to enter. I have already emphasized this in many speeches. But in addition, a good product and strategy is the key to getting closer to users. It’s like restaurants being open, and ultimately determining whether customers stay or not is not the payment model but the chef’s craftsmanship and service."

He said nothing and nodded.

Say thanks to everyone.

Then there was thunderous applause from the audience.

Wang Liang in the first row was discussing something with a few people.

Yue Lindao applauded very seriously, obviously thinking about something.

Then Li Yonghao stepped onto the stage and took the microphone and said, "Qingyue, I spoke very wonderfully. The Internet industry is a young industry, and the users we face are also very young, and will even have a greater proportion in future development. In this Under such circumstances, the grand entertainment strategy proposed by Qingyue is worthy of our consideration."

He said, look at the audience.

He smiled and said, "Then it's time to ask questions. You can pass a note or raise your hand to ask questions." He said, motioning to Ye Luo to raise the microphone with his hand, and then tour Falcon CEO Liang Yonghao Raising his hand without hesitation, Ye Luo handed him the microphone.

"I have a question," he said, "because you mentioned the grand entertainment strategy just now. I think this strategy must have a cultural foundation, such as the "Martial Arts World" back then, including our current game. But how do you solve it? What about the emptiness of roots? After all, there are so many rooted cultures."

"This question you have to ask the producer of the foundation, not me." Su Qingyue said, thinking of those fantasy novels, but did not say it, but used a big concept: "I believe that with the development of the Internet, There will be more cultural works that suit young people."

Liang Yong listened and nodded with a smile.

There is some bragging in his question, but at the same time there is a hint of worry, he wants to hear Su Qingyue's advice.

Of course the latter cannot be stated clearly.

Then someone raised their hand.

This time it was Zhong Tankai, and Ye Luo handed him the microphone.

The latter smiled and got up and asked: "Mr. Su, according to your statement, all game companies are not entertaining at present, although they have intentions. The ones that are truly capable are not game companies, but large platforms, because of their Enough capacity." He said: "Under this situation, how do you think a game company should survive."

I feel that his question is offensive.

It is easy for people to go wrong or reveal their thoughts.

Su Qing wakes up more and more.

Realizing that this question cannot be answered.

In other words, I can't tell my true thoughts.

So I thought for a moment, and just smiled back: "Mr. Zhong's words make sense. This is also the question I am thinking about. But I can't answer you now, so I can only give you an analogy. Just like your star network, you are Stars have built a platform, can they not survive?"

See him cleverly avoid a dangerous question.

Wang Liang next to him listened and couldn't help applauding.

He and the coach behind him didn't know what he was talking about, and the latter nodded from time to time.

Zhong Tankai also smiled.

But I can't tell what it means.

Su Qingyue was worried in his heart, feeling that he raised this question, not the question itself.

His starting point seems to be a deliberate attack.

Then Ye Luo gave the microphone to someone else.

Su Qingyue answered one by one.

He found that the position was different, and he had to be careful every time he answered a question.

At this time Jiang Zhengshang didn't say a word in the audience, just playing with his mobile phone.

In fact, everyone could see that the reason why Su Qingyue didn't answer many questions was not because he didn't understand.

But he wants to keep it secret.

I couldn't help but talk a lot, I don't know what he will do next.

It's almost time to look around. Li Yonghao came up at this time and announced the rest of the people were free to move around.

Follow him to see Wang Liang~www.ltnovel.com~ and nodded with Liang Yong.

Speaking a few words with other people.

Then he greeted the official members of the elite club on the second floor.

So everyone went up.

Liang Yong also patted Su Qingyue on the shoulder and said: "Qingyue, if you need it, just tell me that we are willing to be your backing. The position is also left for you. You can consider it during this period. Come on. When we have time, let's have a good chat."

"Good." Su Qingyue nodded.

Going up, I wanted to tell Brother Guang to wait for myself.

Looking back, he saw Jiang Zhengshang's face stiff, looking at himself.

Suddenly remembering that bet, I couldn't help but smile at him.

Thinking about it now, there is no need to make that bet.

Turned his head and went upstairs.

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