Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 332: : The true elite club

Those who can participate in the closed-door meeting of the Elite Club are all located in the core circle of the Li Yonghao Elite Club.

The number is small, only a dozen people in Pingjing.

There are only a few dozen in the country.

These people are elites from all walks of life in the entire Internet core circle, and they are very different from those on the periphery.

Most of them are at the CEO level.

Even if Liang Yong is the vice president, he is also the COO in Huixing, and he is the founder and spiritual leader of Huixing.

It can be said that since the closed-door meeting was established, they have not invited anyone below this level.

Some have made contributions, or are really recommended by industry leaders.

That's why Liu Hao came in.

Su Qingyue was very moved.

No matter how the society develops, the differences between people will show huge differences through different circles.

And an ordinary person wants to realize the circle transition.

In addition to reading and exams, you need to encounter huge dividends of the times, and capital and industry are in the air.

Fortunately, I met this era.

Thank you for your choice and persistence.

Su Qingyue believes that the professional rewards given to him by emerging industries are simply impossible for traditional industries.

Thinking of this, he strengthened his future thinking and direction.

As everyone went up, people around him kept talking around him.

Wang Liang also waited for him two steps specially: "Qingyue, do you have time these days? Let's sit down, and it happens that I won't leave these few days." He said, and said, "The coach always said you before. This time. I see, we have to sit down."

"Ok, yes."

Can be invited by idols.

Su Qingyue naturally has nothing to say, and Wang Liang is obvious to all regardless of his ability and resources.

Go up to the second floor.

The second floor is like a tea house, with a beautiful tea ceremony teacher sitting at the table.

Behind him is a written official: Jing.

The whole hall is the warm color of logs.

The sunlight outside the window shines in, forming a leisurely color.

Quietly, there is no sound.

Li Yonghao greeted everyone to sit down.

Many people are familiar with this place and greet the tea ceremony teacher.

Ye Luo introduced to Su Qingyue: "This person is a tea ceremony teacher specially invited by President Li, who really understands this aspect. Usually there are some tea ceremony classes, you can come and listen if you like."

Su Qingyue nodded and sat down.

Ye Luo introduced him again that this oolong tea is a tea tree from Mr. Li Dabao.

Su Qing nodded more and more.

On the right hand side, Liu Hao approached him: "Looking back and Zhou Guang, we can talk again. There are still many opportunities for cooperation."

"of course."

Su Qingyue nodded.

Qicai pays special attention to the community station of "Hegemony World".

Then Yue Lindao chatted with Wang Liang.

"I think your online trading system is very good, and it is very promising in the future."

"Well, we have been making greater efforts in this area, hoping to do better." After he said, he looked at Su Qingyue's mobile phone and said: "We just started an event at the beginning of the year. If you are cheated on payment , We pay in full. It is to increase the trust of this online transaction."

After other words, Huixing’s CEO also said: “We are now also launching a new upgrade package for online payment antivirus.”

Everyone chatted, Su Qingyue listened.

The tea ceremony teacher began to pour them tea one by one, smiling.

Su Qingyue noticed that her hands were very white.

Crystal clear.

And every action is as designed.

I couldn't help but sigh with this exquisiteness, no wonder it was specially invited.

At this time, Li Yonghao said: "Everyone, let me say a few words." After he said, he smiled and looked at everyone. When they were quiet, he said very politely: "First, let me talk about your needs and see if there are any What can help each other; secondly, Qingyue talks about his needs and sees what we can do for him."

He said nothing.

Everyone began to discuss the first topic.

Su Qingyue discovered that Li Yonghao has an ability, that is, his host can make people relax and listen to him. Su Qingyue had a meeting in the unit and knew that this was not an easy task.

Then he heard that Li Yonghao was linking Wang Liang and Huixing's Liang Yong.

He also linked the Falcon and several other VCs.

However, there are always people who will bring the topic back and return to Su Qingyue.

Li Yonghao had no choice but to proceed to the next topic.

An investor was straightforward: "Qingyue, just talk about your ideas. We know you are up for sale. But no matter what, we have to understand the specific ideas..."

"Big brothers, I really haven't figured it out yet." Su Qingyue said: "Because there are many details that need to be perfected to accomplish what I want, I have to solve these problems first."

"You can solve the problem with money." Another investor said, "You think Columbus just went to sea. How did he know that he could find the American continent? He thought it was an ancient country in the East."

"Qingyue, you don't have to think too clearly."

Zhan Peng, the CEO of Falcon next to him, said: "Brother, our Falcon also has a project, and the foundation is ready. You must also know that we have bought a lot of old gentlemen's copyrights. There is a lot of room for imagination in the future. You can still do yours. COO, how is it?"

Liu Hao smiled and said: "Zhan, although we have a strategic transformation, it does not mean that we have given up R&D and investment." He said, and explained: "The previous and focus issues are mainly that their performance has failed to meet the standards many times." After looking at Su Qingyue, the conversation suddenly changed: "If it doesn't work, you can set up a company in Pingjing."

Looking at them, you said something to me.

However, Zhong Tankai still didn't speak much, he seemed to be thinking about something.

At this time Yue Lindao smiled at Su Qingyue.

It was all silent, but the more Su Qing understood that Yue Lindao had already thought very clearly.

He took the tea cup from the tea master and took a sip.

I have to say that Li Yonghao's Dahongpao is indeed of high quality.

The taste is very good.

And the time of soaking is also appropriate, the fragrance lingers on the tip of the nose.

After a while, Li Yonghao interrupted, "Everyone, I have to talk about the third thing."

Stop talking, everyone.

"I'm also consulting everyone. I am going to invite Qingyue to become a full member of our elite club." He said: "According to the rules, we need two introducers. See who is willing to serve."

"Me!" Wang Liang said first.

Zhan Peng also followed: "We are enough."

Liu Hao said: "Big Brother, you didn't know each other before. Here I and Qingyue are in a very good relationship." He said, and said to Li Yonghao: "My recommendation with Mr. Yue must be more appropriate, because we all know enough. He has all dealt with."

Seeing that everyone wanted to fight, he recommended Su Qingyue.

Li Yonghao laughed and said, "Let's do it! How about Qingyue even if we recommend it together?"

Everyone agreed with his words.

At this time, Li Yonghao said: "Qingyue, we have to ask for leave if the elites will come, you have to remember this."

"no problem."

"I asked Ye Luo to send you the relevant rules."

"Okay." Su Qing smiled.

Li Yonghao looked around the crowd at last, UU read www.uukanshu. com said again: "Then let's have a ceremony tonight. No need to find any restaurant, just here, what will happen to the cold meal?" He said, looking at Su Qingyue.

The latter just said yes.

Next to Yue Lindao, he suddenly interjected: "It's no longer possible today. Qingyue and I have made an appointment and we are going to go out for a drink." He said, looking at Su Qingyue and said, "Why don't you change the day, because we have another appointment today? "He said, smiling and lighting a cigarette.

Su Qingyue was startled suddenly.

Look at him.

Immediately followed: "Well, I'm so sorry, I made an appointment with Mr. Yue a few days ago."

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other.

But I have to do it.

Then Yue Lindao looked at the time, and looked at Su Qingyue for a moment.

The two stood up at the same time to say goodbye to everyone and leave the elite club.

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